11.Sınıf İngilizce Sınav Soruları Çöz 20
Tebrikler - 11.Sınıf İngilizce Sınav Soruları Çöz 20 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%.
Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
Elvis Presley is - - - - the best-selling individual artist of all time, with over 500 million records sold.
considered | |
wanted | |
performed | |
bought | |
failed |
Soru 2 |
You can tell the age of a whale by - - - - the rings in its earwax.
spending | |
translating | |
typing | |
crushing | |
counting |
Soru 3 |
Advertisers spent more on digital ads than on traditional TV in 2017; - - - -.
over the years | |
for the first time ever | |
in the near future | |
until very recently | |
for centuries |
Soru 4 |
Your mobile phone has more computing power than the computers - - - - for the Apollo 11 moon landing.
fed | |
hold | |
done | |
recycled | |
used |
Soru 5 |
George Washington vaccinated his troops against smallpox, - - - -.
recovering the lost territories of Texas and New
Mexico | |
renaming hamburgers as "liberty sandwiches" to
promote patriotism | |
hurtling into a party while playing the violin and
crashing into a huge mirror | |
borning around midnight during a fierce lightning
storm | |
reducing a 17% death rate from the disease down to 1% |
Soru 6 |
If you have US$10 in your pocket and no debts, - - - -
one American consumes as many resources as 32
Kenyans | |
Americans collectively eat 100 pounds of chocolate | |
people in Africa have to walk an average of 3.7 miles
to collect water | |
the richest man in Asia dropped out of school at the
age of 15 | |
you are wealthier than 25% of Americans |
Soru 7 |
The Philippines has the slowest Internet speed in the entire Southeast Asian region with an average speed of 3.54 Mbps.
Verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe karşılığının bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz
Sahip olduğu 3.54 Mbps internet hızı ile Filipinler
Güneydoğu Asya’nın en yavaş internetini
kullanmaktadır. | |
Filipinler ortalama 3.54 Mbps ile bütün Güneydoğu
Asya bölgesinde en yavaş internet hızına sahiptir | |
3.54 Mbps internet hızına sahip olan Filipinler
Güneydoğu Asya bölgesinde bulunmaktadır. | |
Güneydoğu Asya’da bulunan Filipinler’in ortalama
internet hızı 3.54 Mbps’dir. | |
3.54 Mbps yavaş gibi görünse de GüneydoğuAsya’da
yer alan Filipinler için gayet iyi bir internet hızıdır. |
Soru 8 |
Yale Üniversitesi’nin yaptığı bir araştırmaya göre, kitap okuyan insanlar okumayanlara göre ortalama 2 yıl daha fazla yaşamaktadır.
VerilenİngilizcecümleninTürkçekarşılığınınbulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
Compared to the ones who do not read much, people
reading too many books live 2 years longer according
to Yale. | |
People who read books live an average of 2 years
longer than those who do not read at all, a Yale
research found. | |
Researchers from Yale claim that those who read
much live 2 years longer than the ones who do not
read a lot. | |
Some researchers from Yale stated that people who
read more than average people live 2 years longer.
| |
According to people from Yale, those who do not read
at all live 2 years longer than the ones who read a lot. |
Soru 9 |
(I) A computer is an electronic device that receives and processes information to produce the desired results. (II) It plays an important role in our lives. (III) Our life has become centered around computers and computerized systems. (IV) And it has different parts such as a system unit, monitor, keyboard, electronic-mouse, printer, speakers, CD drive, etc. (V) When it comes to games, the choices are almost unlimited.
Verilen metinde anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümlenin bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
III | |
II | |
IV | |
I | |
V |
Soru 10 |
The history of advance of science is the story of marvelous discoveries and inventions, each one more extra-ordinary than the others. Man has, since beginning, been very curious to know everything. He has been successful in flying in the sky like birds and also in fathoming the sea. Now he is curious to know about things above the earth, i.e. the heaven, the stars, the planets and the satellites. He wants to know about space and the solar world. Space scientists have invented rockets which move through space at enormously swift speed. They travel so fast that within a short time they reach beyond the gravitational pull of the earth and pass into limitless space. Space scientists of many countries have launched missiles that move at the speed of thousands of kilometers per hour.
We can infer from the passage that man’s curiosity
is only about the earth | |
affected the advance of science | |
is closely related to birds | |
makes man travel lingeringly | |
has made the heaven closer to man |
Soru 11 |
The history of advance of science is the story of marvelous discoveries and inventions, each one more extra-ordinary than the others. Man has, since beginning, been very curious to know everything. He has been successful in flying in the sky like birds and also in fathoming the sea. Now he is curious to know about things above the earth, i.e. the heaven, the stars, the planets and the satellites. He wants to know about space and the solar world. Space scientists have invented rockets which move through space at enormously swift speed. They travel so fast that within a short time they reach beyond the gravitational pull of the earth and pass into limitless space. Space scientists of many countries have launched missiles that move at the speed of thousands of kilometers per hour.
In order to reach beyond the gravitational pull of the earth you need - - - -.
to be fathoming the sea | |
to fly in the sky like birds | |
an enourmous swift speed in space | |
knowledge of birds and marine species | |
curioisty about history |
Soru 12 |
The history of advance of science is the story of marvelous discoveries and inventions, each one more extra-ordinary than the others. Man has, since beginning, been very curious to know everything. He has been successful in flying in the sky like birds and also in fathoming the sea. Now he is curious to know about things above the earth, i.e. the heaven, the stars, the planets and the satellites. He wants to know about space and the solar world. Space scientists have invented rockets which move through space at enormously swift speed. They travel so fast that within a short time they reach beyond the gravitational pull of the earth and pass into limitless space. Space scientists of many countries have launched missiles that move at the speed of thousands of kilometers per hour.
Thanks to rockets, space scientists - - - -.
could see the heaven | |
have succeded in traveling so fast | |
have discovered see creatures | |
tried to fly better than birds | |
could fathom the sea |
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