2014 e-YDS – 4 – İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular
Tebrikler - 2014 e-YDS – 4 – İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
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Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
The idea that you can discipline your mind and improve self-control through various techniques is something with which most of us would agree.
Most people agree that in order to improve the mind,
various techniques that require a lot of self-control need
to be employed | |
Many people believe that there needs to be a general
agreement on the type of techniques needed to discipline
your mind and improve self-control. | |
Most of us accept the fact that discipline and selfcontrol are both techniques that need to be worked on if
we want to improve our minds. | |
The majority of people support the notion that there
are certain techniques that can be employed to help us
have better self-control and a more ordered mind. | |
There is a general agreement that the mind can be
improved and self-control can be enhanced if people
have more of an idea about the multiple techniques
involved |
Soru 2 |
----, the World Wide Web is not the same thing as the Internet
Since the idea for the Web was born in 1989 | |
Because the Internet is the most important digital
service available | |
With the rapid spread of websites and browser
technology | |
Although many people treat them as synonymous | |
For it is as much a set of principles as a technology |
Soru 3 |
Meltem: - Television has failed to develop into a new form of meaningful communication. It communicates almost nothing worth being conveyed.
Önder: - So you mean it’s as if printing had been invented not in order to print the works of literature, but to print handbills, in order to advertise things we don’t need.
Meltem: - ----
Önder: - I agree. TV watching is mostly entertainment, aiming to distract us from conflicts but not encouraging us to solve them
Television has mostly been a means of exposing
audiences to adverts, and they affect them both in
negative and positive ways. | |
Critics point out that one-sixth of the time most
children spent awake is devoted to watching TV. | |
The reactions of viewers to a television show vary
greatly with regard to their age, gender or socioeconomic
level. | |
Many people say they don’t actually like watching TV,
but statistics show there is a sharp increase in the
number of viewers | |
Exactly. Television hasn’t achieved its potential as a
medium to spread information of use to citizens or to
raise awareness about problems. |
Soru 4 |
People tend to put less effort into task performance in groups than when alone ---- the task is involving and interesting or their contribution is clearly identifiable.
unless | |
until | |
as long as | |
as though | |
only if |
Soru 5 |
(I) Although Mediterranean cuisine is much heralded for its medicinal value, it is not the only cuisine that serves up a large helping of health. (II) Traditional Scandinavian offerings do, too, and a notable part of the benefits comes from cranberries. (III) Like cranberries, blueberries and bilberries are loaded with blue-red pigments that are potent antioxidants. (IV) A group of Nordic researchers recently studied 70 people who followed a healthy diet rich in cranberries. (V) Subjects showed an improved ratio of good to bad cholesterol and reduced inflammation
IV | |
I | |
II | |
V | |
Soru 6 |
Fairy tales are understood to be stories for children, - --- through millennia, with characters who are typical and common rather than unique and who embody good or evil in direct ways.
set ou | |
passed down | |
cut off | |
given in | |
blown up |
Soru 7 |
Yetenek ve başarı testleri arasındaki geleneksel ayrım, başarı testlerinin sınırlı bir süre içinde edinilen belli bilgilerin ve becerilerin ölçülmesi için tasarlanmış olmasıdır
With regard to the traditional distinction between the
ability and achievement tests, the latter promotes the use
of a restricted period of time to measure specific
knowledge and skills. | |
The traditional difference between ability and
achievement tests is the restriction of time in the latter,
which is designed to measure specific knowledge and
skills | |
The difference between ability and achievement tests
is that the latter one is traditionally designed to measure
specific knowledge and skills acquired in a certain period
of time | |
The designs of ability and achievement tests are
traditionally different, as the latter one is designed to
measure specific knowledge or skills acquired in a limited
period of time | |
The traditional distinction between ability and
achievement tests is that the latter is designed to
measure specific knowledge or skills that are acquired
over a restricted span of time. |
Soru 8 |
At the end of the 18th century, France was nearly bankrupt after a series of costly wars. ---- While the country faced starvation, King Louis XVI and the nobility lived in luxury, and rumours spread that they were storing grain that the poor desperately needed. The French people had heard how the Americans overthrew the rule of the British king in 1776, and as the poor grew more dissatisfied, they demanded change. In 1789, a sharp rise in the price of bread and heavy taxes caused people to take action and the French Revolution began.
To make matters worse, a bad harvest in 1788 left
much of the population short of food. | |
French society was basically divided into three classes
before the Revolution | |
Agricultural techniques used in France in the
18th century were comparable to that of other countries. | |
The new National Assembly promised to give power to
the common people. | |
Britain also had a ready supply of resources and raw
materials as well as plentiful food reserves. |
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