2015 e-YDS – 12 – İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular
Tebrikler - 2015 e-YDS – 12 – İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%.
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Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
(I) There are many things that humans cannot do – we cannot run like cheetahs, fly like eagles or echolocate insects like bats. (II) But the human contribution to the miracle of life is obvious: we are the originators of new ideas. (III) The ideas blended in our minds often contain sharp differences. (IV) We hit upon new ideas all the time, and they arise constantly in our minds. (V) They may also influence other minds and change the world.
III | |
IV | |
V | |
II | |
I |
Soru 2 |
Jeolojik kanıtlar iklim değişikliği sırasında yükselen deniz seviyelerinin erozyona sebep olmuş olabileceğini ve bu erozyonun okyanuslardaki kalsiyum ve potasyum gibi maddelerin seviyelerini arttırdığını gösteriyor..
According to geological evidence, rising sea
levels during the climate change may have
caused erosion that led to an increase in the
amount of substances like calcium and
potassium in the oceans. | |
Geological evidence suggests that rising sea
levels during the climate change must have
caused erosion, increasing the levels of
substances such as calcium and potassium in
the oceans. | |
Geological evidence shows that rising sea
levels during the climate change could have
caused erosion, and this erosion boosted the
levels of substances such as calcium and
potassium in the oceans. | |
It has been shown by geological evidence
that rising sea levels during the climate change
could have caused erosion that increased the
levels of substances like calcium and potassium
in the oceans. | |
Geological evidence shows that rising sea
levels triggered by the climate change might
have caused erosion that increased the amount
of substances like calcium and potassium in the
oceans. |
Soru 3 |
April: – Here is some good news about climate change. We might, unexpectedly, stay below 2°C of global warming.
Wendy: – What does this mean for the future?
April: – ----
Wendy: – Got it now. It'll give us a little more time to reduce gas emissions.
We will have to come up with more effective
solutions to cope with global warming. | |
Earth will warm more slowly over this century
than we thought it would. | |
Following decades will face some strange
consequences of climate change | |
We should have paid more attention to
climate change in the previous years. | |
Climate change is greatly responsible for the
sudden rise in sea levels. |
Soru 4 |
It is known that more than half of all personal aircraft accidents all around the world occur during takeoffs or landings. That is why inventor and entrepreneur Joe Ben Bevirt – known for designing airplane-like wind energy turbines – is intent on making runways obsolete. ---- No full-scale prototype exists yet, but Bevirt and his team have built about 10- pound models to demonstrate their concept works.
Although Bevirt has come up with a
remarkable invention, his previous work did not
draw much attention in scientific circles. | |
Bevirt has been given an Invention Award for
his personal electric airplane prototype which is
as safe and easy to use as an automobile. | |
Bevirt states that turbulence would have
been avoided if more efficient motors and
smarter control systems had been invented. | |
According to Bevirt, old types of personal
aircraft lacked optimizing efficiency, thus
reducing noise and improving flight control. | |
Bevirt has mobilized his wind energy team to
create a personal electric airplane that takes off
vertically and flies aerodynamically. |
Soru 5 |
A growing number of people are ---- alternatives to antidepressant medications, and new research suggests that acupuncture could be a promising option.
returning | |
seeking | |
magnifying | |
abandoning | |
denying |
Soru 6 |
When a local, native language is not embraced by younger generations, ----.
its demise draws nearer with the passing of
each native speaker | |
linguistic extinction is happening much faster
under the pressure of globalization | |
our understanding is still quite imperfect as to
why a language death occurs | |
it is shocking to learn that almost 40 percent
of languages are now endangered | |
the linguistic diversity is found in places with
small and sparsely distributed populations |
Soru 7 |
Theoretically, same sex siblings ---- with the same selection of chromosomes, but the odds of this happening ---- about 70 trillion.
were created / should be | |
are created / had to be | |
have to be created / must be | |
could be created / would be | |
had been created / may be |
Soru 8 |
Most people are discouraged by setbacks, and this is why they fail to achieve their goals.
As they become disappointed by problems,
many people either meet their goals or do not
succeed. | |
The reason why most people do not attain
their objectives is that they are disheartened by
difficulties. | |
Even though most people are dispirited by
hardships, they still struggle to reach their aims. | |
Whether or not they get discouraged by
setbacks, most people fail to achieve their
goals. | |
For many people, being demoralized by
setbacks does not mean that they will not reach
their goals. |
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