2015 e-YDS –6 – İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular
Tebrikler - 2015 e-YDS –6 – İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%.
Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
Rail passes that give you unlimited travel ---- fixed periods are useful in countries and regions ---- extensive rail networks.
for / with | |
on / in | |
over / from | |
to / by | |
at / off |
Soru 2 |
In order to have a well-balanced diet and to avoid nutritional problems, ----.
common food allergens include peanuts, eggs
and fish | |
people may not be able to buy a variety of
foods all year round | |
we should consider the possibility of living
longer | |
whole-wheat bread might help fill you up | |
one should eat a range of healthy foods in the
correct proportions |
Soru 3 |
Ceren: - I think parents shouldn't allow their children to use the Internet during the school year.
Ayşe: - ----
Ceren: - Can you give me an example?
Ayşe: - They can get online and easily access a lot of science websites to gather information for their science projects.
Yeah, the Internet can become unnecessarily
time-consuming for children. | |
I don't agree with you. The Internet has a lot
of use for children that could help with their
schooling | |
Internet-addiction is one of the most prevalent
conditions with children today | |
These days we hear more and more about
incidents of cybercrime. | |
I think you are right. A child can be exposed to
many threats from the Internet |
Soru 4 |
Deforestation may have increased global carbon dioxide levels during the agrarian era, but the use of fossil fuels since the Industrial Revolution has greatly increased these levels.
Ormanların yok edilmesi küresel karbondioksit
seviyelerini tarımsal dönem boyunca arttırmış
olsa da bu seviyeleri asıl yükselten Sanayi
Devrimi'nden itibaren fosil yakıtların
kullanılmasıdır. | |
Ormanların yok edilmesi küresel karbondioksit
seviyelerini tarımsal dönem boyunca arttırmış
olabilir ancak Sanayi Devrimi'nden itibaren fosil
yakıtların kullanılması bu seviyeleri iyice
artırmıştır | |
Ormanların yok edilmesi küresel karbondioksit
seviyelerini tarımsal dönem boyunca arttırmıştır
ve bu seviyeler Sanayi Devrimi'nden itibaren fosil
yakıtların kullanılmasıyla iyice artmıştır. | |
Ormanların yok edilmesi, küresel karbondioksit
seviyelerini tarımsal dönem boyunca arttırmakla
birlikte Sanayi Devrimi'nden itibaren fosil
yakıtların da kullanılması bu seviyelerin iyice
artmasına neden olmuştur. | |
Sanayi Devrimi'nden itibaren fosil yakıtların
kullanılması zaten tarımsal dönem boyunca
ormanların yok edilmesi yüzünden artmış olan
küresel karbondioksit seviyelerini iyice artırmıştır. |
Soru 5 |
The Industrial Revolution brought many blessings to humanity, such as increased standards of living, improved educational opportunities and game-changing technological innovations. ---- Most obviously, there is the environmental degradation that threatens our health and ecological sustainability. But our interior environments - the landscapes of our individual minds and spirits - may be paying an even more costly price. Discussion of the consequences of this shift is not new.
Yet it all came with a sense of loss, especially
in regard to our connection to nature, as we
moved away from an agrarian way of life. | |
However, several studies have shown that
adults gain considerable benefits from time spent
outdoors, especially in stress reduction. | |
Once a genuine connection with the nature is
established, people are far more likely to display
concern for the environment. | |
Today, we are living in a time that could be
viewed as one that sprung from the Industrial
Revolution. | |
We are becoming more connected to one
another through the Internet, cell phones and
other technologies |
Soru 6 |
(I) Music can change our mood by changing the way we perceive the world. (II) Karaoke can have a decidedly negative effect on mood depending on the singer. (III) For example, in experiments in which people looked at smiley or sad face icons, the music they were listening to affected what they saw. (IV) A beat can even affect our heart rate and, when people sing together, their breathing may become synchronised and positive emotions increased. (V) These effects are perhaps not so surprising when we know that musical patterns affect the auditory brainstem, as well as auditory cortex, parts of the neural reward system and other areas involved in memory and emotion.
IV | |
V | |
III | |
II | |
I |
Soru 7 |
While the depression of the 1930s affected almost every business in different ways, it forced advertising to become more selective.
Nearly every business was influenced by the
depression of the 1930s in various ways, but it
made the advertising sector even more careful
about what to choose. | |
When the depression of the 1930s forced the
advertising field to be more competitive, it also
influenced almost every other business. | |
As the depression of the 1930s had an impact
on nearly every business, it forced advertising to
adopt a different approach. | |
Even though the depression period of the
1930s had an impact on many different
businesses, the advertising business had more
options to overcome the problems. | |
We can assume that the selectivity of
advertising can be attributed to the depression of
the 1930s in which nearly every business
collapsed |
Soru 8 |
The earliest music for movies was played live in the cinema to ---- the silent image and enhance its mood.
eradicate | |
receive | |
diminish | |
accompany | |
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