2016 e-YDS - 4 - İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular
Tebrikler - 2016 e-YDS - 4 - İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%.
Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
There are no blood tests or brain scans for mental illnesses, so diagnoses can be subjective and unreliable.
Kan testi veya beyin taraması bulunsaydı, ruh hastalıklarının teşhisleri öznel ve güvenilmez olmayabilirdi. | |
Ruh hastalıklarına yönelik kan testi veya beyin taraması kullanılmadığı için teşhisler öznel ve güvenilmez kalabilir. | |
Ruh hastalıkları için kan testi veya beyin taraması bulunmamaktadır, bu yüzden teşhisler öznel ve güvenilmez olabilmektedir. | |
Kan testi veya beyin taraması bulunmayan ruh hastalıklarının teşhisleri, öznel ve güvenilmez olabilmektedir. | |
Ruh hastalıklarının teşhislerini öznel ve güvenilmez kılan şey, bu hastalıklar için kan testi veya beyin taraması bulunmamasıdır. |
Soru 2 |
While honesty is valued as a way of maintaining control over children, it is also seen as a valuable ---- for adulthood.
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Soru 3 |
Dorian: - Do you feel good about all the possibilities a new day will bring when you spring out of bed in the morning?
Joanne: - ----
Dorian: - Lucky you! A current study suggests that those with a feeling that life is worth living are 23 percent less likely to die from all causes than their numerous pessimistic counterparts.
Joanne: - I always favour positive thinking and try to be optimistic about life.
Yes, I believe that something great will happen, and this thought excites me. | |
I generally feel positive about life, but I'm more likely to worry about my daily routine. | |
No, not really. What I expect from a new day changes very often. | |
Actually, I like to enjoy the pleasures of life, though I get frustrated at times. | |
I think it partly depends on your social life, as it can make you feel very happy or vice versa. |
Soru 4 |
(I) Many different kinds of people are involved in hacking, and different hacker types have developed in the online community. (II) The main groupings include ‘black hats’, who tend to be engaged in malicious activity for profit. (III) ‘White hats’ have benign reasons for hacking, such as testing security arrangements. (IV) ‘Blue hats’, on the other hand, work for an official computer firm to deal with potential problems. (V) The history of hacking, however, represents an ongoing digital underground that can be innovative.
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Soru 5 |
Everything you hear, feel, see and think is controlled by your brain. ---- Your brain is also capable of producing breathtaking athletic feats, sublime works of art and profound scientific insights. Its most amazing achievement, however, may be that it can understand itself. Studying the brain takes you inside this astonishingly complex organ to show you how it works. You explore a wealth of neuroscientific topics, including the structure of the brain and its cognitive functions such as learning a language and developing consciousness.
Some diseases related to brain functions are still waiting to be explored. | |
Adopting positive feelings and attitudes can help the brain function well. | |
Researchers have made great progress in understanding the relation between the mind and the brain. | |
What makes the brain unique is its unexplored functions. | |
It allows you to cope masterfully with your environment. |
Soru 6 |
According to a recent study on facilities management in organizations, facilities managers are charged with ensuring that the office is a productive and efficient company asset.
A new study on facilities management demonstrates that one of the responsibilities facilities managers hold is to ensure that the office should be the most productive and efficient company asset. | |
According to a new study on facilities management, among the responsibilities of facilities managers is to guarantee that the office is the most important asset of a company. | |
A recent study on facilities management has found that ensuring that the office is a productive and efficient part of a company is the main responsibility of facilities managers. | |
A recent study on facilities management in organizations shows that it is the responsibility of facility managers to make sure that the office is a productive and efficient part of the company. | |
To ensure that the office is a productive and efficient company asset is one of the responsibilities of facilities managers who took part in a recent study on facilities management. |
Soru 7 |
Today hoatzins, the Amazon's mystery birds, live only in South America, ----.
but the oldest known fossil of these odd birds reveals they once roamed France | |
because there is enough evidence that they evolved in South America | |
while the oldest hoatzin fossil dates back to 34 million years ago | |
as young hoatzins have claws on their wings, like their dinosaur ancestors | |
although the hoatzin is one of the most interesting species in the bird kingdom |
Soru 8 |
---- a metropolis can build new power plants to meet a rising need for electricity, our muscles respond to the demands of exercise by producing tiny new structures inside cells that supply the body with energy.
Now that | |
Just as | |
In case | |
Only if | |
Even though |
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