2018 YKS Yabancı Dil Testi Soruları (YDT) (Part 2)
Tebrikler - 2018 YKS Yabancı Dil Testi Soruları (YDT) (Part 2) adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%.
Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
Invented by the Chinese in the 9th century, gunpowder rapidly became a ---- factor in battle
complicating | |
limiting | |
provable | |
virtual | |
crucial |
Soru 2 |
The rapid disappearance of Arctic ice ---- the use of an undersea Internet cable, ---- a shorter path between Europe and Asia.
must enable / being created | |
would enable / to have created | |
may enable / creating | |
should enable / to be creating | |
can enable / to be created |
Soru 3 |
At the start of the 20th century, nine out of ten people lived in rural areas where they worked on the land, ---- approximately half of the world’s population today lives in the city.
whether | |
whereas | |
so | |
hence | |
as |
Soru 4 |
The body faces many dangers such as physical damage and infectious diseases ----.
but it has many different systems and barriers to
defend itself | |
even though these stem from certain environmental
factors | |
whenever it receives help from disease-fighting
bacteria | |
once the immune system releases chemicals that
trigger defence | |
if it is strong enough to fight infection and damage |
Soru 5 |
As well as getting rid of waste chemicals, ----.
the urinary system helps us maintain a healthy level of
water in the body | |
the urinary system is known as an internal cleaning
service as it removes toxic wastes | |
urine has a yellow colour because of waste chemicals
produced in the body | |
the urinary system includes two kidneys and various
tubes for carrying urine | |
urine can be studied by doctors while diagnosing
certain diseases |
Soru 6 |
A new helmet display promises to give bikers eyes in the back of their heads. The designer of the equipment states that the inherent problem with motorcycles is that the mirrors reflect a very small image and, because of the position of the mirrors, motorcyclists mostly just see their elbows. A small backlit display screen is added onto motorcycle helmets with an adjustable arm which lets riders place it just below or above their eye, in their peripheral vision. A rear-facing camera attached to the back of the bike streams live video via Wi-Fi to the helmet-mounted receiver. The images are processed and stabilised before they reach the display to accommodate for the bike’s movements. One glance at the display gives the rider a wide view of the road behind them. Although the screen is just next to the user’s face, optics fool the eye into focusing at a more comfortable distance of around 3 metres. However, it is still suggested that users should check their mirrors and do the lifesaver check, turning their heads to check blind spots.
What is the problem regarding the motorcyclists’ vision?
Fatal accidents cannot be prevented because of the
limited use of mirrors | |
The body’s position on the motorcycle does not allow
the biker to see what is happening around him | |
Motorcyclists have difficulty adjusting mirrors to get
images from the sides of the bike | |
Mirror positions constantly need to be changed to
follow traffic flow | |
It is difficult for bikers to get a broad view of the road
behind them using only their mirrors |
Soru 7 |
A new helmet display promises to give bikers eyes in the back of their heads. The designer of the equipment states that the inherent problem with motorcycles is that the mirrors reflect a very small image and, because of the position of the mirrors, motorcyclists mostly just see their elbows. A small backlit display screen is added onto motorcycle helmets with an adjustable arm which lets riders place it just below or above their eye, in their peripheral vision. A rear-facing camera attached to the back of the bike streams live video via Wi-Fi to the helmet-mounted receiver. The images are processed and stabilised before they reach the display to accommodate for the bike’s movements. One glance at the display gives the rider a wide view of the road behind them. Although the screen is just next to the user’s face, optics fool the eye into focusing at a more comfortable distance of around 3 metres. However, it is still suggested that users should check their mirrors and do the lifesaver check, turning their heads to check blind spots.
It is understood from the passage that the helmet display ----
views peripheral images and movements, though
there is a delay in transmission | |
records the motorcycle’s movements | |
ools motorcyclists’ eyes into thinking things are more
than 3 metres behind them | |
shows images of what is happening behind the
motorcycle | |
is placed directly below or above the mirror on the
front of the bike |
Soru 8 |
A new helmet display promises to give bikers eyes in the back of their heads. The designer of the equipment states that the inherent problem with motorcycles is that the mirrors reflect a very small image and, because of the position of the mirrors, motorcyclists mostly just see their elbows. A small backlit display screen is added onto motorcycle helmets with an adjustable arm which lets riders place it just below or above their eye, in their peripheral vision. A rear-facing camera attached to the back of the bike streams live video via Wi-Fi to the helmet-mounted receiver. The images are processed and stabilised before they reach the display to accommodate for the bike’s movements. One glance at the display gives the rider a wide view of the road behind them. Although the screen is just next to the user’s face, optics fool the eye into focusing at a more comfortable distance of around 3 metres. However, it is still suggested that users should check their mirrors and do the lifesaver check, turning their heads to check blind spots.
Which of the following could be the best title for the passage ?
Mirrors versus Helmet Displays | |
Image Processing through Helmet Displays | |
Lifesaver Check of a Motorcyclist | |
New Helmet Technology for Rear Vision | |
Helmet Displays Replace Mirrors |
Soru 9 |
For centuries, the world’s physicists, writers and philosophers have argued about whether time travel is possible, with most coming to the conclusion that it is never going to happen. But on a large plot of land just outside the small town of Comfort, Texas, a group of architects, engineers and scientists are building a ‘Timeship’ that they say it could transport tens of thousands of individuals to a far-distant future. Their approach does not involve the use of flux capacitors, or zooming at light-speed through black holes. Instead, the Timeship aims to store people at such low temperatures that their bodies are preserved for a future civilisation to reanimate them, a concept known as cryonics. “Just as a spaceship allows people to move through space, our Timeship will allow people to travel to another time in the future,” explains Stephen Valentine, who is the director and principal architect of the Timeship project.
According to the group of architects, engineers and scientists in Texas , ......
time travel is not likely to take place until a far-distant
future | |
the city is not really suitable for the ‘Timeship’ because
it is such a small place | |
their ‘Timeship’ will have the capacity of at most
10,000 people | |
it will soon be possible to transport more than
10,000 people to a far-distant future | |
it is possible that the bodies of people are preserved
with almost no changes |
Soru 10 |
For centuries, the world’s physicists, writers and philosophers have argued about whether time travel is possible, with most coming to the conclusion that it is never going to happen. But on a large plot of land just outside the small town of Comfort, Texas, a group of architects, engineers and scientists are building a ‘Timeship’ that they say it could transport tens of thousands of individuals to a far-distant future. Their approach does not involve the use of flux capacitors, or zooming at light-speed through black holes. Instead, the Timeship aims to store people at such low temperatures that their bodies are preserved for a future civilisation to reanimate them, a concept known as cryonics. “Just as a spaceship allows people to move through space, our Timeship will allow people to travel to another time in the future,” explains Stephen Valentine, who is the director and principal architect of the Timeship project.
According to the passage, the Timeship ----.
will not really move, but rather will show passengers a
simulation of what the far-distant future might look like | |
will house people who have been frozen until some
time in the future, thus having time-travelled | |
will be able to travel through space, but will avoid
black holes through the use of the most modern
technology available | |
is designed using the latest technology in order to
reach light-speed efficiently while travelling through
time | |
is constructed in much the same way as a spaceship,
but rather than travelling through space it will simply
be used to freeze people |
Soru 11 |
For centuries, the world’s physicists, writers and philosophers have argued about whether time travel is possible, with most coming to the conclusion that it is never going to happen. But on a large plot of land just outside the small town of Comfort, Texas, a group of architects, engineers and scientists are building a ‘Timeship’ that they say it could transport tens of thousands of individuals to a far-distant future. Their approach does not involve the use of flux capacitors, or zooming at light-speed through black holes. Instead, the Timeship aims to store people at such low temperatures that their bodies are preserved for a future civilisation to reanimate them, a concept known as cryonics. “Just as a spaceship allows people to move through space, our Timeship will allow people to travel to another time in the future,” explains Stephen Valentine, who is the director and principal architect of the Timeship project.
Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A Different Way to Travel Through Time | |
Faster than a Spaceship | |
Why Is Time Travel Essential? | |
How to Create a Timeship | |
Travelling to Space |
Soru 12 |
Jessica: Why do you think Galileo Galilei is accepted as one of the most important scientists?
Robert: Because he invented the astronomical telescope and suggested the sun-centered Solar System.
Jessica: ----
Robert: It’s really surprising that you’re questioning it. His studies started everything about the Universe!
Doesn’t everybody know that his obsession with
measurable experiments marked him as one of the
founders of modern science? | |
He did but it’s unfortunate that his conflict with the
Church led to the censorship of his publications | |
Yes, I also learnt that he used improved telescopes to
identify the moons of Jupiter | |
I know all about this, but I just can’t understand why so
many popular writers still mention him in their works | |
Maybe you can check it online before you believe what
people say about him |
Soru 13 |
Mert: I ran a couple of kilometres this morning as usual, and I’ve got this awful pain in my leg. Fatma: ---- Mert: No, I’ve been running in the mornings for the last three months, I haven’t taken a break. Fatma: Frequent runners often suffer pain in their legs, and nobody knows why. Maybe you should take it easy for a couple of days
Was it your first time running for a while? | |
Do you think it would help staying healthy? | |
Do you always suffer pain after running? | |
Do you usually run in the evenings? | |
Do you stop for water breaks when you’re running? |
Soru 14 |
Officially the biggest street party on the planet, Salvador’s awesome Carnival offers greater participation and much more fun than its more famous counterpart in Rio.
Despite being more famous, Rio’s street party is just
as large and fun, and it offers as much participation as
the amazing Carnival held in Salvador, which is
officially the largest on the planet | |
Salvador’s amazing Carnival is officially the largest
street party on the planet, and even though it is not as
well-known as the one in Rio, it allows for greater
attendance and is much more enjoyable | |
The most famous party happens in Rio, which is the
biggest street party on the planet, and it offers greater
participation and just as much fun as the Carnival in
Salvador | |
Salvador has an amazing party named Carnival,
similar to the famous one in Rio, although it is officially
much bigger and can allow for just as much fun and
participation as the one in Rio | |
As it is officially the biggest street party on the planet,
the Carnival in Salvador is more famous than the one
in Rio and offers a higher degree of participation and
fun for all participants |
Soru 15 |
Growth is more gradual in childhood than in infancy, but this is a time when new skills and knowledge are rapidly acquired
The pace at which people acquire new abilities and
knowledge, and grow up is more gradual in childhood
than in infancy | |
People who grow up faster in infancy develop new
capabilities and knowledge in a longer period of time
in childhood | |
When compared to infancy, people grow up more
slowly throughout their childhood, though they gain
new abilities and knowledge fast | |
People get more knowledgable and develop new skills
more rapidly in infancy than they do in childhood,
when they grow up slowly | |
Growing up more slowly in infancy does not
necessarily mean that acquiring new skills and
knowledge in childhood will be fast |
Soru 16 |
You couldn’t hand in your assignment on time, so you lied to your teacher about your mother being sick in hospital. The next day, your teacher found out the truth, then she phoned your mother. You are ashamed of what you did, and you apologise to your teacher: ----
I apologise to you for not handing in the assignment,
but you had given us so little time to finish it | |
Sorry, I should have told you the truth. But then, you
would have been worried about my mother | |
I regret lying to you, but that’s my habit, and I can’t
help it. But why did you call my mother? | |
Sorry, I shouldn’t have lied. The truth is I played
computer games instead of doing the homework | |
It’s a shame my mother didn’t back me up. I won’t ever
talk to her again |
Soru 17 |
---- A baby was born with a small head caused by incomplete brain development. The mother likely caught the virus in Brazil. Meanwhile, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have advised pregnant women against travel to countries affected by the Zika virus
It is foreseen that the US will have to face deaths
caused by the Zika virus in the near future | |
The first case of brain damage linked to the Zika virus
on the US soil has been reported in Hawaii | |
Brain damages caused by the Zika virus cannot be
treated for the time being | |
Scientists have estimated that the Zika virus may
spread across Europe besides the US | |
The effects of the Zika virus have diminished
dramatically in the recent years |
Soru 18 |
Water makes up 60 per cent of our bodies and 75 per cent of our brains, but there are still plenty of misconceptions and myths in the public about how it relates to our health
Su, vücudumuzun yüzde 60’ını ve beynimizin yüzde
75’ini oluşturduğu için halk arasında suyun
sağlığımızla nasıl ilişkili olduğu hakkında hâlâ birçok
yanlış kanı ve efsane vardır | |
Su, vücudumuzun yüzde 60’ını ve beynimizin yüzde
75’ini oluşturur ancak halk arasında hâlâ suyun
sağlığımızla nasıl ilişkili olduğu hakkında birçok yanlış
kanı ve efsane vardır | |
Vücudumuzun yüzde 60’ını ve beynimizin yüzde 75’ini
oluşturan suyun sağlığımızla nasıl ilişkili olduğu
hakkında halk arasında hâlâ birçok yanlış kanı ve
efsane vardır | |
Her ne kadar su vücudumuzun yüzde 60’ını ve
beynimizin yüzde 75’ini oluştursa da, sağlığımızla
ilişkisi açısından halk arasında hâlâ birçok yanlış
kanı ve efsane vardır | |
Suyun halk arasında sağlığımızla nasıl ilişkili olduğu
hakkında hâlâ birçok yanlış kanıya ve efsaneye sebep
olması, vücudumuzun yüzde 60’ını ve beynimizin
yüzde 75’ini oluşturmasından kaynaklanmaktadır |
Soru 19 |
İngiliz yazar Jane Austen, gündelik hayattaki sıradan insanları ele alma şekliyle romana modern bir karakter kazandıran ilk yazardır.
Jane Austen was the first English writer giving the
modern novel its character by her treatment of
ordinary people in everyday life | |
The English writer Jane Austen was the first writer to
give the novel its modern character through her
treatment of ordinary people in everyday life | |
The novel got its first modern character from the
English writer Jane Austen’s treatment of ordinary
people in everyday life | |
Jane Austen, who was the first to give the novel its
modern character through her treatment of ordinary
people in everyday life, was an English writer | |
Jane Austen, the first English writer, gave the novel its
modern character through her treatment of ordinary
people in everyday life |
Soru 20 |
(I) A new electronic tattoo listens to the sounds of the human body, including the heart and muscles. (II) The sensor-loaded skin patch could be used for medical monitoring, like to detect irregular heartbeats, for example. (III) Electronic tattoos are a controversial issue as some people believe that they may harm the body because of the chemicals they include. (IV) Placed on the throat, it could also act as a human-machine interface by picking up the vibrations of your voice, even in noisy conditions. (V) In one demonstration, people used it to play games by voice control at a crowded party
V | |
IV | |
III | |
II | |
I |
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