24 Mart 2019 YDS ingilizce muhtemel cevaplar yds.net sitesinden alıntı yapılmıştır. YDS kursuna kayıt olmak isteyenler için Akın Dil Eğitim Merkezi ilk tercihleriniz arasında yer alsın.
Kelime Soruları Muhtemel cevaplar
Stems from
Among / forMusic is a very small word to encompass as many forms as
there are cultural and sub-cultural identitiesRenaissance art evolved from a common set of principles but it
took many forms and changed considerably in the following
centuriesHas been / to Overcome
ALTHOUGH paleontologist still like to argue about what role of
the asteroid played in extinction How do dinosaurs there is
really not much mystery leftWeather is defined as the state of atmospheric AT any given
location and OVER a relatively short time.In its early stages of development ecotourism WAS REGARDED
as a complex new concept however today it HAS BECOME a
significant portion of the industryIs it 2/3 of the US owned read your receivers by the end of
1920s people no longer HAD TO GO to a concert play or
sporting event to be entertained instead they COULD ENJOY
many forms of entertainment in their homesTo psychology Professionals the name Anne Anastasia is
synonymous with psychometrics AS it was her who pioneered
understanding how psychological traits are influencedCLOZE TESTS
Thanks to
Could prompt
As a result of
have developedCÜMLE TAMAMLAMA
Although many people equate creativity with intelligence, the
two terms are not synonymous ;it is not necessary to have a
genius level IQ to be creative.While Willis Carrier who is among the most relentless
researchers in air conditioning is known as the father of air
conditioning, the range of processes and products in air- conditioning cannot be attributed to a single.Whenever members of the group come together to do every
write your tasks they rely on each other for optimal
performance which is a sign of concern for in the
interdependence in groups.Most people have experienced food-borne illnesses even
though they might not recognize it as such instead, blaming it
on their stomach flu or bugs.Hydroelectric plants post several threats to the environment
because they could lead to extinction of endemic species and
block fish migration.The literature on treatment for learning disabilities primarily
discuss school based treatments, though individuals with
learning disabilities experience challenges beyond such settingsAlthough native Americans benefited access to new technology
and trade came with early European settlers ,the diseases
which were also brought posed serious challenges to their way
of life.In our rapidly changing world parents skills may easily become
obsolete, so they could have fewer opportunities for direct
influence over the development of their childrenSince virtually all cultures on earth have some form of fortune
telling, the desire to predict what will happen in the future can
be a permanent future of humankind.Even though some studies suggest exposure to blue light
emitted by digital devices could be a risk factor for certain
diseases , many scientists think that the evidence to support
this claim is not very strong.Although genetically modified seed is more expensive then its
equivalent, the extra cost can be seen as an insurance policy
against crop losses due to weeds and pestsPARAGRAF TAMAMLAMA
1. The extinction of dinosaurs.. africa remained relatively
Cevap: By contrast the continents surrounding Africa
moved greatly,resulting in ocean barriers2. Superstitious beliefs
Devamı yet even today most people admit to secretly
cherishing one or two or many superstitions. şeklindeydi
Cevap: Given their itrational nature, superstitions should
have receded with the arrival of education and the advent
of science3. Gothic was a term of abuse to denote medieval
Cevap: The gothic style is still characterized by the use of
pointed arches, rib vaults and flying butresses.
None of these features diye devam ediyordu.4. Braille is a system of written language…
Cevap: There are a number of braille variations in common
in the US including Braille specific to
music,mathematics,science and computer programming
Learning each of the different forms is like learning a new
language. diye devam ediyorduRestatement:
1. As a complex process, ageing includes DNA damage,
chronicle inflammation, and worn … cells, though it is not
clear which affects the ageing process the most.2. Although there are too many lightning strikes to check,
and not all lead to fire, lightning sensors are effective at
detecting them and giving initial attack crews precise
location.3. Although birthday cake tradition has a history of slightly
more than a century, cakes and celebrations associated
with cakes has considerably longer history.4. Though being known for a long time, petroleum did not
seem to be much commercial until Samuel Kier developed
it into kerosene in 1853, a cheaper alternative to the whale
oil commonly used in lamps.AKIŞI BOZAN
1. Allergies – (I) Allergies, like many conditions, tend to
become worse if a person is run-down, stressed, over-tired,
has a poor diet or does not get adequate exercise.2. Greek civilisation/science – (II) Scholars from Egyptian and
Mesopotamian civilisations already had learned the
scientific results before the start of Greek civilisation.3. World’s reef systems/corals – (III) Coral has evolved a
spectacular way of maximising its chances of survival.4. The Magna Carta L – (IV) The Magna Carta was written in
medieval Latin and agreed to and sealed by King John in
1215.5. Voyages of discoveries – (V) The cultivation of sugar,
tobacco and other crops on plantations depended on slave
Türkçe-İngilizceSağlık okuryazarlığı, bireylerin sağlık konusunda uygun kararlar
vermek için gerekli olan temel sağlık bilgi ve hizmetlerini elde
etme ve anlama kapasitesine sahip olma derecesi olarak
tanımlanabilir.Health literacy can be defined as the degree to which
individuals have the capacity to obtain and understand basic
health information and services required to make appropriate
Health decisions.Gen terapisi çoğunlukla ender genetik bozuklukların tedavisinde
faydalıdır; bunun aksine, mevcut genlerin değiştirilmesini
kapsayan gen düzeltme, çok daha fazla hastalığı tedavi eder.Gene therapy is mainly useful for treating rare genetic disorders; in contrast, gene-editing, which involves altering
existing genes, treats a much wider range of conditions. _Tüm vücut fonksiyonlarımızı senkronize eden iç saatimiz,
ipuçlarını güneş ışığının gün-gece döngüsünden alır ve beyin bu24 saatlik ritmi organlarımıza iletmek ve vücudumuza ne zaman
uyumaya ve uyanmaya ihtiyaç duyduğunu bildirmek için sinirleri
ve hormonları kullanır.Our internal clock, which keeps all our body functions in sync,
takes its cues from the day-night cycle of sunlight, and the brain
uses nerves and hormones to transmit this 24-hour rhythm to
our internal organs and to tell our body when it needs to sleep
and wake.İngilizce-Türkçe
Morse code, which is a milestone in long-range communication,
was designed so that telegraph operators could communicate
via electric signals.Uzun mesafeli iletişimde dönüm noktası olan Mors alfabesi,
telgraf operatörlerinin elektrik sinyalleri aracılığı ile iletişim
kurabilmeleri için tasarlanmıştır. _Solving a series of incredible difficult problems, the Wright
Brothers created a revolutionary new technology that changed
the world in a way that even they could not imagine.Wright Kardeşler inanılmaz derecede zor bir dizi problemi
çözerek kendilerinin bile hayal edemeyeceği bir şekilde dünyayı
değiştiren devrim niteliğinde yeni bir teknoloji yaratmışlardır. _Every child has an individual learning style, and they learn
information best when it is delivered in a mode suited to their
style.Her çocuk kendine özgü bir öğrenme şekline sahiptir ve
çocuklar bilgiyi en iyi kendi tarzlarına uygun bir biçimde
verildiğinde öğrenirPARAGRAF SORULARI
1- they use their remaining energy supplies to reach the sun
2- indirectly depended on the sunlight
3- their food supply is limited to the amount of dead plants
4- plants can adapt to darkness but cannot live foreverSTEREOTYPING BIASES
1. We are innately predisposed to form an idea or stereotype
2. Although it may be morally unacceptable, biases help our
3. Our strong tendency to form stereotypes (Best title)
4. Todorov’s explanation : today we encounter so many faces100 yaş ve spor paragrafı cevapları;
1. to study the relationship between age and athletic
performance in middle-aged people
2. They…. looked at the differences in Times of centurions and
that of record breakers.
3. The decline of … and ability…… has been far slower thanks
to his extraordinary physical features.
4. To indicate one could be a sportsperson at any ageCONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY
-Soru: what does consumer psychology deal with?
Cevap: How basic requirements and desires affect consumer
behavior-Soru …
Cevap: although our needs intervene in what we buy, it falls
short in determining the details of the choices we makeSoru: in order to better understand consumer psychology, one
should …
consider that there are several other factors at play that affect
consumer behavıorSoru: purpose of the author/passage
Cevap: What consumer psychology does to understand
consumer behaviorPIERCE’S DISEASE
Soru: main purpose of the passage
Cevap: To point out the serious threats that Pierce’s disease
pose to various plant speciesSoru: conclusion to be drawn
Cevap: High temperatures may increase the speed at which
Pierce’s disease is spreadingSoru: can be inferred
Cevap: Pierce’s disease has a far-reaching impact when the
number of plant species is considered
causes the leaves of a plant to be deprived of necessary
1. That’s true. They want to sculpt their kids into a particular
kind of adult, stressing them with endless schedules and
heavy expectations.2. Until now, you seemed happy with your current work.
What’s the problem?3. Such as playing action video games? I remember reading
that they help the brain and improve cognitive skills.4. I draw a line, on the left I write down problems, on the right
what to do about these problems.5. How did investigators observe whales’ response to shipping
1. Allergies – (I) Allergies, like many conditions, tend to
become worse if a person is run-down, stressed, over-tired,
has a poor diet or does not get adequate exercise.2. Greek civilisation/science – (II) Scholars from Egyptian and
Mesopotamian civilisations already had learned the
scientific results before the start of Greek civilisation.3. World’s reef systems/corals – (III) Coral has evolved a
spectacular way of maximising its chances of survival.4. The Magna Carta L – (IV) The Magna Carta was written in
medieval Latin and agreed to and sealed by King John in
1215.5. Voyages of discoveries – (V) The cultivation of sugar,
tobacco and other crops on plantations depended on slave
labour.Y D S 2 0 1 9 M A R T PIERCE’S DISEASE
Soru: main purpose of the passage
Cevap: To point out the serious threats that Pierce’s disease
pose to various plant speciesSoru: conclusion to be drawn
Cevap: High temperatures may increase the speed at which
Pierce’s disease is spreadingSoru: can be inferred
Cevap: Pierce’s disease has a far-reaching impact when the
number of plant species is considered
causes the leaves of a plant to be deprived of necessary
1. That’s true. They want to sculpt their kids into a particular
kind of adult, stressing them with endless schedules and
heavy expectations.2. Until now, you seemed happy with your current work.
What’s the problem?3. Such as playing action video games? I remember reading
that they help the brain and improve cognitive skills.4. I draw a line, on the left I write down problems, on the right
what to do about these problems.5. How did investigators observe whales’ response to shipping