İleri Seviye İngilizce Kelime Soruları 11 (Advanced Vocabulary Tests)
Tebrikler - İleri Seviye İngilizce Kelime Soruları 11 (Advanced Vocabulary Tests) adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
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Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words given above each paragraph
Everyone has heard of Halley’s Comet but most people don’t know what comets are. They think they are bright objects that move 1) ……............... transversely the sky and then disappear but in fact, you can’t see them moving. Comets belong to the solar system but are quite different from planets. Even though they can be 2) …................ large, they aren’t solid and if they crashed onto the Earth, they would only do local damage. Bright comets, apart from Halley’s, take a very long time to go round the sun, so we cannot 3) ……............... when they will be visible. Short-period comets can’t often be seen with the 4) ……............... eye, so Halley’s Comet is 5) ……............... because records of its appearance every 76 years go back to before the time of Christ though they were not calculated till more modern times.
(1) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.
A | naked |
B | unique |
C | predict |
D | rapidly |
E | extremely |
Soru 2 |
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words given above each paragraph
Everyone has heard of Halley’s Comet but most people don’t know what comets are. They think they are bright objects that move 1) ……............... transversely the sky and then disappear but in fact, you can’t see them moving. Comets belong to the solar system but are quite different from planets. Even though they can be 2) …................ large, they aren’t solid and if they crashed onto the Earth, they would only do local damage. Bright comets, apart from Halley’s, take a very long time to go round the sun, so we cannot 3) ……............... when they will be visible. Short-period comets can’t often be seen with the 4) ……............... eye, so Halley’s Comet is 5) ……............... because records of its appearance every 76 years go back to before the time of Christ though they were not calculated till more modern times.
(2) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.
A | naked |
B | unique |
C | rapidly |
D | extremely |
E | predict |
Soru 3 |
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words given above each paragraph
Everyone has heard of Halley’s Comet but most people don’t know what comets are. They think they are bright objects that move 1) ……............... transversely the sky and then disappear but in fact, you can’t see them moving. Comets belong to the solar system but are quite different from planets. Even though they can be 2) …................ large, they aren’t solid and if they crashed onto the Earth, they would only do local damage. Bright comets, apart from Halley’s, take a very long time to go round the sun, so we cannot 3) ……............... when they will be visible. Short-period comets can’t often be seen with the 4) ……............... eye, so Halley’s Comet is 5) ……............... because records of its appearance every 76 years go back to before the time of Christ though they were not calculated till more modern times.
(3) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.
A | naked |
B | rapidly |
C | unique |
D | predict |
E | extremely |
Soru 4 |
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words given above each paragraph
Everyone has heard of Halley’s Comet but most people don’t know what comets are. They think they are bright objects that move 1) ……............... transversely the sky and then disappear but in fact, you can’t see them moving. Comets belong to the solar system but are quite different from planets. Even though they can be 2) …................ large, they aren’t solid and if they crashed onto the Earth, they would only do local damage. Bright comets, apart from Halley’s, take a very long time to go round the sun, so we cannot 3) ……............... when they will be visible. Short-period comets can’t often be seen with the 4) ……............... eye, so Halley’s Comet is 5) ……............... because records of its appearance every 76 years go back to before the time of Christ though they were not calculated till more modern times.
(4) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.
A | rapidly |
B | naked |
C | unique |
D | predict |
E | extremely |
Soru 5 |
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words given above each paragraph
Everyone has heard of Halley’s Comet but most people don’t know what comets are. They think they are bright objects that move 1) ……............... transversely the sky and then disappear but in fact, you can’t see them moving. Comets belong to the solar system but are quite different from planets. Even though they can be 2) …................ large, they aren’t solid and if they crashed onto the Earth, they would only do local damage. Bright comets, apart from Halley’s, take a very long time to go round the sun, so we cannot 3) ……............... when they will be visible. Short-period comets can’t often be seen with the 4) ……............... eye, so Halley’s Comet is 5) ……............... because records of its appearance every 76 years go back to before the time of Christ though they were not calculated till more modern times.
(5) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.
A | naked |
B | rapidly |
C | predict |
D | unique |
E | extremely |
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