İngilizce Beginner Seviye Parçaları 10 – İngilizce Level 2 Seviye okuma Parçası

İngilizce Beginner Seviye Parçaları 10 - İngilizce Level 2 Seviye okuma Parçası

Tebrikler - İngilizce Beginner Seviye Parçaları 10 - İngilizce Level 2 Seviye okuma Parçası adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1

Yesterday was an exciting day for us. We chose our class president. Our teacher wrote the names of the candidates on the board. Merve, Efe, Fatih and Cansu were the candidates. We wrote a name on a piece of paper, folded it and put it in a ballot box. When everyone voted, our teacher counted the names. Fatih became our president. I’m happy with the results because he’s responsible and respectful. He’s also kind and helpful.

Which is true?

The election was last week.
There were only two candidates
Cansu won the elections
Fatih is a polite student
Soru 2

Yesterday was an exciting day for us. We chose our class president. Our teacher wrote the names of the candidates on the board. Merve, Efe, Fatih and Cansu were the candidates. We wrote a name on a piece of paper, folded it and put it in a ballot box. When everyone voted, our teacher counted the names. Fatih became our president. I’m happy with the results because he’s responsible and respectful. He’s also kind and helpful.

- - - - became the class president.

Soru 3

Yesterday was an exciting day for us. We chose our class president. Our teacher wrote the names of the candidates on the board. Merve, Efe, Fatih and Cansu were the candidates. We wrote a name on a piece of paper, folded it and put it in a ballot box. When everyone voted, our teacher counted the names. Fatih became our president. I’m happy with the results because he’s responsible and respectful. He’s also kind and helpful.

After students wrote a name on a piece of paper, - - - - .

the candidates made their speech
they thought carefully
the teacher wrote the names the of candidates
they put it in a ballot box
Sınavı tamamlamak için butona tıklayınız, yanlışlarınız gösterilecektir. Sonuçları al.
3 tamamladınız.
Geri dön
Tamamlananlar işaretlendi.
Geri dön


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