İngilizce Kolay Seviye Parçaları 3 – Beginner Seviye Readings

İngilizce Kolay Seviye Parçaları 3 - Beginner Seviye Readings

Tebrikler - İngilizce Kolay Seviye Parçaları 3 - Beginner Seviye Readings adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1

I’m Emma. I was in London with my family last weekend. The hotel was clean and comfortable. We went on a sightseeing tour and I saw the Tower Bridge and the Big Ben. We walked in Hyde Park. There were lots of big trees there. I took lots of photos. I also got on the London Eye, the famous big wheel. It was really amazing. The weather was cloudy and cool all weekend but we had a great time in London.

How was the weather?

It was sunny and hot.
The sun shone brightly.
It was cool and cloudy.
It rained all weekend.
Soru 2

I’m Emma. I was in London with my family last weekend. The hotel was clean and comfortable. We went on a sightseeing tour and I saw the Tower Bridge and the Big Ben. We walked in Hyde Park. There were lots of big trees there. I took lots of photos. I also got on the London Eye, the famous big wheel. It was really amazing. The weather was cloudy and cool all weekend but we had a great time in London.

Who was Emma with in London?

Her friends
Her parents
Her cousin
Soru 3

I’m Emma. I was in London with my family last weekend. The hotel was clean and comfortable. We went on a sightseeing tour and I saw the Tower Bridge and the Big Ben. We walked in Hyde Park. There were lots of big trees there. I took lots of photos. I also got on the London Eye, the famous big wheel. It was really amazing. The weather was cloudy and cool all weekend but we had a great time in London.

Which is true?

Emma took a lot of photos.
The sightseeing tour was boring.
The hotel was horrible.
They stayed in a tent
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