İntermediate Level English Readings 7 - The Life of Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison is one of the most important scientists of history. He was born in Ohio in 1847. He was the seventh child of Samuel and Nancy. Samuel Edison was a politician and Nancy was a teacher. Thomas attended the school only for 12 weeks because he was a hyperactive child. Her mother removed him from school and taught him at home. During this period he had process of self-education and learning. It helped him invent a lot of things. He invented electric bulb and motion picture camera. He had more than 1000 patents for his inventions.
Which of the following is one of Edison’s inventions?
Thomas Edison is one of the most important scientists of history. He was born in Ohio in 1847. He was the seventh child of Samuel and Nancy. Samuel Edison was a politician and Nancy was a teacher. Thomas attended the school only for 12 weeks because he was a hyperactive child. Her mother removed him from school and taught him at home. During this period he had process of self-education and learning. It helped him invent a lot of things. He invented electric bulb and motion picture camera. He had more than 1000 patents for his inventions.
Edison couldn’t attend to the school regularly because - - - -.
Thomas Edison is one of the most important scientists of history. He was born in Ohio in 1847. He was the seventh child of Samuel and Nancy. Samuel Edison was a politician and Nancy was a teacher. Thomas attended the school only for 12 weeks because he was a hyperactive child. Her mother removed him from school and taught him at home. During this period he had process of self-education and learning. It helped him invent a lot of things. He invented electric bulb and motion picture camera. He had more than 1000 patents for his inventions.
According to the text, - - - -.