YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Anlam Bütünlüğünü Sağlayan Sorular Çöz 12
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Soru 1 |
The year 1960 seemed golden and full of promise. Despite nearly constant international tension, everyday life in Europe and North America seemed to be improving. Economies recovered, many standards of living rose, and new forms of culture flourished. The economic horizon looked bright. ----. Western Europeans could no longer be so certain of their prosperity or of their leaders’ ability to provide the sort of life they took for granted.
However, by 1990, most of the familiar
landscape had been dramatically transformed | |
The most serious outbreak of student unrest in
Europe came in Paris in the spring of 1968 | |
Legal changes would not have occurred without
women’s movements of the time | |
The civil rights movement in the US had
enormous significance for the twentieth century | |
These changes marked a new culture of mass
consumption boosted by marketing, advertising,
and credit payment |
Soru 2 |
St. Petersburg is not just a city of names and movements. It is also a city of bridges, with more of them than any other city in the whole world. With its 101 islands, it is also worthy of the title “city of islands.” Not only that, but it has enough canals to compete with Venice, Amsterdam, and Stockholm. ----. As Dostoevsky’s hero puts it, “It is the most abstract and fantastic city on earth.”
There are a total of 539 bridges, including 315 in
the city centre | |
The people of St. Petersburg are offered various
educational opportunities | |
A considerable number of painters and sculptors
have lived there, too | |
But most of all St. Petersburg is a city of culture,
of literature and poetry in particular | |
The sports facilities and activities in it cannot go
unnoticed |
Soru 3 |
World War II left Europe a land of wreckage and confusion. Millions of refugees travelled hundreds or thousands of miles on foot to return to their homes while others were forcibly displaced from their lands. ----. Food remained in dangerously short supply, and even a year after the war roughly 100 million people in Europe still lived on less than 1,500 calories per day.
The Soviet campaign to control eastern Europe
did not go unchallenged | |
In some areas housing was practically
nonexistent, with no available means to build
anew | |
Even more than World War I, World War II
involved the combined efforts of whole
populations | |
Since industry was essential to winning the war,
centres of industry became vital military targets | |
Historians estimate that in World War II nearly 50
million people died |
Soru 4 |
Western perceptions of the Middle East as a viable tourist destination have been adversely affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US, the subsequent war on terrorism, and the war in Iraq. Indeed, the impact of the 9/11 attacks upon the tourist sector in the region has been profound. ----. North Africa in general and Tunisia in particular have fared comparatively well, but Morocco has suffered badly.
Especially, the effect on visitor numbers has
been decisive although it has varied
considerably from country to country | |
Morocco has a better developed domestic beach
culture than probably anywhere else in the
Middle East or North Africa | |
Morocco is already one of the biggest tourist
destinations in the Middle East and North Africa,
drawing 2.25 million visitors a year | |
Some of the driest parts of Morocco lie on the
coast, and so one feasible option is to pipe water
there from the Atlas Mountains | |
The target of 10 million visitors a year by 2010
may have been a little over-optimistic, although
Egypt has made huge investments |
Soru 5 |
Your sister is about to buy her first car, and wants your advice. You realize she is attracted to rather large and luxury-class models. You decide to give her a practical reason for choosing something smaller, and say:
I’d love to drive a car like that | |
That’s a difficult car for a learner driver. | |
What do you want a big car like that for? | |
Parking big cars like that is always a problem | |
Cars like that are for experienced drivers only! |
Soru 6 |
Despite numerous intellectual and literary advances, the longest-lived achievements of the Italian Renaissance were made in the realm of art. Of all the arts, painting was undoubtedly supreme. Although Giotto was the great artistic genius around 1300, it was not until the fifteenth century that Italian painting began to come fully of age. ----. Fifteenth-century artists also experimented with effects of light and shade and, for the first time, carefully studied the anatomy and proportions of the human body.
From about 1450 until about 1600 Italian thought
was dominated by a school of Neo-Platonists,
who sought to blend Platonism with Christianity | |
Perhaps the greatest of the Florentine artists
was Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most versatile
geniuses who ever lived | |
Sixteenth-century Italian writers, such as
Machiavelli, Ariosto, Tasso, and Sannazaro,
were also highly accomplished creators of
imaginative prose and verse | |
One reason for this was that, in the early
fifteenth century, the laws of linear perspective
were discovered and first employed to give the
fullest sense of three dimensions | |
Most Venetian painters showed little of the
Florentine school’s concerns with philosophical
and psychological issues |
Soru 7 |
A colleague has started to spend rather too lavishly and got herself into debt. But this doesn’t seem to worry her and she continues to buy very expensive and quite unnecessary things. One day you happen to see her on the point of buying shoes she doesn’t need and run across to stop her. You say to her firmly:
Let’s go and have a coffee somewhere and
discuss the problem | |
Think it over and come back tomorrow | |
Are you sure you can afford them? | |
Yes. They’re quite nice, but there’s really nothing
special about them. | |
No, you don’t! You’ve got to give up this reckless
spending! |
Soru 8 |
In the workplace a friend is very disappointed because someone else has been promoted to the position she felt she deserved. She is also extremely angry and talking of giving in her resignation. You feel this would be very unwise, and say:
If you want to resign, do: there’s no one stopping
you! | |
Of course you’re angry. You deserved to be
promoted | |
After all, you are better qualified than anyone
else here. | |
Don’t you enjoy working here? I always thought
you did. | |
Don’t do anything while you are so angry; you
may regret it later. |
Soru 9 |
Your niece has been for an interview for a post. She very much wanted the job on offer, but has been turned down. Learning that this was her first-ever interview, you want to help restore her confidence and give her some practical advice. So, you say:
I’m sorry to hear that you were turned down | |
Were the questions he asked really all that
difficult? | |
What did you do wrong at this interview? Did you
feel you were being treated unfairly? | |
The person who is giving the interview should try
to put you at your ease | |
Don’t worry. This was your first interview. You
need some practice in being interviewed! Apply
for lots of posts and go to lots of interviews |
Soru 10 |
Logistics as a business concept began to gain ground in the 1950s, particularly in the US. This was because, as businesses expanded and reached out both to far-flung markets and sources of materials, the need for expert logisticians became imperative. Logisticians applied their own ingenuity to create companies that aimed to deliver the right item in the right quantity at the right time in the right place for the right price. ----. Indeed, with increasing globalization and ever longer and more complex supply chains, logistics companies have become ever more sophisticated and adaptable.
The problems of the logistics industry have not
been clearly identified yet | |
The US has led the way in the development of
efficient logistical systems | |
Logistics is considered one of the most important
aspects of military campaigns | |
No region in the world requires efficient logistics
more urgently than Africa does | |
These aims have not changed, but the world has |
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