YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Cloze Test Soruları Çöz 14

YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Cloze Test Soruları Çöz 14

Tebrikler - YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Cloze Test Soruları Çöz 14 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1

Dogs are thought to be easier to train than cats, but this may be because they evolved to hunt in packs, cooperate with other dogs and be obedient (1)---- a leader. Their memory requires constant reinforcement, (2)---- they quickly forget. Nonetheless, they are often (3)---- simply by giving them the attention they need. On the contrary, cats evolved to hunt solo and are much more devious. In some cases, they (4)---- but do not have the dog’s desire to please. There is some evidence that cats remember specific events longer than dogs do, but (5)---- their excellent memory for people and spaces, both species are able to build complex mental maps of their surroundings and find their way home

(1) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.  
Soru 2

Dogs are thought to be easier to train than cats, but this may be because they evolved to hunt in packs, cooperate with other dogs and be obedient (1)---- a leader. Their memory requires constant reinforcement, (2)---- they quickly forget. Nonetheless, they are often (3)---- simply by giving them the attention they need. On the contrary, cats evolved to hunt solo and are much more devious. In some cases, they (4)---- but do not have the dog’s desire to please. There is some evidence that cats remember specific events longer than dogs do, but (5)---- their excellent memory for people and spaces, both species are able to build complex mental maps of their surroundings and find their way home

(2) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.  
Soru 3

Dogs are thought to be easier to train than cats, but this may be because they evolved to hunt in packs, cooperate with other dogs and be obedient (1)---- a leader. Their memory requires constant reinforcement, (2)---- they quickly forget. Nonetheless, they are often (3)---- simply by giving them the attention they need. On the contrary, cats evolved to hunt solo and are much more devious. In some cases, they (4)---- but do not have the dog’s desire to please. There is some evidence that cats remember specific events longer than dogs do, but (5)---- their excellent memory for people and spaces, both species are able to build complex mental maps of their surroundings and find their way home

(3) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.  
Soru 4

Dogs are thought to be easier to train than cats, but this may be because they evolved to hunt in packs, cooperate with other dogs and be obedient (1)---- a leader. Their memory requires constant reinforcement, (2)---- they quickly forget. Nonetheless, they are often (3)---- simply by giving them the attention they need. On the contrary, cats evolved to hunt solo and are much more devious. In some cases, they (4)---- but do not have the dog’s desire to please. There is some evidence that cats remember specific events longer than dogs do, but (5)---- their excellent memory for people and spaces, both species are able to build complex mental maps of their surroundings and find their way home

(4) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.  
should have been trained
must be trained
used to be trained
can be trained
might have been trained
Soru 5

Dogs are thought to be easier to train than cats, but this may be because they evolved to hunt in packs, cooperate with other dogs and be obedient (1)---- a leader. Their memory requires constant reinforcement, (2)---- they quickly forget. Nonetheless, they are often (3)---- simply by giving them the attention they need. On the contrary, cats evolved to hunt solo and are much more devious. In some cases, they (4)---- but do not have the dog’s desire to please. There is some evidence that cats remember specific events longer than dogs do, but (5)---- their excellent memory for people and spaces, both species are able to build complex mental maps of their surroundings and find their way home

(5) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.  
thanks to
in comparison with
rather than
instead of
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Cloze Test Soruları

Bu soru tipinde adayların kelime, edat(preposition), dilbilgisi bilgileri doğrudan ölçülürken bahsi geçen konuya anlamca hakim olma becerileri de dolaylı olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Orta uzunluktaki bir paragraf üzerinde aynı anda farklı sorularla adayların bilgileri ölçülmektedir.

Şimdi bu soru türünde dikkat edilmesi gereken iki noktaya değinelim;

  1.   Paragrafı okumaya başlamadan önce her bir soruyu sorguladığı bilgi türü açısından(kelime sorusu ise seçenekleri anlamları açısından hızlıca gözden geçirmek, şayet dilbilgisi sorusu ise hangi konuyla ilgili olduğunu (Relative / Noun Clause, Reduction (Kısaltma), Tense vs.) analiz etmek bir ön hazırlık niteliğinde olacak ve daha da önemlisi olası yanlışlara yol açabilecek olan, beynimizi hem paragrafta verilen ifadeyi hem de seçeneklerde verilen beş olası doğru yanıtı aynı anda yorumlama yükünden kurtararakbizlerin daha sağlam adımlarla doğru seçeneğe ilerlememizi sağlayacaktır. Özetle, paragrafta bulunan ifadeler ve sorularda verilen seçeneklerle aynı anda tanışmamamızgerekmektedir.
  2.   Çoğunlukla soruların sorulduğu satırlarda verilen ifadeler doğru cevaba karar vermemiz açısından yeterli verileri sunmaktadır, ancak bu veriler doğru cevap açısından yetersiz gibi görünüyorsa, bir diğer deyişle cevaba yönelik herhangi bir ipucu sunmuyor ise, bu kısıtlı bilgiye bağlı kalarak aceleci bir cevaba karar vermekten uzak durmak, biraz sabırlı olup anlamsal ya da dil bilgisel açıdan doğru cevaba yönelik önemli işaretler taşıyabilecek olan sonraki satırları analiz etmek büyük önem taşımaktadır.


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