YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Cloze Test Soruları Çöz 15
Tebrikler - YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Cloze Test Soruları Çöz 15 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%.
Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
Across Africa, experts estimate that more than 30% of malaria and tuberculosis medicines are fake. So over 700,000 people die every year (1)---- taking those counterfeit drugs. It is a menace that (2)---- urgently, and it is why an initiative by a Ghana-based network is indispensible (3)---- the health of millions of Africans. But do not mention it to the Ghana Food & Drugs Board. They are (4)---- not interested. They did not even bother to answer why they are not involved in the new anti-counterfeit campaign, (5)---- this network has committed itself to tackling the issue of fake medicines by empowering consumers to get involved in authenticating pharmaceutical products before use
(1) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.in terms of | |
as a result of | |
regardless of | |
in place of | |
in spite of |
Soru 2 |
Across Africa, experts estimate that more than 30% of malaria and tuberculosis medicines are fake. So over 700,000 people die every year (1)---- taking those counterfeit drugs. It is a menace that (2)---- urgently, and it is why an initiative by a Ghana-based network is indispensible (3)---- the health of millions of Africans. But do not mention it to the Ghana Food & Drugs Board. They are (4)---- not interested. They did not even bother to answer why they are not involved in the new anti-counterfeit campaign, (5)---- this network has committed itself to tackling the issue of fake medicines by empowering consumers to get involved in authenticating pharmaceutical products before use
(2) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.may be defeated | |
would be defeated | |
was to be defeated | |
can be defeated | |
has to be defeated |
Soru 3 |
Across Africa, experts estimate that more than 30% of malaria and tuberculosis medicines are fake. So over 700,000 people die every year (1)---- taking those counterfeit drugs. It is a menace that (2)---- urgently, and it is why an initiative by a Ghana-based network is indispensible (3)---- the health of millions of Africans. But do not mention it to the Ghana Food & Drugs Board. They are (4)---- not interested. They did not even bother to answer why they are not involved in the new anti-counterfeit campaign, (5)---- this network has committed itself to tackling the issue of fake medicines by empowering consumers to get involved in authenticating pharmaceutical products before use
(3) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.into | |
for | |
towards | |
with | |
upon |
Soru 4 |
Across Africa, experts estimate that more than 30% of malaria and tuberculosis medicines are fake. So over 700,000 people die every year (1)---- taking those counterfeit drugs. It is a menace that (2)---- urgently, and it is why an initiative by a Ghana-based network is indispensible (3)---- the health of millions of Africans. But do not mention it to the Ghana Food & Drugs Board. They are (4)---- not interested. They did not even bother to answer why they are not involved in the new anti-counterfeit campaign, (5)---- this network has committed itself to tackling the issue of fake medicines by empowering consumers to get involved in authenticating pharmaceutical products before use
(4) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.accidentally | |
plainly | |
moderately | |
delightfully | |
favourably |
Soru 5 |
Across Africa, experts estimate that more than 30% of malaria and tuberculosis medicines are fake. So over 700,000 people die every year (1)---- taking those counterfeit drugs. It is a menace that (2)---- urgently, and it is why an initiative by a Ghana-based network is indispensible (3)---- the health of millions of Africans. But do not mention it to the Ghana Food & Drugs Board. They are (4)---- not interested. They did not even bother to answer why they are not involved in the new anti-counterfeit campaign, (5)---- this network has committed itself to tackling the issue of fake medicines by empowering consumers to get involved in authenticating pharmaceutical products before use
(5) numaralı boşluğa uygun ifadeyi getiriniz.because | |
so that | |
as if | |
even though | |
when |
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Cloze test sorularının çözüm teknikleri (19-23 arasındaki sorular)
YDS Cloze test (19-23 arasındaki sorular) için özel çözüm teknikleri yok. Fakat, bu açıklamadan sonra, YDS cloze test sorularını çözmek için bütün bir metni okumak zorunda olduğunuzu sanmayın. Böyle bir zorunluluk çok ender ortaya çıkar. halbuki, aralarda 5 adet boşluk bulunması, bir YDS cloze testparagrafını baştan sona anlamayı zorlaştıran ve lüzumsuz kılan bir durum. Boş bırakılan ifadenin içinde geçtiği cümle çoğunlukla yanıtın bulunması için yeterli olur. Kısa bir YDS cloze test paragrafında genellikle iki-üç adet kelime (isim, edat, phrasal verb vs.) ve iki adet gramer (tense, bağlaç vs.) sorusu bulunur.