YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Diyalog Soruları Çöz 12
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Soru 1 |
Bahar: Instead of simply looking at the posters of astronauts, children are now playing with toy models of the International Space Station.
Erdem: So what? Isn’t that obvious?
Bahar: ----
Erdem: What difference does it make, anyway?
Bahar: You can interact with them, and get familiar with space concepts.
Well, we could only dream of such educational toys
when we were young | |
Our childhood was much simpler and we were
happier | |
Unfortunately, space expeditions have slowed down
in recent years | |
Toy models of space stations are recently made of
plastic material. | |
Interestingly, children nowadays tend to be more
creative |
Soru 2 |
Gail : - Pat and Nigel seem set on selling their house here and starting a new life in France.
Rachel : - Yes, I know. It seems to be quite the fashion now to make a new start.
Gail : - ----
Rachel : - I’m not sure that it does. In fact, I sometimes wonder about making a new start myself.
I couldn’t possibly dig up my roots and start
again | |
Have you ever thought of making a fresh start? | |
True. But it must take a lot of courage. | |
I couldn’t do it myself but I sometimes envy
those who do. | |
I imagine that very many people come to regret
the move! |
Soru 3 |
Ada : - Are you an orchid-lover?
Sandra : - ----
Ada : - I feel the same way about them. I prefer something more natural.
Sandra : - Yes; and more graceful.
Not really. I suppose they are too exotic for my
taste. What about you? | |
No; but I find the stories about their attributes
quite fascinating. | |
I certainly am. But I leave the growing of them
to the experts. | |
Yes I am. Orchids are affected usually by air
and temperature and draughts. | |
All I know about them is that they thrive in 60
per cent humidity and die off if it drops below 40
per cent. |
Soru 4 |
Anna : - Are you in favour of what they now call “educational play”?
Alan : - ----
Anna : - I do agree. A child that dislikes school is not likely ever to be successful there.
How can children learn all they have to learn if
they waste so much time playing? | |
Yes, I suppose so. As long as it’s not overdone. | |
No. I don’t believe in letting children have too
much of their own way | |
Yes, I am. It is important to make learning
pleasurable. | |
What exactly is that? |
Soru 5 |
Brian : - What is to be learned from the collapse of the viaduct when the tornado hit it?
Harry : - Perhaps we should simply admit that we can’t as yet build major structures capable of resisting tornadoes.
Brian : - ----
Harry : - I suppose it is. But I believe it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Perhaps we can develop ways of doing so.
| |
Aren’t you overlooking the fact that the anchorbolt
systems had started to corrode? | |
Isn’t that being rather defeatist? | |
After all, it was an unusually violent tornado | |
Are you sure that we can’t? |
Soru 6 |
Oğuz: What a relief, I’ve finally submitted my PhD thesis! I can officially have the ‘Dr.’ title now.
Arda: Great! Will that grant you any advantages in your workplace?
Oğuz: ----
Arda: That shouldn’t be a cause of concern for you, as you can always get around that social problem.
The title itself won’t do much, but I’ll definitely feel
more motivated. | |
Since I’ve achieved what I’ve wanted, I shouldn’t be
concerned about any of that paperwork. | |
Plenty, but I’m worried about the jealousy my
colleagues will have. | |
I’m so exhausted, and I don’t want to hear anything
related to academic works. | |
My chances of getting a promotion there are slim to
none; why have I wasted so much time! |
Soru 7 |
Sally : - Have you spoken to Bobby’s parents yet?
Rose : - Yes, I have. But it wasn’t a very satisfactory meeting.
Sally : - ----
Rose : - Unfortunately not. They seemed determined to put me in the wrong!
I can believe that. They are not very cooperative;
are they? | |
That’s no surprise. Everyone knows how difficult
they are | |
I don’t know what else I can suggest. | |
That’s a shame. Bobby needs help. | |
How was that? |
Soru 8 |
Lecturer: As the division of labour has become more specialized, it is no longer possible for skills to be passed down within the family.
Student: What could be the consequences of such a thing in modern life?
Lecturer: For one thing, it has increased the importance of education in all societies to a great extent.
Student: ----
Lecturer: Absolutely!
As a matter of fact, the distinction between the
educated and uneducated is far greater than was
thought | |
In line with that, individualism gained popularity over
collectivism, and self-centrism was promoted by the
media | |
But, we should be dealing with the equality of
opportunity that the current educational system
provides. | |
Then, you’re implying that this should signal the end
of centuries of adopting parents’ professions | |
That explains why some social norms had to be
internalized in society along with a number of other
rules. |
Soru 9 |
İpek: What do you think about ‘the Human Brain Project’?
Handan: ----
İpek: You’re right. Scientists want to build a completely simulated human brain, but what about the obligations to the mind that has been created?
Handan: Yes, imagine a scenario where a brain has been created that has memories and is really humanlike, but then the scientists decide to switch it off.
I’d really like to know more about it before I say
anything about the morality of the issue. | |
I think it has taken scientists far too long to come up
with this idea. | |
I don’t really know enough about it. But I’m sure
there must be some serious ethical considerations. | |
I’m not very certain, as I haven’t read much about it.
What’s your opinion? | |
I agree that it’s a unique opportunity for us to learn
how the brain really works |
Soru 10 |
Jane : - I don’t think we should go to Venice for our holiday this year.
Steve : - Have you been reading that disturbing article on how Venice is sinking?
Jane : - ----
Steve : - I know. It’s also in danger because sea levels are rising.
No. Should I? | |
Oh, people have been talking about that for
years, but it won’t happen, will it? | |
Yes. But I think it grossly over-emphasizes the
danger, don’t you? | |
Yes, I have. And it’s not simply that Venice is
sinking. | |
Surely they could do something to save the city! |
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