YDS İngilizce Diyalog Tamamlama Testleri Çöz 18
Nora: I’m going to the shops in a minute. What do
we need?
Jack: We’re okay for vegetables but we should
stock up on meat. Can you go to the
butcher’s and get some beef?
Nora: No problem. We also need bread, so I’ll go
to the baker’s. I’ll get some cake for Victor’s
birthday on Friday. We’ll need balloons for
that, too.
Jack: You had better visit the supermarket then.
We’ll need some other things for the party.
Get some vanilla ice cream, some butter and
some vinegar.
Nora: - - - -
Ruby: I was just wondering if you would like to
watch the new season of “Voidlist”?
Mia: - - - -.
Ruby: I heard this one is supposed to be really
good! I think you should give it another go.
Mia: Okay let’s do it. Is it on TV or online via a
streaming service?
Ruby: It’s on a streaming service, so we can watch
it whenever you are free.
Mia: That’s great! I really prefer watching shows
online. The commercials on TV are really
long and annoying.
Sienna: Have you heard? Sarah is pregnant again!
Charlotte: I had no idea, that’s great! How far along is
Sienna: She’s in the second trimester, I think.
I haven’t seen her in the last couple of weeks.
Charlotte: - - - -?
Sienna: They want to keep it a surprise.
Charlotte: That’s exciting. They already have a little
girl, right?
Sienna: Yes, she just turned two in March. I bet she
will be really excited to get a sibling soon.
Oliver: - - - -?
Emma: Mainly dance, but I also was really into
music growing up, so musical instruments
and singing.
Oliver: So, do you have any friends that were
interested in art or dance that you had in
those times?
Emma: Not really.
Oliver: Do you wish that if you were in a group of
people that like the similar things that you
might have pursued different interests?
Emma: Definitely. I wish I would have done more
with dance. I was a ballerina for 12 years.
And I gave up on that when I was 14.
Oliver: So Emma, any funny haircuts or anything
like that?
Emma: Actually, yes. One week before I moved
away to college, I cut my hair boy-short. And
then after that, like during my first semester,
I’d dyed it all different shades of red.
David: I was wondering if you have my test results in.
Doctor: I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but
I want you to log onto our website for a
printout of all the details.
David: So, basically, I am OK?
Doctor: If there were any major problems, I would
always notify you by phone to come in.
David: - - - -?
Doctor: A description of each test is issued there.
Emily: What do you like to do to relax after a hard
day at work?
Grace: Usually I do nothing after work and
watch TV, but I have been thinking about
meditation. Have you ever tried it?
Emily: Yes, I do Yoga twice a week. It really helps
me calm down and relax.
Grace: - - - -?
Emily: A little more than a year now. It’s not all
meditation, but you could come with me next
week, if you would like to try it?
Grace: I’m not sure if I would like to do Yoga with
other people.
Emily: That’s ok. Let me know if you change your
Owen: Where do you live? With a family?
Connor: Well, I’m staying at a small hostel at the
moment. I’m looking for somewhere more
permanent. Do you know any good places?
Owen: Yes. Actually, my friend has a spare room
in her apartment and she’s looking for a
flatmate. Would you like her phone number?
Connor: - - - -
Matthew: Where shall we sit? Look! There are some
free seats in the corner.
Kinsley: The seats by the window are better. It’ll be
cooler there.
Matthew: Okay. What would you like to eat?
Kinsley: I’m really hungry. I think I’ll have chicken and
chips with baked beans.
Matthew: I’ll only have a cheese sandwich.
Kinsley: Why don’t you have chicken too?
Matthew: - - - -.
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YDS İngilizce Diyalog Tamamlama Testleri Çöz 18
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