YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 11 - testdelisi.com

YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 11

YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 11

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Soru 1

Engineering is akin to writing or painting in that it is a creative endeavor that begins in the mind’s eye and proceeds into new frontiers of thought and action, where it does not so much find as make new things. Just as the poet starts with a blank sheet of paper and the artist with a blank canvas, so the engineer today begins with a blank computer screen. Until the outlines of a design are set down, however tentatively, there can be no appeal to science or to critical analysis to judge or test the design. Scientific, rhetorical or aesthetic principles may be called on to inspire, refine and finish a design, but creative things do not come of applying the principles alone. Without the sketch of a thing or a diagram of a process, scientific facts and laws are of little use to engineers. Science may be the theater, but engineering is the action on the stage.

 It can be inferred from the passage that, once a poet has achieved the basic core of his poem, ----.

he should wait a while before transcribing it onto a blank sheet of paper
he must start to examine it for flaws and then remove them
the creative process is complete
he tends to lose interest in it
aesthetic principles may help him to intensify and complete it
Soru 2

Engineering is akin to writing or painting in that it is a creative endeavor that begins in the mind’s eye and proceeds into new frontiers of thought and action, where it does not so much find as make new things. Just as the poet starts with a blank sheet of paper and the artist with a blank canvas, so the engineer today begins with a blank computer screen. Until the outlines of a design are set down, however tentatively, there can be no appeal to science or to critical analysis to judge or test the design. Scientific, rhetorical or aesthetic principles may be called on to inspire, refine and finish a design, but creative things do not come of applying the principles alone. Without the sketch of a thing or a diagram of a process, scientific facts and laws are of little use to engineers. Science may be the theater, but engineering is the action on the stage.

According to the writer of the passage, each act of creativity ----.

necessitates the crossing of frontiers and entry into unknown regions
in one sphere of endeavour has its counterpart in another
arises almost equally out of thought and inspiration and knowledge
is dependent upon a storehouse of closely related knowledge
has some bearing on other acts of creativity
Soru 3

Engineering is akin to writing or painting in that it is a creative endeavor that begins in the mind’s eye and proceeds into new frontiers of thought and action, where it does not so much find as make new things. Just as the poet starts with a blank sheet of paper and the artist with a blank canvas, so the engineer today begins with a blank computer screen. Until the outlines of a design are set down, however tentatively, there can be no appeal to science or to critical analysis to judge or test the design. Scientific, rhetorical or aesthetic principles may be called on to inspire, refine and finish a design, but creative things do not come of applying the principles alone. Without the sketch of a thing or a diagram of a process, scientific facts and laws are of little use to engineers. Science may be the theater, but engineering is the action on the stage.

 The writer’s main aim in this passage is to ----.

compare and contrast the way poets and painters work
establish the fact that it is the engineers’ scientific knowledge that makes him creative
show how many different types of creativity there are
show that literary creativity is superior to the painter’s creativity
stress the creative and constructive aspects of an engineer’s work
Soru 4

Engineering is akin to writing or painting in that it is a creative endeavor that begins in the mind’s eye and proceeds into new frontiers of thought and action, where it does not so much find as make new things. Just as the poet starts with a blank sheet of paper and the artist with a blank canvas, so the engineer today begins with a blank computer screen. Until the outlines of a design are set down, however tentatively, there can be no appeal to science or to critical analysis to judge or test the design. Scientific, rhetorical or aesthetic principles may be called on to inspire, refine and finish a design, but creative things do not come of applying the principles alone. Without the sketch of a thing or a diagram of a process, scientific facts and laws are of little use to engineers. Science may be the theater, but engineering is the action on the stage.

 The point is made in the passage that aesthetic principles ----.

are central to the very best works of art
can infuse life into an ill-conceived poem
and creativity are two very different things
have no place in an engineer’s design
cannot be taught or learnt
Soru 5

Engineering is akin to writing or painting in that it is a creative endeavor that begins in the mind’s eye and proceeds into new frontiers of thought and action, where it does not so much find as make new things. Just as the poet starts with a blank sheet of paper and the artist with a blank canvas, so the engineer today begins with a blank computer screen. Until the outlines of a design are set down, however tentatively, there can be no appeal to science or to critical analysis to judge or test the design. Scientific, rhetorical or aesthetic principles may be called on to inspire, refine and finish a design, but creative things do not come of applying the principles alone. Without the sketch of a thing or a diagram of a process, scientific facts and laws are of little use to engineers. Science may be the theater, but engineering is the action on the stage.

 We understand from the passage that, for the engineer, scientific laws ----

only have a role to play after a design has taken some sort of form
are rarely applicable at any stage in his projects
play an important role only when it comes to finalizing certain details
are a constant factor all through the creative process of design
are only relevant in details concerning safety
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YDS ingilizce paragraf sorularını doğru yapmak iyi bir okuyucu olmayı gerektirmektedir.

  • YDS Paragraf tipi sorular hemen hemen bütün sınavlarda adayların karşısına çıkan soru tiplerinde birisidir. Paragraf soruları ile baş edebilmenin en önemli şartı iyi bir okuyucu olmak gerekir. Soru tarzı olarak paragraf soruları çözülmesi en kolay sorulardandır; çünkü bu sorular cevaplarını da içlerinde barındırır. Bu sorularda istenen kişinin okuduğunu anlayıp, anlamadığını test etmektir. Herhangi bir formül bilmeden bu soruları çözmek mümkündür. Yine bu sorularda amaç, diğer sorularda olduğu gibi, kişiyi zamanla yarıştırmak ve bu yarışta hata yapmasına neden olmaktır.

Sınavda önemli olan verilen zamanda bu tür soruları çözmektir

  • Sınavda yeterli zaman verildiğinde her paragraf sorusunu herkes çözebilir. Paragraf sorularını çözmek için daha fazla zaman verilse yeni bir bilgi edinmeden herkes soruyu çözebilirsiniz. Sorular üzerinde uzun uzun düşünür, en sonunda cevabı bulursunuz. Ama bir integral sorusu böyle değildir. Size ne kadar zaman verilse de yeni bir bilgi edinmeden bir matematik sorusunu çözemezsiniz. Bu da paragraf sorularının ne kadar kolay olduğunu göstermektedir.

Sınavda hızlı okuma teknikleri öğrenciler için faydalıdır

  • Düzenli olarak kitap okumayanların hızlı okuma kurs ve teknikleri yoluyla paragraf sorularının üstesinde gelebileceklerini düşünmek yetersiz olur. Normal okuma hızını aşamayan birinin, hızlı okumaya geçmesi de uygun değildir. Paragraf sorularında en önemli nokta, oldukça fazla paragraf sorularıyla karşılaşmaktır. Çünkü her çözülen soru adaylarda aşinalık oluşturmaktadır. Sonuçta aday, hem soruyu görünce korkmamayı hem de sorulardaki ipuçlarını görmeyi sağlayacaktır.

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