YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 13
BBC4, a comparatively new TV channel, has a
character of its own. From the start it aimed to be “a
place to think”, and it was always designed as
something “that the commercial market would never
do”, says Roly Keating, its controller and formerly
head of arts at the BBC. Its first week’s schedule
indeed verged on a parody of non-commercial TV,
with township opera from South Africa and a
performance by a Senegalese singer in a London
church hall. A top-rated show will typically draw some
50,000 viewers – almost negligible in television
terms. Yet that narrow appeal makes BBC4 a model
of what a publicly financed broadcaster ought to do.
It has roamed into territory where its ratings-driven
sister channel, BBC1, seldom dares to tread. Despite
a tiny 35m budget, it boasts an intelligent prime-time
talk show and a world news programme so
internationally minded that its London provenance is
barely visible. BBC4 may wear its gravity a little too
heavily at times, but it supplies a variety and
thoughtfulness unavailable on prime time BBC1. The
more the other BBC channels chase the ratings, and
the more that BBC4 refuses to be dictated to by
them, the more the channel looks like a model for
what BBC television could look like.
It is clear from the passage that, since BBC4 is
publicly financed, it ----.
BBC4, a comparatively new TV channel, has a
character of its own. From the start it aimed to be “a
place to think”, and it was always designed as
something “that the commercial market would never
do”, says Roly Keating, its controller and formerly
head of arts at the BBC. Its first week’s schedule
indeed verged on a parody of non-commercial TV,
with township opera from South Africa and a
performance by a Senegalese singer in a London
church hall. A top-rated show will typically draw some
50,000 viewers – almost negligible in television
terms. Yet that narrow appeal makes BBC4 a model
of what a publicly financed broadcaster ought to do.
It has roamed into territory where its ratings-driven
sister channel, BBC1, seldom dares to tread. Despite
a tiny 35m budget, it boasts an intelligent prime-time
talk show and a world news programme so
internationally minded that its London provenance is
barely visible. BBC4 may wear its gravity a little too
heavily at times, but it supplies a variety and
thoughtfulness unavailable on prime time BBC1. The
more the other BBC channels chase the ratings, and
the more that BBC4 refuses to be dictated to by
them, the more the channel looks like a model for
what BBC television could look like.
Before he took over the running of BBC4, Roly
Keating ----.
BBC4, a comparatively new TV channel, has a
character of its own. From the start it aimed to be “a
place to think”, and it was always designed as
something “that the commercial market would never
do”, says Roly Keating, its controller and formerly
head of arts at the BBC. Its first week’s schedule
indeed verged on a parody of non-commercial TV,
with township opera from South Africa and a
performance by a Senegalese singer in a London
church hall. A top-rated show will typically draw some
50,000 viewers – almost negligible in television
terms. Yet that narrow appeal makes BBC4 a model
of what a publicly financed broadcaster ought to do.
It has roamed into territory where its ratings-driven
sister channel, BBC1, seldom dares to tread. Despite
a tiny 35m budget, it boasts an intelligent prime-time
talk show and a world news programme so
internationally minded that its London provenance is
barely visible. BBC4 may wear its gravity a little too
heavily at times, but it supplies a variety and
thoughtfulness unavailable on prime time BBC1. The
more the other BBC channels chase the ratings, and
the more that BBC4 refuses to be dictated to by
them, the more the channel looks like a model for
what BBC television could look like.
According to the passage, the programmes BBC4
has to offer ----.
BBC4, a comparatively new TV channel, has a
character of its own. From the start it aimed to be “a
place to think”, and it was always designed as
something “that the commercial market would never
do”, says Roly Keating, its controller and formerly
head of arts at the BBC. Its first week’s schedule
indeed verged on a parody of non-commercial TV,
with township opera from South Africa and a
performance by a Senegalese singer in a London
church hall. A top-rated show will typically draw some
50,000 viewers – almost negligible in television
terms. Yet that narrow appeal makes BBC4 a model
of what a publicly financed broadcaster ought to do.
It has roamed into territory where its ratings-driven
sister channel, BBC1, seldom dares to tread. Despite
a tiny 35m budget, it boasts an intelligent prime-time
talk show and a world news programme so
internationally minded that its London provenance is
barely visible. BBC4 may wear its gravity a little too
heavily at times, but it supplies a variety and
thoughtfulness unavailable on prime time BBC1. The
more the other BBC channels chase the ratings, and
the more that BBC4 refuses to be dictated to by
them, the more the channel looks like a model for
what BBC television could look like.
It is clear that the writer of the passage ----
BBC4, a comparatively new TV channel, has a
character of its own. From the start it aimed to be “a
place to think”, and it was always designed as
something “that the commercial market would never
do”, says Roly Keating, its controller and formerly
head of arts at the BBC. Its first week’s schedule
indeed verged on a parody of non-commercial TV,
with township opera from South Africa and a
performance by a Senegalese singer in a London
church hall. A top-rated show will typically draw some
50,000 viewers – almost negligible in television
terms. Yet that narrow appeal makes BBC4 a model
of what a publicly financed broadcaster ought to do.
It has roamed into territory where its ratings-driven
sister channel, BBC1, seldom dares to tread. Despite
a tiny 35m budget, it boasts an intelligent prime-time
talk show and a world news programme so
internationally minded that its London provenance is
barely visible. BBC4 may wear its gravity a little too
heavily at times, but it supplies a variety and
thoughtfulness unavailable on prime time BBC1. The
more the other BBC channels chase the ratings, and
the more that BBC4 refuses to be dictated to by
them, the more the channel looks like a model for
what BBC television could look like.
In the passage, BBC1 is described as being
“ratings-driven”; this means ----.
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YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 13
Tebrikler - YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 13 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%.
Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1
is under no pressure to attract large numbers of
has a large budget with which to work
has to give viewers the kind of programmes they
is under an obligation to offer a great variety of
is often severely criticized for the subjectivity of
its news programmes
Soru 2
was a severe critic of the BBC1 channel
was involved in commercial TV enterprises
had taken a firm stand against the trend to let
ratings dictate programming
was criticized because his programmes were too
intellectual and too serious
was arts director at the BBC
Soru 3
rarely come up to expectations
are varied, unusual and thought-provoking
are mostly news programmes and London-orientated
constitute a close rival for BBC1 as regards
are attracting very large numbers of viewers
Soru 4
would like to see the BBC1 channel closed down
regards BBC4’s budget of £35m as excessive
is very impressed by the performance of the
BBC4 channel
feels BBC4 has not lived up to its aim to be “a
place to think”
was full of admiration for BBC4’s choice of
programme for the first week
Soru 5
it sees BBC4 as its greatest riva
it is obliged to put on popular programmes
it never experiments or tries out a new type of
its appeal is a very narrow one
it feels very secure and can take risks
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