YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 16
There seems no question but that the clock dial,
which has existed in its present form since the
seventeenth century and in earlier forms since
ancient times, is on its way out. More and more
common are the digital clocks that mark off the
hours, minutes, and seconds in ever-changing
numbers. This certainly appears to be an advance in
technology. You will no longer have to interpret the
meaning of “the big hand on the eleven and the little
hand on the five.” Your digital clock will tell you at
once that it is 4:55. And yet there will be a loss in the
conversion of dial to digital, and no one seems to be
worrying about it. Actually, when something turns, it
can turn in just one of two ways, clockwise or
counter-clockwise, and we all know which is which.
Clockwise is the normal turning direction of the
hands of a clock, and counter-clockwise is the
opposite of that. Since we all stare at clocks (dial
clocks, that is), we have no trouble following
directions or descriptions that include those words.
But if dial clocks disappear, so will the meaning of
those words for anyone who has never stared at
anything but digitals.
In the passage, the author admits that digital
clocks, compared with dial clocks, ----.
There seems no question but that the clock dial,
which has existed in its present form since the
seventeenth century and in earlier forms since
ancient times, is on its way out. More and more
common are the digital clocks that mark off the
hours, minutes, and seconds in ever-changing
numbers. This certainly appears to be an advance in
technology. You will no longer have to interpret the
meaning of “the big hand on the eleven and the little
hand on the five.” Your digital clock will tell you at
once that it is 4:55. And yet there will be a loss in the
conversion of dial to digital, and no one seems to be
worrying about it. Actually, when something turns, it
can turn in just one of two ways, clockwise or
counter-clockwise, and we all know which is which.
Clockwise is the normal turning direction of the
hands of a clock, and counter-clockwise is the
opposite of that. Since we all stare at clocks (dial
clocks, that is), we have no trouble following
directions or descriptions that include those words.
But if dial clocks disappear, so will the meaning of
those words for anyone who has never stared at
anything but digitals.
The author maintains that, when dial clocks go
out of use and only digitals are used, ----.
There seems no question but that the clock dial,
which has existed in its present form since the
seventeenth century and in earlier forms since
ancient times, is on its way out. More and more
common are the digital clocks that mark off the
hours, minutes, and seconds in ever-changing
numbers. This certainly appears to be an advance in
technology. You will no longer have to interpret the
meaning of “the big hand on the eleven and the little
hand on the five.” Your digital clock will tell you at
once that it is 4:55. And yet there will be a loss in the
conversion of dial to digital, and no one seems to be
worrying about it. Actually, when something turns, it
can turn in just one of two ways, clockwise or
counter-clockwise, and we all know which is which.
Clockwise is the normal turning direction of the
hands of a clock, and counter-clockwise is the
opposite of that. Since we all stare at clocks (dial
clocks, that is), we have no trouble following
directions or descriptions that include those words.
But if dial clocks disappear, so will the meaning of
those words for anyone who has never stared at
anything but digitals.
The author asserts that people ----.
There seems no question but that the clock dial, which has existed in its present form since the seventeenth century and in earlier forms since ancient times, is on its way out. More and more common are the digital clocks that mark off the hours, minutes, and seconds in ever-changing numbers. This certainly appears to be an advance in technology. You will no longer have to interpret the meaning of “the big hand on the eleven and the little hand on the five.” Your digital clock will tell you at once that it is 4:55. And yet there will be a loss in the conversion of dial to digital, and no one seems to be worrying about it. Actually, when something turns, it can turn in just one of two ways, clockwise or counter-clockwise, and we all know which is which. Clockwise is the normal turning direction of the hands of a clock, and counter-clockwise is the opposite of that. Since we all stare at clocks (dial clocks, that is), we have no trouble following directions or descriptions that include those words. But if dial clocks disappear, so will the meaning of those words for anyone who has never stared at anything but digitals.
As has been pointed out in the passage, the word
“clockwise” ----.
There seems no question but that the clock dial,
which has existed in its present form since the
seventeenth century and in earlier forms since
ancient times, is on its way out. More and more
common are the digital clocks that mark off the
hours, minutes, and seconds in ever-changing
numbers. This certainly appears to be an advance in
technology. You will no longer have to interpret the
meaning of “the big hand on the eleven and the little
hand on the five.” Your digital clock will tell you at
once that it is 4:55. And yet there will be a loss in the
conversion of dial to digital, and no one seems to be
worrying about it. Actually, when something turns, it
can turn in just one of two ways, clockwise or
counter-clockwise, and we all know which is which.
Clockwise is the normal turning direction of the
hands of a clock, and counter-clockwise is the
opposite of that. Since we all stare at clocks (dial
clocks, that is), we have no trouble following
directions or descriptions that include those words.
But if dial clocks disappear, so will the meaning of
those words for anyone who has never stared at
anything but digitals.
It is pointed out in the passage that the use of the
clock dial ----
YDS İngilizce paragraf Soruları Nasıl Çözülür?
Genelde adayların korkulu rüyası olan paragraf sorularını nasıl en kısa yoldan çözebileceğinizi göstermeye çalışacağım. ÖSYM’nin en çok sevdiği soru tipi olan paragraf sorularını çözme yöntemi ise oldukça basittir.
Paragraf soruları okuduğunuzu anlamaya yönelik olarak sorulardır. Ancak öğrencilerin uzun sorular karşısındaki tutumu, “Ben bunu okuyup anlayana kadar çok zaman kaybederim.” veya “Bu kadar uzun bir soruyu çözmem imkânsız.” gibi ön yargılar yüzünden en fazla boş bırakılan veya yanlış yapılan sorulardır.
Hâlbuki paragraf sorularının çoğunun cevabı, kendi içerisinde yer alır. Öncelikle önyargılarımızı bir tarafa bırakın. Bu soruları hazırlayanların sizin dikkatinizi dağıtmak için değişik kelimeler kullandığını, aslında anlatılmak istenenin ne olduğunu görmek için dikkatinizi üst düzeyde kullanmanızın cevabı çok kısa bir süre içerisinde bulmanızı sağlayacağını fark ettiğinizde “Keşke Türkçe / edebiyat bölümü sorularının tamamı pargraflardan oluşsaydı.” diyeceksiniz.
Soruda doğru Seçeneğe odaklanmaya çalışın…
Soruyu hazırlayan kişilerin sizi şaşırtmak için çeldirici şıklar eklediklerini, soruda sizden istenilen şeyi ne olduğunu ve paragraf metninde hangilerini bulup ve çıkarabileceğimizi güzelce değerlendirdikten sonra, seçeneklerden en uygun olanı işaretleyin.
Seçeneklere hızlıca göz Atın
Soru kökünü okuduktan sonra şıklara hızlıca bir göz atıyoruz. Bazen bir paragrafı okuduğunuzda hiçbir şey anlamayabilirsiniz ama şıklardan yola çıkarak cevabı bulabilirsiniz. Şıklardan iki tanesi aynı fikri savunuyorsa bu ikisi de doğru cevap olması imkansızdır. İki şık birbirine zıt ise bunlardan birinin doğru cevap olma ihtimali yüksektir.
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YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 16
Tebrikler - YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Paragraf Soruları Çöz 16 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%.
Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1
are technologically more advanced and tell time
very precisely
have a number of drawbacks which make their
use rather restricted
can, in the long run, be replaced by
technologically new and more efficient clocks
do not seem to have much efficiency and easily
break down
have ceased to be in widespread use due to
some inexplicable technological shortcomings
Soru 2
people will continue to use the words “clockwise”
and “counter-clockwise” on a regular basis
it will be quite confusing for everyone to tell the
time right away
it will certainly be a major technological change
unprecedented in the past
the words “clockwise” and “counter-clockwise”
will cease to carry any meaning
most people will wonder about the meanings of
the words “clockwise” and “counter-clockwise”
Soru 3
are not aware of the fact that in antiquity time
was completely disregarded
have already stopped using the words
“clockwise” and “counter-clockwise” to indicate
do not seem to be concerned about “the loss”
that the replacement of dial clocks by digitals will
today have a growing interest in dial clocks and
value them very much
can also define their position accurately by using
digital clocks
Soru 4
first came into use in the seventeenth century
is used only in conjunction with the word
has no meaning unless it is used with reference
to a dial clock
signifies the direction in which the hands of a dial
clock move
can also be used with reference to a digital clock
Soru 5
was most popular in the seventeenth century but
has since lost its importance
is no longer practical since one is often confused
about the meaning of the words “clockwise” and
has a very long history though at present it is
becoming less and less popular
is still widely used despite the technological
progress in the manufacture of digital clocks
has improved enormously since the seventeenth
century due to advances in technology
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