YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Bağlaç – Conjuctions Soruları Çöz 2
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Soru 1 |
The body’s immune system attacks and eliminates ---- bacteria and other foreign substances ---- cancer cells.
A | rather / than |
B | just as / as |
C | as well as / and |
D | not only / but also |
E | such / that |
Soru 2 |
---- philosophers had started to put received wisdom to the test of rational examination, another fundamental question rapidly became obvious: “How can we know?”
A | While |
B | Once |
C | Only if |
D | Unless |
E | In case |
Soru 3 |
---- the news is out about tomatoes being found for their cancer-fighting properties, the question is how to get sufficient amounts every day.
A | Just as |
B | Now that |
C | While |
D | Much as |
E | Even if |
Soru 4 |
On a sunny day, some patches of ground warm up more quickly than others ---- the differences in topography.
A | as well as |
B | on behalf of |
C | apart from |
D | because of |
E | similar to |
Soru 5 |
Algeria is particularly keen to increase its gas exports ---- OPEC production quotas restrict its oil exports.
A | so that |
B | since |
C | that |
D | whereas |
E | as if |
Soru 6 |
---- most people who commit suicide are depressed, having depression correctly diagnosed and treated is the most important step towards preventing suicide.
A | Unless |
B | As long as |
C | Because |
D | Even if |
E | Although |
Soru 7 |
One of the challenging decisions that hospitals are to make when purchasing a technology-based system is ---- they want to focus more on the doctor ---- the patient.
A | rather / than |
B | neither / nor |
C | both / and |
D | whether / or |
E | as well / as |
Soru 8 |
The island groups in the Pacific are often called “Oceania,” ---- this name does not imply that they are the remains of a continent.
A | so that |
B | whereby |
C | just as |
D | but |
E | whether |
Soru 9 |
In the early twentieth century, the motor car was one of the first major consumer products to be ---- mass produced ---- mass marketed.
A | both / and |
B | more / than |
C | such / as |
D | as / as |
E | so / as |
Soru 10 |
A symphony is like a castle with its own grand structure, ---- a short song will have a different and less complex form more like a cottage.
A | before |
B | although |
C | whereas |
D | whether |
E | if |
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