YDS İngilizce Yakın Anlam Soruları Çöz 15
Natural defences are a person's way of thinking, and acting, that they believe will protect them
from being hurt.
A frightened population can easily be led by an unscrupulous leader to perform acts against
humanity that breach their moral code.
Living a principled life involves a fundamental choice between striving to lead an honest life or
settling for a life of maintaining illusions and defences.
It is quite common to say that a person works like a dog, even though a dog really doesn't do much
other than lie around the house.
You will never reach your destination, if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks
Orcas though referred to as Killer Whales, are really just the biggest species of dolphins
Germany receives more refugees than any other European country.
Tin cans connected by a piece of string was the first mobile phone for many as children but today's
technology affords people instant access and amazing clarity in transmission.
Be careful, this flower is very fragile and a very rare specimen.
The more fearful or insecure people become, the more they rely on a fantasy bond with people
they know and project hostility towards people they don't know.
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YDS İngilizce Yakın Anlam Soruları Çöz 15
YDS İngilizce Yakın Anlam Soruları Çöz 15
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