YDS İnglizce Paragraf Soruları 4 - testdelisi.com

YDS İnglizce Paragraf Soruları 4

YDS Paragraf Soruları 4

Tebrikler - YDS Paragraf Soruları 4 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
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Soru 1

It cannot be denied that buying locally grown food really does offer big advantages, not just in freshness, but also in environmental savings. Imported foods, especially those flown in from the opposite hemisphere, use up huge amounts of jet fuel – 127 calories of fuel per calorie of Californian lettuce flown to Britain, and 66 calories of fuel per calorie of South African carrot; that at least is what a green research group based in London has estimated. Much of that cost is hidden from consumers, because air fuel attracts no tax – an advantage guaranteed by international treaty. And under the Kyoto Protocol, carbon emissions from international transports aren't added to national carbonemission tallies, because nobody can agree whose account to charge them to. But the fuel used to import food and drink to Britain continues to account for four million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, which is about 2.5 per cent of the national total.

  • The author of the passage quotes

    figures supplied by a green research

    group ----.

concerning the extent of CO2 aircraft emissions
to account for the low calorific value of Californian lettuce
which compare the calorific value of carrots grown in California and South Africa
that help one to judge the freshness of food
but gives no assurance of their reliability
Soru 2

It cannot be denied that buying locally grown food really does offer big advantages, not just in freshness, but also in environmental savings. Imported foods, especially those flown in from the opposite hemisphere, use up huge amounts of jet fuel – 127 calories of fuel per calorie of Californian lettuce flown to Britain, and 66 calories of fuel per calorie of South African carrot; that at least is what a green research group based in London has estimated. Much of that cost is hidden from consumers, because air fuel attracts no tax – an advantage guaranteed by international treaty. And under the Kyoto Protocol, carbon emissions from international transports aren't added to national carbonemission tallies, because nobody can agree whose account to charge them to. But the fuel used to import food and drink to Britain continues to account for four million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, which is about 2.5 per cent of the national total.

  • It is explained in the passage that the cost of transporting food from abroad by air is less expensive than one might imagine ----..

but still prohibitive
but the resulting environmental hazards are increasing at a horrifying rate
but taste and freshness are lost
as the fuel an international aircraft consumes is untaxed
and so imported food usually costs no more than locally grown
Soru 3

It cannot be denied that buying locally grown food really does offer big advantages, not just in freshness, but also in environmental savings. Imported foods, especially those flown in from the opposite hemisphere, use up huge amounts of jet fuel – 127 calories of fuel per calorie of Californian lettuce flown to Britain, and 66 calories of fuel per calorie of South African carrot; that at least is what a green research group based in London has estimated. Much of that cost is hidden from consumers, because air fuel attracts no tax – an advantage guaranteed by international treaty. And under the Kyoto Protocol, carbon emissions from international transports aren't added to national carbonemission tallies, because nobody can agree whose account to charge them to. But the fuel used to import food and drink to Britain continues to account for four million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, which is about 2.5 per cent of the national total.

  • We learn from the passage that carbon emissions of aircraft travelling between countries ----..

do not have a detrimental effect upon the environment
are not ascribed to any particular country
could be reduced and should be
amount to an insignificant percentage of CO2 emissions worldwide
cannot be measured accurately
Soru 4

It cannot be denied that buying locally grown food really does offer big advantages, not just in freshness, but also in environmental savings. Imported foods, especially those flown in from the opposite hemisphere, use up huge amounts of jet fuel – 127 calories of fuel per calorie of Californian lettuce flown to Britain, and 66 calories of fuel per calorie of South African carrot; that at least is what a green research group based in London has estimated. Much of that cost is hidden from consumers, because air fuel attracts no tax – an advantage guaranteed by international treaty. And under the Kyoto Protocol, carbon emissions from international transports aren't added to national carbonemission tallies, because nobody can agree whose account to charge them to. But the fuel used to import food and drink to Britain continues to account for four million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, which is about 2.5 per cent of the national total.

  • One important point made in the passage is that ----..

food grown locally is to be preferred, for several reasons, to imported food
imported foodstuffs are often quite as fresh as locally grown ones
transport costs make imported food extremely costly
Britain imports more food and drink than any other country in Europe
certain international bodies are seeking to tax air fuel
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  • YDS İngilizce paragraf soruları neden en zor olanlarıdır diye sorarsanız, bunun nedenleri, sınavın ilerleyen zamanlarında sorulması yani başta sorulmaması ve buna dayalı yorgunluk, paragrafların uzun görünmesi, kelime, dil bilgisi becerilerinin yanında paragrafların hızlı okuma becerisi gerektirmesi olarak sayılabilir.

  • YDS sınavana giren aday kim olursa olsun, paragraf sorularını her zaman ciddiye alır. Ancak ciddiye almak konusunda yapılması gerekenler vardır.

  • İngilizce Paragraf Soru Çözümleri İçin Atılması Gereken Adımlar

    İlk önce mutlaka paragrafın giriş ve sonuç cümlelerini okuyarak, paragraf konusunda fikir edinin. Çok büyük ihtimalle, ilk cümlede konu belirtilmiş olur. Son cümle ise bize konuyu toparlayıp bir özet sunar, çoğunlukla. Bununla birlikte, ilk ve son cümleden yüksek ihtimalle bir soru çıktığını hatırlamalısınız.

    Ardından, paragrafla ilgili sorulan dört sorunun başlangıçlarını okuyunuz.

  • Doğrudan parçayı okumaya başlayarak parçada geçen her şeyi anlamaya çalışmaktır. Parça biter bitmez de birinci soruya yönelerek soru kökü okunur, seçeneklere bakılır, sonra tekrar parçaya dönülür ve tekrar seçeneklere bakılır.


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