YÖKDİL Fen Bilimleri Testleri 8
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Soru 1 |
Nationalism first gained strength in many places around the world as part of the reaction against strict monarchy, ----.
therefore preoccupation with politics revealed itself
in the ideology of many ancient philosophers | |
since the new national patriots demanded the
recognition of nationalism as a political philosophy | |
whereas political scientists studied various forms of
romanticism, republicanism and liberalism | |
because intellectuals found it necessary to define
the idea of nationality itself | |
but it also drew its power from specific cultural
traditions and social norms in each country |
Soru 2 |
Scientific mysteries and huge surprises await all space explorers ----.
whereas the claim that black holes are crucial to
enable galaxies to form is highly controversial | |
even if we could have the opportunity to take a
scenic journey through space and time with a
cosmic flight simulator | |
whether they are viewing the Earth from outer space
or seeking out other planets | |
since humans would have undoubtedly asked how
the Earth evolved | |
until the suppositions concerning the universe were
experimentally tested in order to gain validity |
Soru 3 |
Whereas Shostakovich remained in the Soviet Union and wrote mostly works about Soviet life or history, ----.
the Australian composer and pianist Percy Grainger
is equally industrious, collecting music from various
parts of the world | |
European composers as diverse as Britten and
Berio would make settings of folk songs of their own
countries | |
music since 1900 has developed in a wide variety of
styles, many of them strongly influenced by social
and technological changes
| |
in Russia, several distinct and important voices
emerged during the productive decades of the 20th
century | |
Prokofiev moved to the West, and was influenced by
the Neo-Classicism he found in Paris |
Soru 4 |
Once individuals lose status, either through separation from a partner or loss of “resource earning potential” like job, money or home, ----.
the common phenomenon known as depression is
usually the result of failure | |
the proposed ranking hypothesis fits very well with
the psychoanalytic model | |
they become vulnerable to aggression and
displacement from high-ranking types within their
social group | |
biological models concentrate much more on the
individual and his or her internal workings | |
modern evolutionary psychology emphasizes a
more adaptational aspect to evolution |
Soru 5 |
Dehydration is not as likely as overhydration to present a life-threatening situation, ----
since drinking water is one of the best ways to
maintain a healthy life | |
if preventing them depends entirely on medical
attempts | |
though it can contribute to a problem, heat stroke,
when the temperature is high | |
which means no lasting adverse effects on the
person consuming it | |
while great amounts of weight losses are typical of
people who exercise a lot |
Soru 6 |
When the gene responsible for certain speech defects was detected, ----.
many children have initial problems in reproducing
certain sounds | |
the remarkable human talent for speech developed
as the need for communication emerged | |
it provided conclusive evidence that the ability to
speak is encoded in our DNA | |
a few species like parrots were able to learn vocal
patterns by imitating their parents or owners | |
its role in normal speech development needs to be
Soru 7 |
Austria is linguistically homogeneous, with 98 per cent of the population speaking German, ----.
so the linguistic differences among this majority
cannot be denied
| |
unless most Austrians learn to speak at least one
foreign language
| |
since people in most German-speaking countries do
not have much difficulty in understanding each other | |
yet there are considerable dialectal differences
between the various regions
| |
even if the resulting linguistic differences contribute
to the cultural diversity in the country
Soru 8 |
When sociologists mention the development of industrial societies, they usually mean the broad historical process through which these societies acquired their modern occupations, institutions and organizations
Sanayi toplumlarının gelişmesi, toplum bilimcilere
göre; genellikle bu toplumların geniş ve tarihsel bir
süreçte elde etmiş oldukları çağdaş meslek, kurum
ve kuruluşlarla ilgilidir.
| |
Toplum bilimciler sanayi toplumlarının
gelişmesinden bahsederken genellikle bu
toplumların çağdaş meslek, kurum ve kuruluşlarını
elde ettikleri geniş tarihsel süreci kastederler. | |
Toplum bilimcilerin sanayi toplumlarının
gelişmesinden kastettikleri; bu toplumların geniş bir
tarihsel süreç içerisinde ilerlerken elde ettikleri
meslek, kurum ve kuruluşlardır. | |
Toplum bilimcilere göre; sanayi toplumlarının
gelişimi anlatılırken bu toplumların geniş bir tarihsel
süreç içerisinde elde etmiş oldukları çağdaş meslek,
kurum ve kuruluşlardan sıklıkla bahsedilmelidir | |
Sanayi toplumlarının gelişmesinden bahsedildiğinde
toplum bilimcilerin dikkat çektikleri nokta; genellikle
bu toplumların çağdaş meslek, kurum ve
kuruluşlarını elde ettikleri geniş tarihsel süreçtir |
Soru 9 |
Although over a hundred types of headaches exist, ----.
anxiety and depression may be linked to stressful
events | |
people with chronic headaches exhibit high
sensitivity to pain | |
serious medical conditions are generally associated
with them | |
the underlying causes of the most common ones
remain unclear | |
it can be a severe problem that requires medical
assistance |
Soru 10 |
A regimen of mineral supplements should be discontinued, ----.
when the chronic symptoms of an illness are
described in detail
| |
if it has negative results in terms of one’s health | |
whether the patient has regular follow-up visits to
maintain his good health
| |
now that clinics work with health care practitioners
who recommend minerals
| |
while a blood test can warn the practitioner before
things get worse |
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