YÖKDİL Fen Bilimleri Testleri 9

YÖKDİL Fen Bilimleri Testleri 9

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Soru 1

Martin:  What do you know about the US Apollo Program?

Bill:  ----

Martin:  Wasn’t it the largest and most powerful ever built?

Bill:  Yes, it was over 110 meters long and lifted a mass of 120 tons into the Earth’s orbit.

Nothing at all, to be quite honest with you
I can tell you quite a bit about the size of the rocket they used.
It sent three astronauts into space, didn’t it?
Isn’t that the space program which took men to the moon?
“Apollo” was an appropriate name as it was such an amazing event.
Soru 2

Teknolojik kaynaklardaki sürekli gelişmeler, belirli soruları cevaplama potansiyelleriyle birlikte, son yıllarda birkaç farklı alanda ortaya çıkmıştır.

Continuous improvements in technological resources, as well as their potential to answer certain questions, have appeared in a number of distinct areas in recent years.
Potential improvements in technological resources, as well as the possibility of using them to answer many questions, have appeared in a number of distinct areas in recent years.
Potential improvements in technological resources and the possibility of using them to answer certain questions have appeared in a number of distinct areas lately.
Continuous improvements in technological resources have been used to answer certain questions that have appeared in a number of distinct areas lately.
Continuous improvements in technological resources, as well as their potential to answer certain questions, have been wasted in a number of distinct areas in recent years.
Soru 3

---- Even Immanuel Kant singled out smell as the sense that was “most dispensable” because “the pleasure coming from the sense of smell cannot be other than temporary.” However, scents can be a significant source of information and over evolutionary time, the human nose has developed to identify numerous scents vital to survival. The importance of smell has recently been recognized, and over the past few decades, researchers and engineers have created increasingly sophisticated electronic systems to detect and identify numerous odours to augment the biological restrictions of the human nose.

There exists widespread consensus that, without a sense of smell, human beings would not have been able to survive.
For many human beings, a good sense of smell might not seem to be a desirable trait like sharp eyesight or hearing.
Olfactory receptors that bind odorants and initiate nerve signalling, at first glance, appear to respond in a very nonspecific way
Advances in artificial nose design have increased the number of different mechanisms since 1982.
The sense of smell has long been considered to be more important than the other senses.
Soru 4

Pek çok çalışma; sigara içenlerin sigara içmeyi bıraktıklarında yaklaşık olarak on gün sürebilecek huzursuzluk, endişe ve baş ağrısı gibi geçici belirtilere rağmen daha iyi uyuduklarını göstermiştir.

Recent studies have shown that when smokers quit smoking, they need to sleep in order to recover from symptoms such as restlessness, anxiety and headache, which can persist for about ten days.
Numerous studies have shown that when smokers quit smoking, they sleep better for a period of up to ten days even though they may experience restlessness, anxiety and headache.
Numerous studies have shown that when smokers quit smoking, they sleep better in spite of temporary symptoms such as restlessness, anxiety and headache, which can persist for about ten days.
Numerous studies have shown that restlessness, anxiety and headache cause smokers to lose sleep for a period of time, but this only lasts up to ten days.
Recent studies have shown that when smokers experience restlessness, anxiety and headache, they lose sleep for a period which can last up to ten days
Soru 5

Teacher:  When we look at the periodic table, we can see that there are 120 or so known elements.

Student:  Are they all naturally occurring?

Teacher:  There are 92 naturally occurring ones.

Student:  ----

Teacher:  Well, there are others that have been created in labs.

Have they always existed or are they new?
How many are there in total?
Why do we need the periodic table?
Which ones are natural?
What about the rest?
Soru 6

Thousands of manufacturers rely on the productivity, high-performance and savings provided by modern-day industrial robots. ---- There are, in fact, a great number of reasons for this. Robots perform applications with greater precision and consistency. Furthermore, workers no longer have to endure hazardous tasks, since robots handle toxic substances and lift heavy loads without injury. Robots can also work at a constant speed with no breaks and reduce the amount of wasted material thanks to their accuracy, saving companies both time and money.

However, there are several choices of industrial robots with capabilities to meet a wide range of reach, speed and flexibility requirements
Many people believe the misconception that robots have taken away jobs from workers, but they have created new jobs for those who were once on production lines with programming.
In addition, George Charles Devol is often called the father of robotics, and he invented the first industrial robot, the Unimate, in 1954.
According to the Robot Institute of America, a robot is a multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tool or specialized devices.
Thus, any industry that does not utilize the concepts of robots are likely to be left behind and will not be able to compete with those manufacturers using robot technology.
Soru 7

Hank:  Do you ever think scientists will be able to find answers to the fundamental questions about our universe?

Paul:  Well, physicists are working on it, but it seems that the more they learn, the more questions they have.

Hank:  ----

Paul:  Well, certainly not within our lifetime.

Are you saying it is not possible at all?
In fact, there is just so much to do.
That’s a bit pessimistic.
Then, physicists do have the answer.
That’s not a very clear answer.
Soru 8

Until about a hundred years ago, pain was frequently assumed to be a direct consequence of physical injury, and its intensity was generally thought to be proportional to the degree of tissue damage

Yaklaşık yüz yıl öncesine kadar, acının sıklıkla fiziksel yaralanmanın doğrudan bir sonucu olduğu varsayılırdı ve yoğunluğunun genellikle doku hasarının derecesiyle orantılı olduğu düşünülürdü.
Fiziksel yaralanma, yüz yıl öncesine kadar doğrudan acıyla ilişkilendirilirdi ve yoğunluğunun genellikle doku hasarının derecesine denk olduğu varsayılırdı
Yüz yıl öncesine kadar acının doku hasarıyla ilişkili olduğu düşünülmekteydi ve bu durum sıklıkla fiziksel yaralanmanın bir sonucu olarak görülürdü.
Yaklaşık yüz yıl önce acının fiziksel yaralanmanın bir sonucu olarak görülmesinin nedeni, yoğunluğunun doku hasarının derecesiyle orantılı olduğunun düşünülmesiydi.
Acının yaklaşık yüz yıl öncesine kadar fiziksel yaralanmanın doğrudan bir sonucu olarak görülmesi, yoğunluğunun da genellikle doku hasarının derecesiyle orantılı olduğunu düşündürürdü
Soru 9

Carrie:  Did you know that the moon was actually once a part of the Earth?

Steven:  Of course! Didn’t you know that?

Carrie:  ----

Steven:  That’s right, especially when you think that the moon looks so barren and the Earth is so rich in life.

Yes, but I don’t believe it and I don’t think it has been proven by scientists yet.
No, I didn’t. I only heard all about it yesterday in physics class
I did, and it’s amazing that astronauts have travelled to the moon and back.
Yes, but it is hard to believe how such a lifeless thing was once a part of the Earth.
Definitely, and the moon’s craters were initially formed by asteroids crashing into it.
Soru 10

Gary:  These days I’m drinking green tea, which is supposed to help you lose weight.

Arnold:  I don’t think such things work to the same degree on everyone. After all, we’re all different with different metabolisms.

Gary:  ----

Arnold:  I guess you have a point.

What I’m trying to say is that it has lost its flavour.
Since you agree, I’ll treat you to a dinner at a luxurious restaurant.
Still, you should try it if you want to know whether it works for you or not.
You’re right. Losing weight has nothing to do with what you eat or drink.
Of course. Tea is my favourite beverage, anyway.
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