YÖKDİL Sağlık Bilimleri Testleri 3

YÖKDİL Sağlık Testleri 3

Tebrikler - YÖKDİL Sağlık Testleri 3 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
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Soru 1

If the burn is severe, the patient may ---- shock and should be kept warm

look up
give away
get over
put off
go into
Soru 2

Access ---- data is at the centre of many controversies in modern medicine, not just to do with the usefulness ---- drugs, but also of treatments.

in / at
at / to
of / in
up / by
to / of
Soru 3

Recently, statins ---- to manage cholesterol levels in those deemed at risk of heart attacks ---- under scrutiny.

to have given / come
given / have come
to give / came
giving / had come
having given / would come
Soru 4

A patient with manifestations of anaphylaxis may be easily diagnosed; ----, many present with only one or two of the features, increasing diagnostic uncertainty

Soru 5

The 1972 (1) ---- of smallpox in Yugoslavia was the last major epidemic in Europe. It was centred in Kosovo and Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (both then part of SFR Yugoslavia). A Muslim pilgrim (2) ---- the smallpox virus in the Middle East. Upon returning to his home in Kosovo, he started the epidemic. 175 people were infected, 35 of whom died in no time. The epidemic, (3) ----, had to be dealt with urgently (4) ---- mass vaccination and enforced quarantine. And even the 1982 film Variola Vera is (5) ---- the event.

(1) nolu boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Soru 6

The 1972 (1) ---- of smallpox in Yugoslavia was the last major epidemic in Europe. It was centred in Kosovo and Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (both then part of SFR Yugoslavia). A Muslim pilgrim (2) ---- the smallpox virus in the Middle East. Upon returning to his home in Kosovo, he started the epidemic. 175 people were infected, 35 of whom died in no time. The epidemic, (3) ----, had to be dealt with urgently (4) ---- mass vaccination and enforced quarantine. And even the 1982 film Variola Vera is (5) ---- the event.

(2) nolu boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

has contracted
will contract
had contracted
Soru 7

The 1972 (1) ---- of smallpox in Yugoslavia was the last major epidemic in Europe. It was centred in Kosovo and Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (both then part of SFR Yugoslavia). A Muslim pilgrim (2) ---- the smallpox virus in the Middle East. Upon returning to his home in Kosovo, he started the epidemic. 175 people were infected, 35 of whom died in no time. The epidemic, (3) ----, had to be dealt with urgently (4) ---- mass vaccination and enforced quarantine. And even the 1982 film Variola Vera is (5) ---- the event.

(3) nolu boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

or else
for instance
Soru 8

The 1972 (1) ---- of smallpox in Yugoslavia was the last major epidemic in Europe. It was centred in Kosovo and Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (both then part of SFR Yugoslavia). A Muslim pilgrim (2) ---- the smallpox virus in the Middle East. Upon returning to his home in Kosovo, he started the epidemic. 175 people were infected, 35 of whom died in no time. The epidemic, (3) ----, had to be dealt with urgently (4) ---- mass vaccination and enforced quarantine. And even the 1982 film Variola Vera is (5) ---- the event.

(4) nolu boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

with respect to
by means of
in pursuit of
in contrast to
on the verge of
Soru 9

The 1972 (1) ---- of smallpox in Yugoslavia was the last major epidemic in Europe. It was centred in Kosovo and Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (both then part of SFR Yugoslavia). A Muslim pilgrim (2) ---- the smallpox virus in the Middle East. Upon returning to his home in Kosovo, he started the epidemic. 175 people were infected, 35 of whom died in no time. The epidemic, (3) ----, had to be dealt with urgently (4) ---- mass vaccination and enforced quarantine. And even the 1982 film Variola Vera is (5) ---- the event.

(5) nolu boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

cut off
brought up
based on
looked after
turned down
Soru 10

---- but clinicians should be cautious of putting people on large amounts of central nervous system stimulant drugs.

E-cigarettes used to be seen as a replacement of nicotine addiction
Life expectancy has risen to 81 years for women in the US
E-cigarettes are used in nicotine replacement therapy
People continuously taking nicotine get this sympathetic stimulation
Other smoking cessation schemes eventually stop
Soru 11

Scientists have discovered a gene that triggers a feeling of fullness and helps prevent the desire to overeat.

Bilim insanlarının bulduğu bir gen doygunluk hissini tetiklemekte ve aşırı yemek yeme arzusunu engellemektedir
Bazı bilim insanları doyma hissini uyandıran ve aşırı yeme arzusunu engelleyen bir gen üzerinde çalışmaktadırlar.
Fazla yemek yeme isteğini bastıran ve doygunluk hissini tetikleyen bir gen tüm bilim insanları tarafından tanımlanmıştır.
Fazla yemek yeme arzusunu önleyip doygunluk hissini ortaya çıkaran bir gen bilim insanlarını hayrete düşürmüştür.
Bilim insanları doygunluk hissi uyandıran ve fazla yemek yeme arzusunu engellemeye yardım eden bir gen keşfettiler
Soru 12

A study conducted in 1970 showed that one out of 14,000 children in America was autistic.

1970 yılında, Amerika'da çarpıcı bir araştırma yapıldı ve buna göre 14.000 çocuktan birinin otistik olabileceği ileri sürüldü.
Amerika’ da yapılan bir araştırma ile 14.000 çocuktan sadece birinin otistik olduğu 1970 yılında ortaya çıktı
1970 yılında Amerika'da uygulanan bir araştırma 14.000 çocuk arasından yalnızca birinin otistik olduğunu keşfetti.
Amerika'daki 14.000 çocuk arasından bazılarının otistik olduğu 1970 yılında yapılan bir araştırma sayesinde ortaya çıktı.
1970 yılında uygulanan bir araştırma Amerika'da 14.000 çocuktan birinin otistik olduğunu göstermiştir
Soru 13

Yeni bir araştırma, kalori tüketimini azaltmanın yaşlanma sürecini yavaşlattığını ortaya koydu

A new study has revealed that reducing calorie consumption slows down process of aging.
A stunning research discloses that diminishing the sum of calories prevents aging process.
According to a study, aging progress can be dramatically slowed down by taking fewer calories.
A study shows that decreasing the amount of calories will certainly halt the progression of aging.
The latest study unveils that cutting down the sum of calorie consumption might retard aging process
Soru 14

Pancreatic cancer is lethal and not easily detectable. What is worse, there aren’t effective treatments for the majority of patients, who often live less than a year after being diagnosed. However, a new research in the U.S. shows that regular use of aspirin lowers the risk for pancreatic cancer by almost fifty percent. The 761 patients were interviewed as to their use of aspirin per day or week and when they started or stopped. Afterwards, they were matched with control group patients. The participants defined as “ever-regular users of aspirin” had a significantly lower risk for pancreatic cancer. The analysis found that the risk for pancreatic cancer decreased eight percent for each cumulative year of aspirin use. It also found that compared to continuing use, quitting aspirin within the last two years was associated with more than double the risk for pancreatic cancer. This suggests that during the last two decades, as the population’s use of aspirin has increased, the effect of aspirin in decreasing pancreatic cancer risk has become more pronounced.

  •  It is stated in the text that ----.
the majority of people who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer have little chance of survival
seven hundred fifty people applied to hospital and were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
old people using aspirin regularly are less open to pancreatic cancer
pancreatic cancer patients who use only aspirin can extend their life span by about a year
nearly all pancreatic cancer cases can be totally cured when the treatment is supported with aspirin
Soru 15

Pancreatic cancer is lethal and not easily detectable. What is worse, there aren’t effective treatments for the majority of patients, who often live less than a year after being diagnosed. However, a new research in the U.S. shows that regular use of aspirin lowers the risk for pancreatic cancer by almost fifty percent. The 761 patients were interviewed as to their use of aspirin per day or week and when they started or stopped. Afterwards, they were matched with control group patients. The participants defined as “ever-regular users of aspirin” had a significantly lower risk for pancreatic cancer. The analysis found that the risk for pancreatic cancer decreased eight percent for each cumulative year of aspirin use. It also found that compared to continuing use, quitting aspirin within the last two years was associated with more than double the risk for pancreatic cancer. This suggests that during the last two decades, as the population’s use of aspirin has increased, the effect of aspirin in decreasing pancreatic cancer risk has become more pronounced.

  • According to a new research ----.
aspirin can lead to adverse effects in pancreatic cancer treatment
pancreatic cancer is such a severe type that its treatment is merely possible with drugs like aspirin
the conductors of the study urged the participants to intensify their daily aspirin intake
aspirin seems to decrease the likelihood of pancreatic cancer
the study can be considered to have final outcomes in terms of aspirin's effect on pancreatic cancer
Soru 16

Pancreatic cancer is lethal and not easily detectable. What is worse, there aren’t effective treatments for the majority of patients, who often live less than a year after being diagnosed. However, a new research in the U.S. shows that regular use of aspirin lowers the risk for pancreatic cancer by almost fifty percent. The 761 patients were interviewed as to their use of aspirin per day or week and when they started or stopped. Afterwards, they were matched with control group patients. The participants defined as “ever-regular users of aspirin” had a significantly lower risk for pancreatic cancer. The analysis found that the risk for pancreatic cancer decreased eight percent for each cumulative year of aspirin use. It also found that compared to continuing use, quitting aspirin within the last two years was associated with more than double the risk for pancreatic cancer. This suggests that during the last two decades, as the population’s use of aspirin has increased, the effect of aspirin in decreasing pancreatic cancer risk has become more pronounced.

  • The text is mainly about ----.
the numerous benefits of aspirin on human health
pancreatic cancer and the data regarding the disease
the approximate number of people who survived pancreatic cancer
pancreatic cancer and the effects of aspirin on survival
the aspirin consumption of the people in the United States
Soru 17

If Canadian parents are going to get their kids to exercise more, they need more than just public awareness campaigns. Parents exposed to one such national campaign were actually less confident they could increase their children's activity levels, according to a recent UBC study."With statistics outside this study showing 88 per cent of parents believe their children exercise enough and only seven per cent of kids meet recommended guidelines, it is clear more needs to be done," says Heather Gainforth, an assistant professor of health and exercise sciences at UBC's Okanagan campus. "While mass media campaigns appear to increase awareness, parents need the support of public policies and programs to help them successfully encourage behaviour change. Without that support, parents may not have the tools they need to help their kids become more active.

  •  According to the passage, public awareness campaigns ----.
are really useful to change personal and social ills
appeared due to research needs of some ministries
have long been used for political goals
are not enough to encourage kids to exercise more
have totally lost their original appeal
Soru 18

If Canadian parents are going to get their kids to exercise more, they need more than just public awareness campaigns. Parents exposed to one such national campaign were actually less confident they could increase their children's activity levels, according to a recent UBC study."With statistics outside this study showing 88 per cent of parents believe their children exercise enough and only seven per cent of kids meet recommended guidelines, it is clear more needs to be done," says Heather Gainforth, an assistant professor of health and exercise sciences at UBC's Okanagan campus. "While mass media campaigns appear to increase awareness, parents need the support of public policies and programs to help them successfully encourage behaviour change. Without that support, parents may not have the tools they need to help their kids become more active.

  • According to the paragraph, the support of public policies ----.
is necessary to reduce the harms caused by media
can assist parents to effectively promote behaviour change
is not easy to get unless one has friends in the government
is on the rise only recently yet far from satisfactory
is the last resort and not an option on the table
Soru 19

If Canadian parents are going to get their kids to exercise more, they need more than just public awareness campaigns. Parents exposed to one such national campaign were actually less confident they could increase their children's activity levels, according to a recent UBC study."With statistics outside this study showing 88 per cent of parents believe their children exercise enough and only seven per cent of kids meet recommended guidelines, it is clear more needs to be done," says Heather Gainforth, an assistant professor of health and exercise sciences at UBC's Okanagan campus. "While mass media campaigns appear to increase awareness, parents need the support of public policies and programs to help them successfully encourage behaviour change. Without that support, parents may not have the tools they need to help their kids become more active.

  • The best title for the passage can be ----.
Public health under threat
Physical problems of kids
How to manage mass media campaigns
Canadians parents’ problems
What to do to activate youngsters
Soru 20

What if you could lose weight and reduce your risk of life-threatening disease without any changes in what you eat? The researchers found that participants on the fasting-mimicking diet lost an average of about 6 pounds. ----. Their systolic blood pressure, which was in the normal range when the study began, also dropped by 4.5 mmHG, while their diastolic blood pressure dropped by 3.1 mmHg. Also, their levels of IGF-1 dropped to between 21.7 ng/mL and 46.2 ng/mL, reaching a range associated with lower cancer risk.

This is the first randomized clinical trial with enough participants to demonstrate that the diet is feasible
Larger FDA studies are necessary to confirm its effects on disease prevention and treatment
Those on a diet should also eat dairy food products
The diet can reduce the risks for cancer considerably
Their waistlines shrank by 1 to 2 inches
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