Yökdil Sosyal Bilimleri 2018 Çıkmış Sorular Çöz (Part 5) - Yökdil Çıkmış Çeviri soruları çöz
Tebrikler - Yökdil Sosyal Bilimleri 2018 Çıkmış Sorular Çöz (Part 5) - Yökdil Çıkmış Çeviri soruları çöz adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız.
Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%.
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Soru 1 |
Belli bir yoğunluktaki düzenli egzersiz, sağladığı faydalar sayesinde yaş ve cinsiyetten bağımsız olarak depresyona karşı korunmamıza yardımcı olur.
One way to protect against depression is to
take up regular exercise of any intensity as it
provides benefits regardless of age and
gender. | |
With great benefits it provides regardless of
age and gender, regular but intensive
exercise can help people protect against
depression. | |
Regular exercise of certain intensity helps
us protect against depression thanks to
benefits it provides regardless of age and
gender. | |
To protect against depression, one should
take up regular exercise of any intensity and
enjoy benefits it provides regardless of age
and gender. | |
Regular exercise of any intensity does not
only provide benefits regardless of age and
gender, but also helps protect against
depression. |
Soru 2 |
When designing a workplace, it is important to take into consideration how the space will affect both the employees and clients.
Bir işyeri tasarlarken, mekânın çalışanları ve
müşterileri nasıl etkileyeceğini göz önünde
bulundurmak önemlidir. | |
Bir işyeri tasarlarken düşünülmesi gereken
en önemli unsurlardan birisi de mekânın
çalışanlar ve müşteriler üzerinde yaratacağı
etkidir. | |
Yeni bir işyeri tasarlarken, hesaba katılması
gereken unsurlardan biri de mekânın
çalışanları ve müşterileri nasıl
etkileyeceğidir | |
Mekânın müşteriler üzerinde ne tür etkiler
yaratacağı, bir işyeri tasarlarken
düşünülmesi gereken bir unsurdur. | |
Bir işyeri tasarlarken önemli konuların
başında mekânın, çalışanlar ve müşteriler
üzerinde yaratacağı etki gelmelidir |
Soru 3 |
Descartes and many of his contemporaries wanted Medieval views to move aside and make room for a modern conception of science.
Descartes ve birçok çağdaşı Ortaçağa ait
tüm inanışları ortadan kaldırarak modern bir
bilim anlayışına yer açmayı amaçlamışlardır. | |
Descartes ve birçok çağdaşı Ortaçağa ait
görüşleri temelden sarsacak modern bir
bilim anlayışını ortaya koydular | |
Descartes ve çağdaşlarının Ortaçağa ait
görüşleri çürüterek modern bir bilim anlayışı
oluşturmayı istedikleri düşünülür. | |
Descartes ve birçok çağdaşı Ortaçağa ait
görüşlerin bir kenara çekilip modern bir bilim
anlayışına yer açmasını istemişlerdir. | |
Descartes da çağdaşlarının birçoğu gibi
ortaçağa ait görüşleri eleştirerek modern bir
bilim anlayışına yer açılmasının gerekliliğini
savundu. |
Soru 4 |
Tüketim kültürüne artan bağlılık sadece iktisadi refahın değil, aynı zamanda toplumsal değerlerdeki önemli değişimlerin de bir işaretidir
Growing commitment to consumer culture
led to significant changes not only in
economic prosperity but also in social
values. | |
Significant changes in economic prosperity
and social values are a sign of growing
commitment to consumer culture | |
Growing commitment to consumer culture
brought with it some significant changes in
economic prosperity and social values. | |
With the growing commitment to consumer
culture, there occurred significant changes
in economic prosperity as well as in social
values. | |
Growing commitment to consumer culture is
not only a sign of economic prosperity but
also significant changes in social values. |
Soru 5 |
Yirmi birinci yüzyılda dünya, yazılı bilgiye boğulmuş ve baş döndürücü bir hızda bilgi teknolojileri tarafından tamamen kuşatılmıştır.
The world in the twenty-first century is not
only shaped by written information but also
surrounded by information technologies with
astonishing speed. | |
The world of the twenty-first century has
started to be surrounded by written
information and information technologies
with astonishing speed. | |
In the twenty-first century, the world has
been saturated with written information and
totally surrounded by information
technologies with astonishing speed. | |
It is in the twenty-first century that the world
is filled with written information and
enclosed by information technologies with
certain speed. | |
In the twenty-first century, the world is
completely surrounded and shaped by
written information as well as information
technologies with astonishing speed. |
Soru 6 |
Edebiyat, diller ve toplumlar arasındaki farklılık ve benzerlikleri incelemek ve anlamak için bir araçtır.
Examining and understanding the
differences and similarities among
languages is the primary function of
literature. | |
Literature is a means to examine and
understand the differences and similarities
among languages and societies. | |
Literature examines the differences and
similarities of languages and societies in
order to understand them. | |
There are various means to understand the
differences and similarities among
languages and societies, and literature is
one of them. | |
Literature is a good way of understanding
the differences and similarities between
languages and societies. |
Soru 7 |
Angola is one of Africa’s major oil producers. The oil industry is the most important sector of the economy and it accounts for the majority of the country’s exports. Angola also has minerals: diamonds, iron, uranium, phosphates, feldspar, bauxite, and gold. -------. The causes of poverty lie in the history of this country, which has suffered a twenty-seven-year civil war that was caused not only by ethnic factors but also by disputes over natural resources.
The products derived from this sector are
bananas, sugarcane, coffee, sisal, corn,
cotton, and tobacco | |
But Angola is classified as one of the world’s
poorest countries despite its abundant
natural resources | |
During the mid-1960s there were guerrilla
actions which ended with the negotiation for
independence | |
The topography varies from arid coastal
areas and dry savannas in the interior south
to rain forests in the north | |
Bantu and other African languages were
spoken by a high percentage of the
population |
Soru 8 |
The rich culture, romantic mythology and sophisticated political system of ancient Rome still intrigue and inspire people today.
Zengin kültürü, romantik mitolojisi ve
oldukça gelişmiş politik sistemi sayesinde
Eski Roma bugün bile bizi şaşırtmakta ve
ilgimizi çekmektedir. | |
Zengin kültürü, mitolojisi ve gelişmiş politik
anlayışına rağmen, Eski Roma bugün hâlâ
insanlardan hak ettiği ilgiyi görememektedir. | |
Eski Roma’nın zengin kültürü, romantik
mitolojisi ve gelişmiş politik sistemi bugün
hâlâ insanların merakını uyandırmakta ve
onlara ilham vermektedir. | |
Eski Roma’nın kültürü, romantik mitolojisi ve
zengin politik sistemi bugün bile insanlara
ilginç gelmeye ve ilham vermeye devam
etmektedir. | |
Eski Roma, zengin kültürü, romantik
mitolojisi ve gelişmiş politik sistemiyle bugün
hâlâ birçok insanda merak uyandırmakta ve
onları etkilemektedir. |
Soru 9 |
Although there is no universally accepted form of feminism that represents all of its advocates, its representatives share certain characteristics. To begin with, feminists question basic assumptions about gender and sexuality, including the understanding of what it means to be a woman. -------. Last but not least, they address the issue of oppression by men as an issue of power, dominion, and hierarchy. They believe this oppression exists in relation to the identity of women and the challenges they have to face in local and global contexts.
Then, not all people were comfortable with
the Second Wave Feminism’s new issues
and styles of protest | |
Many women in the industrialized world
demanded new rights, and liberation from
stereotypical female roles | |
Since the late 1970’s, feminist cultural
studies established gender as an important
criteria of analysis within broader cultural
studies | |
Secondly, feminist scholars and activists
seek clarity about feminine consciousness,
the identity of women, their values and
ambitions | |
By the mid-twentieth century the feminist
movement had brought about positive
transformation and advances for women |
Soru 10 |
Çocuğunuzun bir yabancı dilde akıcı olmasını veya bir konser piyanisti olarak yetişmesini istiyorsanız, yapmanız gereken, onun ilgili eğitime mümkün olduğu kadar erken başlamasını sağlamaktır.
If you hope that your child will become fluent
in a foreign language, or become a pianist,
then you should encourage him/her to start
these activities at an early age. | |
If you would like to see your child become
fluent in a foreign language and a concert
pianist, all you have to do is to make him/her
start as soon as possible. | |
As you want your child to be fluent in a
foreign language, or grow up to be a concert
pianist, the advice is to force him/her to start
training at an early age. | |
Whether you want your child to master a
foreign language, or grow up to be a concert
pianist, the suggestion will be that he/she
should start training as soon as possible. | |
If you wish your child to become fluent in a
foreign language, or grow up to be a concert
pianist, what you have to do is to make sure
he/she starts related training as early as
possible. |
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