YÖKDİL Sosyal Bilimleri Testleri Çöz 12
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Soru 1 |
Columbus’ arrival in the New World in 1492 was a disaster for the natives. ---- With no resistance to new germs, tribes rapidly were exposed to unfamiliar illnesses after their rst brief contact with Europeans. In many cases, the number of the natives was vastly reduced without anyone even ring a shot. Where the tribes developed a closer relationship with the new arrivals, they were frequently tr icked, tormented, and massacred by their visitors.
They had natural immunity against most of the
diseases | |
Known as Indians, they were good at mixing
herbs to make natural medicines. | |
The Indian tribes became prominent in the story
of North America as the Europeans spread
westwards. | |
The colonists, consisting mainly of soldiers and
traders, established an easy relationship with
Indian tribes. | |
They were most adversely affected by the
Europeans. |
Soru 2 |
It is asserted that human well-being can only be advanced ----.
if there is an unrestrict ed play of free intelligence
upon all problems | |
as if people had to be the architects of their own
destiny | |
no matter how threatening some of the new
technologies may be | |
before anyone even thought of building a better
world | |
as soon as governments exercised their just
powers with the consent of the governed
Soru 3 |
Intercultural communication in its most basic form refers to an academic eld of study and research. It seeks to unders tand how people from dierent countries and cultures behave, communicate, and perceive the world around them. The theories developed by the researchers and academics can be and have been applied to many fields. ---- Many multinational companies need to know how best to structure themselves, manage sta and communicate with customers. Intercultural communication gives them an insight into the areas they need to address or understand.
Demands for intercultural communication skills
are increasing as more and more businesses go
global or international. | |
The issue of diversity is now a matter of
importance following changes in employment
laws. | |
There are many respectable researchers and
academics within the intercultural eld, who
naturally all have different denitions of
“intercultural communication”. | |
Working in a company brings to the surface
many issues in terms of formal writing styles,
business procedures and the like. | |
The leaders of today’s organizations and
businesses need to continually assess their
nancial budgets and make necessary
adjustments |
Soru 4 |
From its humble origins in Africa, coee has become the second most heavily traded commodity in the world. It is planted in more than 10 million hectares spread over fifty countries, where more than 100 million people depend on it for their livelihoods. Even though there are more than 100 species of coffee, only coffea arabica and coffea canephora are commercially traded. ----
Cofee gives many people some much-needed
stimulation to get going every morning. | |
It is commonly held that coffee from various
regions has distinctive flavours | |
The coffee plant can grow to a tree that is as
much as 5 metres tall. | |
Yet, within these two species, there are
numerous kinds that are said to provide different
flavours and qualities. | |
Coffee production is an ancient industry with an
enormous amount of scientific research behind
it. |
Soru 5 |
Facts and ideas brought in by total outsiders will tend to be rejected ----.
as individuals should be manipulated much in
the same fashion as material things
| |
when there is no reason to believe that this is a
universal principle | |
as long as there are some values common to the
conflicting parties | |
on condition that they lacked the time to acquire
the discipline and form proper relationships | |
because groups generally pursue their own
reasoning |
Soru 6 |
The game of golf, which is thought to have originated in the 15 th century, has today become popular all over the world mostly as a means of socializing and prestige
15. yüzy lda oynanmaya ba şland ğ düşünülen
golf oyunu, özellikle sosyalleşme ve prestij sağladığı için bugün dünyanın her tarafında tan ınmaktadır. | |
Golf oyununun, 15. yüzy lda ba şlad ğ ve bugün
tüm dünyada genellikle sosyalle şmek ve prestij
kazanmak için oynandığı düşünülmektedir. | |
Öncelikle sosyalle şmek ve prestij elde etmek için
dünyan n her yerinde oynanan golf oyununun,
15. yüzyılda ortaya çıktığı zannedilmektedir. | |
15. yüzy lda ortaya çıkmış olduğu düşünülen golf
oyunu, çoğu kez sosyalleşme ve prestij araç
olarak bugün bütün dünyada yaygınlık kazanmıştır | |
Bugün tüm dünyada, tamamen sosyalleşme ve
prestij için oynanan golf oyununun, 15. yüzyılda
ortaya çıktığı düşünülmektedir. |
Soru 7 |
In democratic societies, everybody should have the right to express and advocate his own views, ----.
in order that people become insensitive to
violations of the law | |
so that the good life was made equally available
to all persons | |
regardless of how unpopular they may be | |
since nowhere is courage better demonstrated
than in a crisis situation | |
while they are few in number |
Soru 8 |
Puberty is probably the period of greatest resistance to adult authority ----
during which doctors felt that physical growth did
not retard mental growth | |
since, with some boys and girls, it takes the form
of actual rebellion | |
in order to establish a teacher-student
relationship which provides security | |
because this brings slight modidications in the
daily routine | |
despite the fact that sensible rules for
harmonious family living were helpful |
Soru 9 |
Legal translations are one of the trickiest translations known. A legal translation will always need specialist attention, for law is culture-dependent and requires a translator with an excellent understanding of both the source and target cultures. ---- This is because there is no real margin for error; the mistranslation of a passage in a contract could, for example, have disastrous consequences. Therefore, the target text is to be read by so meone who is familiar with another legal system and its language.
Some go as far as to say that legal translations
are not really possible | |
A common misconception is that anyone who
can speak a second language will make a good
translator of legal texts. | |
Technical translations are usually more
expensive than general translations as they
contain a high amount of terminology | |
Most translation agencies would always use a
legal professional to undertake such work. | |
Due to the continuing ev olution of the translation
industry, there are now certain terms used to
define specialist translations. |
Soru 10 |
Pre-school programmes are an illustration of a carefully developed curriculum ----.
until children display substantial intellectual
curiosity | |
which is based on the interests and needs of
young children | |
since they could have offered helpful advice to
parents | |
that aims to recognize symptoms of old-age
fatigue and to plan a balanced programme of
activity | |
if children experience a growing urge to take part
in adult discussions |
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