2015 e-YDS – 10 – İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular
Soru 1 |
Getting regular exercise might be beneficial for reducing the risk, or delaying the onset, of Alzheimer, because neurons in the brain regenerate throughout life.
Alzheimer riskini azaltmak veya başlangıcını
geciktirmek istiyorsanız düzenli egzersiz yapmalı
ve beyindeki sinir hücrelerinin yaşam boyu
kendini yenileme özelliğinden yararlanmalısınız | |
Beyindeki sinir hücreleri yaşam boyunca
kendini yenilediğinden düzenli egzersiz yapmak
hem Alzheimer riskini azaltma hem de
başlangıcını geciktirme konusunda fayda sağlar | |
Düzenli egzersiz yapmak Alzheimer riskini
azaltmak veya başlangıcını ertelemek için yararlı
olabilir, çünkü beyindeki sinir hücreleri yaşam
boyunca yenilenirler | |
Düzenli egzersiz yapmak Alzheimer riskini
azaltma ve başlangıcını geciktirmede faydalı
olduğu gibi beyindeki sinir hücrelerinin yaşam
boyu kendini yenilemesini de sağlar | |
Beyindeki sinir hücreleri yaşam boyu
yenilenebildikleri için Alzheimer riskini azaltmak
veya başlangıcını ertelemek için düzenli
egzersize başlamak yararınıza olabilir |
Soru 2 |
Nausea is a symptom that is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous to health, as it is usually indicative of an underlying infection
Regardless of whether it is uncomfortable or
an indicator of a serious infection, nausea is a
symptom that is dangerous to health | |
In addition to making the sufferer feel
uncomfortable, nausea is usually an indicator of
an important infection, which makes it
dangerous to health | |
Although nausea is a condition in which
patients feel uncomfortable, what is more
dangerous about nausea is that it
sometimes indicates a serious infection | |
One should be warned against nausea as it is
dangerous to health for either being an
uncomfortable symptom or being indicative of
an important infection | |
Nausea is considered as a dangerous
condition to health not because it makes the
sufferer uncomfortable but because it is a
symptom of a more serious infection |
Soru 3 |
In mammals, if the body becomes too warm, the hypothalamus in the brain signals the sweat glands ---- it by ---- sweat
to be cooled / being released | |
to cool / releasing | |
having cooled / to be releasing | |
being cooled / to be released | |
cooling / to release |
Soru 4 |
(I) Materials that are to be used for teaching young learners should be associated with their overall development level. (II) With standardized test scores in the US dropping in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground. (III) However, findings show that exercise and academics may not be mutually left aside. (IV) Physical activity can improve blood flow to the brain, fuelling memory, attention and creativity, which are essential to learning. (V) So, while it may seem as if children are just exercising their bodies when they are running around, they may actually be exercising their brains as well.
IV | |
II | |
I | |
III | |
V |
Soru 5 |
Egyptian hieroglyphics were a pictographic script, primarily used on monuments and for religious texts. The Egyptians continued to use simplified forms of hieroglyphics in their daily lives until the time of the early Christians, when they switched to writing the Egyptian language with the Greek alphabet. ---- Then, in 1799, a French military officer, who had come to Egypt as part of Napoleon's expedition, discovered the Rosetta Stone. On this monument from the 2nd century BC, he found a text written in both hieroglyphics and Greek. With this new evidence, philologists finally deciphered hieroglyphics in 1822.
Royal names were among the first words
written in hieroglyphs to be deciphered. | |
A single hieroglyph was sometimes used as an
ideogram to represent a whole word. | |
Over the centuries, the understanding of
ancient hieroglyphics was lost | |
The earliest hieroglyphics were on labels
recording tax payments and royal possessions. | |
Hieroglyphics were both a means of
communication and a system for classifying the
world |
Soru 6 |
---- but they can also appear elsewhere, at hotspots where rock moves upward from deep inside the Earth.
Thinner plates, such as those under
oceans, lead to more volcanic activity | |
Volcanic activity has contributed to the
creation of large portions of the Earth's surface | |
Volcanoes often form near the boundaries
between tectonic plates | |
The outside layer of the Earth is broken up
into giant pieces called tectonic plates | |
It is almost impossible to guess the exact time
of volcanic eruptions |
Soru 7 |
Managing traffic flow at peak periods and dealing with incidents, such as crashes, are ---- problems for transport planners.
favorable | |
functional | |
challenging | |
instructive | |
accessible |
Soru 8 |
Zeynep: – I'm planning to buy an expensive camera and take up photography to produce high quality pictures of nature.
Emel: – That's really interesting. But just buying an expensive camera may not be the only answer to photography.
Zeynep: – Why do you say so?
Emel: – ----
Zeynep: – You may be right. Some professional help could be useful for me to get better prepared.
I think you'll just waste your money simply
buying an expensive camera. | |
I don't understand why you've chosen
photography while you could have chosen
something else. | |
You should also equip yourself with adequate
knowledge before you start, so you should have
some course on photography. | |
I'm also interested in photography, but I'd
rather take architectural pictures rather than
nature pictures | |
You also need to be careful about choosing
the right type of memory card for your camera. |
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