2018 YDS İngilizce Sonbahar Çıkmış Sorular ve Cevapları

2018 YDS İngilizce Sonbahar Çıkmış Sorular ve Cevapları

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Soru 1

----, the Romans became the first major society to wear seasonal clothing

Even if Romans made warm winter boots and the first known raincoat
Although Romans were very careful about the way they dressed
Whereas wealthy Romans had slaves to help choose their clothing
As most of what we know about Roman clothing comes from written sources
Because their empire grew so great and took them into very different climates
Soru 2

Intelligence, which has been open to a range of definitions due to its abstract nature and thus has become a controversial topic, is usually regarded as a measure of cognitive skills and the ability to solve problems

Çoğunlukla bilişsel becerilerin ve problem çözme yeteneğinin bir ölçütü olarak görülen zekâ, soyut doğasından ötürü bir dizi tanıma açık olduğu için tartışmalı bir konu hâline gelmiştir
Zekâ, soyut doğası gereği bir dizi tanıma açık olup tartışmalı bir konu hâline gelse de genellikle bilişsel becerilerin ve problem çözme yeteneğinin bir ölçütü olarak görülmektedir
Zekâ çoğu zaman bilişsel becerilerin ve problem çözme yeteneğinin bir ölçütü olarak görülmüş, soyut doğası gereği bir dizi tanıma açık olmuş ve bundan dolayı tartışmalı bir konu hâline gelmiştir.
Genellikle bilişsel becerilerin ve problem çözme yeteneğinin bir ölçütü olarak görülen zekânın soyut doğası nedeniyle bir dizi tanıma açık olması, onu tartışılan bir konu hâline getirmiştir
Soyut doğasından ötürü bir dizi tanıma açık olan ve bu yüzden tartışmalı bir konu hâline gelen zekâ, genellikle bilişsel becerilerin ve problem çözme yeteneğinin bir ölçütü olarak görülmektedir
Soru 3

Richard:  I saw a video the other day on the Internet about a polyglot.

Lucy:  A polyglot? What’s that?

Richard:  A polyglot is a person who speaks several different languages. The person in the video I saw speaks eight languages including Portuguese and Chinese.

Lucy:  ----

Richard:  There are some methods used. For example, allocating a few hours a day for a language until mastering it, including intense listening and speaking activities

What’s the minimum number of languages needed to describe someone as a polyglot?
How many more languages do you think he can add to his repertoire?
How do you think such people manage to learn so many languages?
Why aren’t there more people who can speak many languages like this?
Do you think he’s completely fluent in all eight of those languages?
Soru 4

While some people believe that video games are a waste of time, certain games can be a good vehicle for training specific skills, such as enhancing short-term memory, agility or reaction time.

Although some people are convinced that video games are useful in teaching specific skills like improving short-term memory, agility or reaction time, some of them are futile activities, according to some others.
Video games are thought to be time-consuming; however, they may be beneficial for some people practising certain skills like improving short-term memory, agility or reaction time
Some people assume that video games are time-consuming, although they know that certain video games are efficient tools in teaching specific skills like improving short-term memory, agility or reaction time
There are some people who presume that video games are beneficial in specific skills like improving short-term memory, agility or reaction time; however, those games could be a waste of time indeed
Certain video games can be good means for practising some specific skills like improving short-term memory, agility or reaction time, but there are some people who believe that video games are of no use.
Soru 5

---- its notoriety as a naval weapon, the first modern torpedo was developed in landlocked Austria, or rather in what was then the Austrian Empire stretching down to the Adriatic

Due to
Along with
Instead of
In terms of
Soru 6

(I) Early world history focuses on agricultural civilisations, but it must also pay attention to regions that developed different kinds of economies and different organisational structures. (II) The development of agriculture was a radical change in humans' way of life. (III) By providing a dependable source of food, it allowed people to live in larger groups. (IV) Later on, toolmaking technology advanced with the discovery of metalworking, which in turn further increased agricultural production. (V) Increased production freed some members of the society to perform other kinds of work and this in turn encouraged a further series of organisational changes we call civilisation.

Soru 7

The relationship between sport and aggression has been studied ---- for decades, yet researchers still have a limited understanding of the link between the two

Soru 8

Medieval Islam became the principal heir to ancient Greek science, and Islamic civilisation remained the world leader in virtually every field of science between 800-1300 AD. The sheer level of scientific activity underlines this point, as the number of Islamic scientists during the four centuries after the Prophet matched the number of Greek scientists during the four centuries following Thales. Islamic scientists established the first truly international scientific community, stretching from Iberia to Central Asia. ---- A moment’s thought, however, shows how unreasonable it is to evaluate the history of Islamic science only or even largely as a link to European science, or even to subsume Islamic science into the ‘Western tradition’. Medieval Islam and its science must be judged on their own terms, and those terms are as much Eastern as Western.

Early Islamic rulers encouraged the mastery of foreign cultural traditions, including notably Greek philosophy and science
The result was another hybrid society, the cultural ‘Hellenisation’ of Islam and its typically bureaucratised institutions
The institutional aspects of Islamic science are only beginning to be studied with scholarly rigour, and nothing like a full historical survey exists for the Islamic case
Yet, medieval Islamic science is sometimes dismissed as a conduit passively transmitting ancient Greek science to the European Middle Ages
Islam was and is based on literacy and the holy book of the Quran, and contrary to the popular view, Islam showed itself tolerant toward others
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