8.Sınıf İngilizce Hazırlık Testleri Çöz 17 - LGS İngilizce Hazırlık Denemeleri Çöz
8. Sınıf İngilizce Konuları
1. Ünite Friendship – Arkadaşlık
# Accepting and refusing / Apologizing / Giving explanations and reasons (Would you like, How about, I’m sorry, Sure, that sounds fun!, Yeah why not …)
# Making simple inquiries (Are you busy tomorrow evening? — No, not at all. Why?)
2. Ünite Teen Life – Genç Hayatı
# Describing the frequency of actions
# Expressing likes and dislikes (love, like, enjoy, hate, dislike)
# Expressing preferences (I prefer hip-hop concerts, I think they‘re terrific.)
# Making simple inquiries
# Stating personal opinions (Making simple inquiries) (What do you do in the evenings? I usually do my homework, but I also listen to music.)
3. Ünite In The Kitchen – Mutfakta
# Describing simple processes (First, then, finally)
# Expressing preferences (Do you prefer cooking pizza or
pasta? — I love cooking and eating pizza.)
# Making simple inquiries (Do I use two or three eggs? What can/should I use to cook soup?)
# Naming common objects.
4. Ünite On The Phone – Telefonda
# Following phone conversations
# Stating decisions taken at the time of speaking
5. Ünite The Internet – İnternet
# Accepting and refusing (Would you, Why don’t we, What do you mean? Yes, sure/That sounds great. I’m sorry, but I can’t.
# Giving explanations/reasons
# Making excuses
# Making simple requests
# Making simple inquiries
# Talking about plans
# Telling the time, days and dates
6. Ünite Adventures – Maceralar
# Expressing preferences (What do you prefer …? I would rather … than … , I prefer rafting …)
# Giving explanations and reasons
# Making simple comparisons (I think bungee-jumping is more/less dangerous and challenging than canoeing.)
# Making simple inquiries.
# Stating personal opinions
# Talking about what people do regularly
# Talking about past events
7. Ünite Tourism – Turizm
# Describing places (What do you think about Rome? Did you enjoy your trip? — It was incredible. It‘s truly an ancient city, and the weather was just perfect. It is in fact usually warm and sunny in Rome.)
# Describing the weather
# Expressing preferences (Which one do you prefer? Historic sites or the seaside? — I‘d rather visit historic sites because they)
# Giving explanations/reasons (I think/guess/believe/suppose it is exciting. — In my opinion/to me, it is lovely.)
# Making simple comparisons (In my opinion/to me, historical architecture is more beautiful than modern architecture.)
# DStating personal opinions
# Talking about experiences (Have you ever been/gone to …? — Yes, I have. — No, I have not. — I have been to Side before.)
8. Ünite Chores – Ev İşleri
# Expressing feelings
# Expressing likes and dislikes (I like it when my parents give me some pocket money.)
# Expressing obligation (has to, have to, must)
# Giving explanations/reasons
# Making simple inquiries
# Making simple suggestions
9. Ünite Science – Bilim
# Describing what people are doing now
# Describing what people do regularly
# Giving explanations/reasons
# Talking about past events (Scientific achievements of the past century changed the world. For example, Archimedes invented the water screw.)
10. Ünite Natural Forces – Doğal Afetler
# Giving explanations/reasons
# Making comparisons
# Making predictions about the future (Giving reasons and results) (I think we will have water shortage in the future because we waste too much water. So we should/must stop wasting water sources.)
# Making simple inquiries
# Making simple suggestions
# Stating personal opinions