Level 4 Reading Passages - Memory of Person
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Soru 1 |
Memory is vital to form a person’s identity and provide the stable sense of reality we need to function in daily life. Despite memory’s fundamental importance, its basis in the brain remains largely mysterious. Attempts to develop computer models of the brain show that memory is far more complex, and often counter−intuitive, than any system yet devised by software designers. A memory is a far cry from the information stored on a hard drive or in the Cloud: it can not only fade and disappear, but be falsified. Recently, scientists have begun to probe for memory’s basis in the brain on a cellular level, using tools such as optogenetic to manipulate neural circuits in living animals. Despite rapid progress, they are still far from grasping the neuronal processes by which a fully−fledged memory is formed, stored, and retrieved. It’s easy to take memory for granted. Only when it fails, because of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, a head injury, or other brain insults, do we appreciate the myriad complex components that constantly have to be coordinated to sustain it.
It can be inferred from the passage that - - - -.
A | the retention ability that we have cannot fade away,
but be falsified |
B | the memory can be thought the same way as any
storing systems such as a hard drive or a cloud |
C | memory is sophisticated but not often instinctive
compare to any system invented by software
designers |
D | scientists have grasped many aspects of neuronal
processes so far |
E | despite being highly important memory is still
incomprehensible for many of us |
Soru 2 |
Memory is vital to form a person’s identity and provide the stable sense of reality we need to function in daily life. Despite memory’s fundamental importance, its basis in the brain remains largely mysterious. Attempts to develop computer models of the brain show that memory is far more complex, and often counter−intuitive, than any system yet devised by software designers. A memory is a far cry from the information stored on a hard drive or in the Cloud: it can not only fade and disappear, but be falsified. Recently, scientists have begun to probe for memory’s basis in the brain on a cellular level, using tools such as optogenetic to manipulate neural circuits in living animals. Despite rapid progress, they are still far from grasping the neuronal processes by which a fully−fledged memory is formed, stored, and retrieved. It’s easy to take memory for granted. Only when it fails, because of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, a head injury, or other brain insults, do we appreciate the myriad complex components that constantly have to be coordinated to sustain it.
The author is of the opinion that - - - -.
A | memory plays a crucial role in composing a person’s
identity that we need to lead our daily lives |
B | in the case of brain defects, computer brain models
will be vital for us |
C | having retention ability is the only thing scientists try
to develop for future generations |
D | because of the rapid change in computer science
we are on the edge of understanding the neuronal
processes |
E | head injuries are the main reasons of some illness
such as Alzheimer’s is and some brain defects |
Soru 3 |
Memory is vital to form a person’s identity and provide the stable sense of reality we need to function in daily life. Despite memory’s fundamental importance, its basis in the brain remains largely mysterious. Attempts to develop computer models of the brain show that memory is far more complex, and often counter−intuitive, than any system yet devised by software designers. A memory is a far cry from the information stored on a hard drive or in the Cloud: it can not only fade and disappear, but be falsified. Recently, scientists have begun to probe for memory’s basis in the brain on a cellular level, using tools such as optogenetic to manipulate neural circuits in living animals. Despite rapid progress, they are still far from grasping the neuronal processes by which a fully−fledged memory is formed, stored, and retrieved. It’s easy to take memory for granted. Only when it fails, because of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, a head injury, or other brain insults, do we appreciate the myriad complex components that constantly have to be coordinated to sustain it.
According to the passage it can be understood that - - - -.
A | the identity of people is insufficient to provide the
sense of well-being we need to function in daily life |
B | scientists will begin to study memory’s basis in the
brain on a retention span level in near future |
C | some illnesses such as Alzheimer’s are incurable in
spite of recent improvement in the field of memory |
D | hard drive and other memory devices will be used to
investigate the brain insults seen in the old |
E | scientists try to understand the memory, using
optogenetic to study neural circuits on living animals |
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