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Soru 1
A sign of growing community among Greeks is the
founding of Panhellenic athletic games in 776 B.C. The
first games were held at Olympia, in the Peloponnese,
and were dedicated to Zeus; thus, from the beginning,
the games were connected with religion and demonstrate
that religion can have wide uses in a community. But they
were also a way of celebrating human perfection and
heroism, an aspiration of Greek civilization. Originally,
the Olympics featured only foot races and wrestling, but
gradually they came to include other events like boxing,
javelin throwing and so on. Only the winner gained a prize,
an olive wreath, but victory also brought rich awards from
one’s city and lifelong glory. The modern myth of amateur
athlete was unknown to the Greeks. In imitation of the
Olympics, other cities founded games, and there was
eventually one set of Panhellenic games each year, as
well as games in many individual cities.
It is clear from the passage that the Olympics were- - - -.
religious because Zeus wanted them to be held
the games the Greeks began to love as the community
held just for Zeus at Olympia, but after some time it
they gained popularity
held in memory of Zeus in the beginning
somehow related to religion as they were devoted to
Soru 2
A sign of growing community among Greeks is the
founding of Panhellenic athletic games in 776 B.C. The
first games were held at Olympia, in the Peloponnese,
and were dedicated to Zeus; thus, from the beginning,
the games were connected with religion and demonstrate
that religion can have wide uses in a community. But they
were also a way of celebrating human perfection and
heroism, an aspiration of Greek civilization. Originally,
the Olympics featured only foot races and wrestling, but
gradually they came to include other events like boxing,
javelin throwing and so on. Only the winner gained a prize,
an olive wreath, but victory also brought rich awards from
one’s city and lifelong glory. The modern myth of amateur
athlete was unknown to the Greeks. In imitation of the
Olympics, other cities founded games, and there was
eventually one set of Panhellenic games each year, as
well as games in many individual cities.
What is stated in the passage about heroism in
It was nothing more than religion.
It was used as a means to promote Greeks to other
It was discovered in Panhellenic athletic games and
improved in the Olympics.
It was already a characteristic desire in Greek
It was demonstrated in the best games of the
Olympics, particularly for Zeus.
Soru 3
A sign of growing community among Greeks is the
founding of Panhellenic athletic games in 776 B.C. The
first games were held at Olympia, in the Peloponnese,
and were dedicated to Zeus; thus, from the beginning,
the games were connected with religion and demonstrate
that religion can have wide uses in a community. But they
were also a way of celebrating human perfection and
heroism, an aspiration of Greek civilization. Originally,
the Olympics featured only foot races and wrestling, but
gradually they came to include other events like boxing,
javelin throwing and so on. Only the winner gained a prize,
an olive wreath, but victory also brought rich awards from
one’s city and lifelong glory. The modern myth of amateur
athlete was unknown to the Greeks. In imitation of the
Olympics, other cities founded games, and there was
eventually one set of Panhellenic games each year, as
well as games in many individual cities.
We can understand from the passage that - - - -.
the winner of the javelin throwing and boxing had
richer awards than the other winners
in the Olympics, there were few games in the very
foot races and wrestling were the two most important
the Olympics-like games had already been held
before Greeks began to hold the Olympics
Greeks were a community with a lot of religious
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