İlgisiz Cümle Testleri 3
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Soru 1 |
(I) Many improvements in mapping coverage during the 20th century have been made through international cooperation. (II) Mapmakers of long ago drew pictures on maps to show where things were located. (III) For example, to show a village they might have drawn houses, a castle, a church and other buildings on the map. (IV) Their maps were beautiful and easy to understand, but the drawings were often so large that the map became cluttered and inaccurate. (V) Today, symbols are used instead of drawings. A town is marked by a dot or circle rather than by pictures of buildings.
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V |
Soru 2 |
(I) The usual way to have your distant vision tested is to stand twenty feet from a chart of different-sized letters. (II) For children or people who cannot read, charts with pictures are usually available. (III) A visual test can also be done with an instrument set up to simulate the same distance. (IV) Similarly, there are ways to test hearing over a distance. (V) Near vision is tested by having people read standard-sized type at a closer distance
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Soru 3 |
(I) The urge to travel is as old as civilization. (II) However, due to the huge amounts of money required, worldwide travel is mostly enjoyed by the citizens of developed countries. (III) The great historian Herodotus roamed the ancient world, examining the customs of many lands before writing his famous 'History'. (IV) Hundreds of years later, a young man from Venice named Marco Polo set out with his father for China, and his writings opened the Far East to Europeans of his time. (V) About the same time Ibn Battutah, an Islamic scholar, travelled about 75,000 miles and recorded his wanderings in the widely-read 'Rihlah', meaning Travels'.
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V |
Soru 4 |
(I) Wood has been the most commonly used material for furniture since antiquity. (II) There are ample reasons for this. (III) Perhaps most important is that wood can be easily shaped both by hand and by power tools. (IV) It is relatively light and durable, and many types are handsomely figured and grained. (V) Yet, steel and concrete are the predominant materials used to construct high buildings and long-span bridges.
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Soru 5 |
(I) Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the outside of the elbow caused by overstressing the joint, as in playing tenis. (II) This can also be caused by using the arm for unaccustomed activities, such as sawing, chopping or hammering. (III) When a ball strikes a fingertip, severe pain occurs immediately. (IV) The basic problem is that the forearm cannot stand the abnormal strain. (V) Each impact is absorbed by the elbow and may create inflammation.
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Soru 6 |
(I) Queen Christina brought foreign scholars to the palace, among whom was the philosopher Rene Descartes. (II) She demanded that Descartes came to instruct her at 5.00 a.m. three days a week, which he did, even though he was a late-riser. (III) Christina, on the other hand, rarely got out of bed before noon, and often slept through lunch. (IV) She questioned him about the interplay between science and religion. (V) He tried to persuade her that all animals were mechanisms and she responded that she had never seen a watch give birth.
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Soru 7 |
(I) I had seen a battle on the television that was being fought in a tropical rainforest, (II) I had never believed that the quiet streets I knew so well could change into a battlefield, (III) But now those formerly neutral streets were suddenly filled with a spirit of revenge and tension. (IV) I could never understand how the fighters themselves, whatever side they were on, could take aim and fire in these streets. (V) Were they all drugged like the leader of the gang, Ahmad?
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V |
Soru 8 |
(I) As a writer, Emile Zola waged two great battles. (II) One was the long struggle for the acceptance of his powerful novels, and the other the courageous defense of Captain Alfred Dreyfus in the political-military scandal that divided France. (III) Slowly the truth of the case began to emerge, and it met the furious opposition of those who wanted the case kept closed. (IV) Zola won both fights. (V) The critics and the public both realised that his novels were serious studies of mankind, and Dreyfus was eventually exonerated.
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Soru 9 |
(I) The Ryder Cup is the trophy awarded in biennial matches between men's professional golf teams of the United States and Europe. (II) The governing body of golf in the United States is the United States Professional Golfers' Association, which was founded in 1894. (III) The cup was donated in 1927 by British seed merchant Samuel Ryder, who had started playing golf at the age of 50. (IV) Made of 14-carat gold on a wooden base, the cup stands 16 inches high and weighs 4 pounds. (V) The figure at the top of the trophy is modelled on Ryder's coach, British professional golfer, Abe Mitchell.
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V |
Soru 10 |
(I) Pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints are the main symptoms of arthritis. (II) The onset is usually gradual, and the symptoms are worse first thing in the morning. (III) These improve with exercise of the joint. (IV) Two main functions of the joints are that they give support, and they allow movement where it is needed. (V) The symptoms are generally worse in the hands, knees, hips and spine.
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IV | |
V |
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