YDS Cümle Tamamlama Testleri 3
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Soru 1 |
In his opinion, poetry is essentially an effort to elude facts, ----..
A | if many prose writers enjoy writing about social and
cultural issues |
B | whereas prose is essentially a means of unearthing
and exhibiting them |
C | because many critics share the view that poets
should be concerned with politics |
D | but his poems have been published in respectable
literary journals |
E | since he had been regarded as a promising young
poet |
Soru 2 |
Although there were plenty of sceptics when Mauritius tried a decade ago to become an offshore financial centre, ----..
A | it has partly attained its goal, since it now hosts 19
national and international banks |
B | it imports most of its food and energy as rising
world prices are pushing up inflation |
C | it has built a textile industry that has made the
country relatively prosperous |
D | last month it brought in a new labour law, making it
easier to hire and fire |
E | much of the economy remains concentrated in the
hands of a few local magnates |
Soru 3 |
Some types of breast cancer grow very slowly and spread to other parts of the body ----..
A | only after they become very large |
B | so that the diseased breast may be removed |
C | as an infected breast usually appears red and
swollen |
D | because recently two separate genes for breast
cancer have been identified |
E | so long as they can be detected |
Soru 4 |
If the cost of health benefits for working people in a country rises, ----..
A | soaring health costs are one of the big factors that
have crippled the economy |
B | those costs have nearly doubled this decade alone
in many industrialized countries |
C | the current economic difficulties have forced
politicians to focus on health reform |
D | firms should, in fact, be indifferent to whether they
pay employees cash wages or benefits |
E | usually employers cut wages or pass on the costs
as higher prices to customers |
Soru 5 |
---- that bats use ultrasonic beams to follow insects through the dark..
A | A group of students are experimenting |
B | It‘s long been known |
C | Scientists had wondered
D | A great deal of evidence needs to be gathered |
E | Over the years, no scientist has questioned |
Soru 6 |
Suriname, now a Latin American country, was originally explored by Spain in 1593, ----..
A | because the English transferred sovereignty to the
Dutch in 1667 |
B | but by 1602 the Dutch began to settle the land,
followed by the English |
C | although African slaves made up the workforce for
coffee and sugarcane plantations |
D | while after 1870 plantation workers were mostly
imported from British India |
E | since colonization was confined to a narrow coastal
strip |
Soru 7 |
The prevalence of schizophrenia worldwide appears to be slightly less than 1 per cent ----..
A | unless people with schizophrenia occupy one fourth
of all hospital beds |
B | although areas of higher or lower prevalence have
been identified |
C | because schizophrenia and other delusional
disorders share certain features |
D | if schizophrenia is a relatively serious mental
disorder |
E | if schizophrenia is a relatively serious mental
disorder |
Soru 8 |
----, but it failed to halt the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi war machine..
A | After a series of extremely savage battles, Allied
armies liberated France in August 1944 from the
German occupation |
B | Beginning in 1919, French foreign policy aimed at
keeping Germany weak through a system of
alliances |
C | Following World War II, France turned its attention
to its African colonies, where there was a growing
demand from the natives for independence |
D | During World War II, France was split into a
German-occupied north and an unoccupied South |
E | In May 1940, the Germans marched into an
undefended Paris, and in the following month the
French government signed an armistice |
Soru 9 |
----, while just 1.7 tonnes of corn yields the same result..
A | Eight tonnes of crude oil are currently needed to
create one tonne of polyol, which is an alcoholic
substance used in a number of plastics |
B | It has been announced that a company in China,
sponsored by the government, is planning to
harvest plastics from crops of corn |
C | The device the company‘s scientists use utilizes Xray analysis technology and reveals chemical
compositions of objects being studied |
D | A team of scientists has claimed that the traditional
methods of production in plastics are extremely
costly and have an adverse impact on the
environment |
E | Scientists are now using a new type of microscope
that lets them view internal structures of materials
in greater detail than ever before |
Soru 10 |
In the 1970s and 1980s, Colombia became one of the international centres for illegal drug production and trafficking ----..
A | just as the leading drug dealers were offered lenient punishment in exchange for their surrender |
B | since the country has turned into a battleground with bombs, killings and kidnappings
C | that the government unsuccessfully attempted to stem the guerrilla violence |
D | because the drug cartels virtually controlled the country |
E | because the drug cartels virtually controlled the country |
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