İlgisiz Cümle Testleri 10
Soru 1 |
(I) The Persians built the first windmills sometime in the 6th or 7th century A.D., for the purpose of powering irrigation pumps, (II) In some early large irrigation projects, mostly in arid and semiarid regions, little attention was paid to drainage, (III) Evolving over the years, by the eighteenth century, windmills were commonly used in Europe and America for grain-grinding and irrigation (IV) Along with waterpower, these provided the basic energy source for the Industrial Revolution. (V) In fact, two centuries ago, nearly every industrial process in existence ran on windpower.
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II | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 2 |
(I) The modem Olympic Games have been held every four years since 1896. (II) The first competitive event held in the ancient Olympian and other Greek games was the short footrace, or sprint. (III) This was run over a single length of the stadium, a distance of approximately 200 metres. (IV) This race was called, appropriately, the stade. (V) For the first thirteen Olympiads, the stade was the sole athletic event staged in the stadium.
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II | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 3 |
(I) The most obvious threat to the safety of your home is theft of its contents, (II) In fact, of all crimes committed today, crimes against property are the most common. (III) Needless to say, there are many more serious crimes, such as murder, which take up a great deal of police time. (IV) However, this does not have to be the case. (V) Many people simply make it too easy for > burglar, by not securing their homes adequately.
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II | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 4 |
(I) For a man to gain 1 pound in weight by eating fish, it has been claimed that 1,110 pounds of living matter must die first. (II) This is because 1,000 pounds of plant plankton have to be eaten to produce 100 pounds of small creatures in the sea. (III) In the United States alone about 36.5 million fishing licences are issued each year. (IV) These in turn are eaten to produce 10 pounds offish. (V) This is the amount of fish which a man would need to eat in order to gain that 1 pound in weight.
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II | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 5 |
(I) The Dutch have always been great seafarers — perhaps in part due to the unfavourable geography of the country itself. (II) Crowded into a small corner of Europe, most of Holland is naturally low, marshy land. (III) Land has been reclaimed from the sea through the use of dikes, types of dams, and has been transformed into fertile farm land. (IV) They have made up for this handicap not only by reclaiming land from the sea, but also by exploration and development abroad. (V) This brought great wealth to the country in the 17th century, the Golden Age of Holland, when the Dutch commanded the seas.
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II | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 6 |
(I) In 1066 the Norman invasion of England brought the tremendous impact of the' French language to England, (II) For two centuries, French was the language of the English nobility, while English remained the language of the peasants. (III) English is now the principal language of twelve countries, and the official language in over a dozen more. (IV) It was only in the 14th century that English finally became the most important language in England, with the London dialect as standard. (V) However, as late as 1700, there were only 8.5 million English speakers.
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II | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 7 |
(I) My favourite moment of the day comes before the sun is up, but conditions have to be right for it. (II) I usually wake up long after the sun has risen when my alarm goes off. (III) The weather has to be clear, and the lights lit in my room, and the sky outside still dark. (IV) Then I switch the lights off. (V) If I've timed it right, the sky will suddenly change to something else — a deep, transparent blue.
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II | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 8 |
(I) In 1912 Edgar Rice Burroughs sold a story to All Star Magazine about an infant of English nobility who was abandoned in Africa and brought up by apes. (II) For this. Burroughs was paid the considerable sum of $700 by the magazine. (III) Although Burroughs had little difficulty finding magazines to publish his numerous sequels, he received a number of rejections before finding a book publisher. (IV) These circumstances drove him to take up writing in order to attempt to support his family. (V) In fact, it was only in 1914 that his novel Tarzan and the Apes was finally published.
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II | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 9 |
(I) Guam is not a very large island. (II) Yet, one Japanese soldier managed to hide out in its jungles for 27 years without realising that World War II had ended. (III) Today Guam is best known in Japan as a holiday destination. (IV) During his years there, the resourceful Sergeant Yokoi made clothing from tree bark, and used the cycles of the moon for his calendar. (V) When he returned to Japan in 1972, he still had his old Imperial Army rifle, and he apologized for his "shame" in coming back alive.
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II | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 10 |
(I) The cheapest way to transport goods long distances is by sea, but the quickest is by air. (II) The fastest container ships in the world have three huge propellers driven by three huge diesel engines. (III) When they are running at full speed, they gulp 300 tonnes of fuel per day, and thrust the ship through the seas at a speed of nearly 55 kph. (IV) If a vessel meets a similar ship travelling in the opposite direction, their passing speed is 110 kph. (V) This does not allow much time for either ship to take avoiding action if they find themselves on a collision course.
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II | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
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