İlgisiz Cümle Testleri 11
Soru 1 |
(I) The Industrial Revolution started in Britain in the eighteenth century, due to the development of steam power and the invention of certain machines. (II) Watt, Arkwright and Hargreaves were all important inventors in this period, (III) These innovations, coupled with the ability of British traders to create new markets abroad , turned Britain from an agricultural society to a predominantly industrialised one. (IV) However, although material prosperity increased, it was not evenly distributed among the citizens. (V) As a result, there was much hardship in the new industrial towns, which led to the creation of new political and labour movements
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III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 2 |
(I) In spite of the success of the Viking space missions to Mars in the 1970s, they have not been followed up until the 1990s. (II) The mission had been the most ambitious ever sent to Mars. (III) Investigators concluded that a broken fuel line probably sent it spinning into space. (IV) The entire careers of some scientists had been based on that one project. (V) Its failure was such a crushing blow to them that they needed psychological counselling.
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III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 3 |
(I) Today the American chestnut has been almost wiped out by the chestnut blight, a fungal disease first observed in 1904. (II) Apparently it was introduced from Asia, (III) Native to the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, there are eleven species of chestnuts. (IV) The organism was mild in its native realm. (V) But it proved to be deadly in the bark of the American chestnut.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 4 |
(I) Like the Sphinx's beard and the Elgin Marbles, the art of the Sikh kingdoms was stolen by the greedy British, (II) No sooner had the East India Company claimed the Punjab area in 1849 than it was sending home crates full of silver armour, gilded manuscripts, and priceless miniature paintings, (III) Many of the manuscripts and miniature paintings left in India are kept in very poor conditions. (IV) They stole the Sikh throne for the Victoria and Albert Museum. (V) Practically the only thing they left intact was the Sikhs' most important religious place, the Golden Temple.
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III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 5 |
(I) Betsy Ross, one of a family of flagmakers, who lived from 1752 until 1836, has become very famous for something it is unlikely she did. (II) Her house in Pennsylvania is visited every year by thousands of American children who are brought there on educational trips, (III) The reason for this is that she is reputed to have both designed and made the first United States national flag. (IV) Today's flag has thirteen stripes and fifty stars, although the original one had thirteen of each — one for each state at that time. (V) However, it is almost certain the former claim is untrue and there is little evidence for the latter.
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III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 6 |
(I) The great improvement in health care is no longer confined only to the more advanced nations of the world, thanks to the World Health Organization, WHO, a specialist agency of the UN. (II) UNICEF and UNESCO are other UN organizations with different objectives. (III) WHO was established in f 948 to bring "the highest possible level of health" to all peoples. (IV) In order to accomplish this, WHO has a number of main objectives. (V) It provides a central clearing house for research services into medicine, and it has established a set of agreed rules for dealing with epidemics and the quarantine regulations.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 7 |
(I) In 1900, life expectancy in the United States was 48, as opposed to 75, today. (II) In a few African and Asian countries, it is still this low. (III) Much of this gain came in the first half of the century, before many of the big research breakthroughs, including antibiotics. (IV) The main reason was vast improvements in public health: clean water, and especially an understanding of the importance of sanitation during childbirth. (V) Today, women in the West are only about one-tenth as likely to die while giving birth as they were at the turn of the century.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 8 |
(I) In the plain of the Ganges in southern Nepal, there is a fascinating nomadic tribe living in perfect harmony with nature. (II) Known as the "bee people", the Rajis survive by harvesting wild honey and by fishing. (III) Their way of life seems to have remained unchanged for centuries. (IV) They are a big attraction for tourists and have built a high tech visitor's centre to show off their modern way of life. (V) Yet the vast forest that once covered this part of Nepal is disappearing, and the future of this remarkable people is very much in jeopardy.
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III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 9 |
(I) Hypnotism is a psychological method of inducing sleep or a suggestive state of mind achieved by getting the subject to concentrate on one object or idea, (II) Many people regard this practice with scepticism or fear. (III) However, there is nothing strange or abnormal about hypnotism. (IV) An early practitioner of hypnotism was Dr Franz Mesmer, from whom the term 'mesmerism' is derived. (V) For one thing, it cannot be imposed upon unwilling subjects and it can be a very effective treatment for certain nervous disorders.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 10 |
(I) Feminism, the movement for equal legal and social status for women, arose in response to the hardships that women had suffered over the centuries. (II) Apart from the short-lived gains of the French Revolution, women, well into the 1800s, had little or no right to hold property, to exercise authority over children or to vote. (III) The rise of democracy helped encourage women to fight for these rights. (IV) However, although many gains in legal, political and educational rights have been made, full social equality still has to be won. (V) As a result, today more women exercise political power in governments the world over.
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III | |
IV | |
V |
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