İlgisiz Cümle Testleri 12
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Soru 1 |
(I) During the reign of Elizabeth I, Sir Walter Raleigh was in good standing with British royalty, (II) He was responsible for introducing potatoes and tobacco to the English. (III) However, upon the accession of James 1, he fell from favour and was condemned to death for treason. (IV) Later, the new king set him free to let him redeem himself by finding the fabled city of El Dorado and return with its riches. (V) When he returned to England without the treasure, the king had him put to death.
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Soru 2 |
(I) It's so fascinating to see children play with their pet dogs. (II) Children sometimes use play situations to express their most pressing needs and to satisfy them. (III) A child who feels the need for attention may play at being a dog. (IV) With barks and on all fours, the "dog" joins other playmates, who greet it by patting its head and hugging it as they would their own pets. (V) In this way, the child gains desired attention and affection from others.
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Soru 3 |
(I) The South .Asian Women's Centre in Montreal, Canada, was started by an Indian lady in her kitchen. (II) Now it is a thriving community centre, which helps immigrants from India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh by offering them a social centre, education opportunities and legal advice. (III) Everything printed in the centre is in seven languages, five Asian languages in addition to English and French. (IV) The Tamils in the North of Sri Lanka are predominantly Hindu, whereas the Sinhalese in the South are traditionally Buddhist. (V) The topic of religion is banned from the centre as, although all of them are South Asian, the women come from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds.
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Soru 4 |
(I) The 400,000 inhabitants of Macao, Ihe tiny Portuguese colony soon to be handed back to China, have traditionally supported whatever regime was in power in China, (II) Since serious riots during the Cultural Revolution, Macao has been careful not to do anything to upset the Chinese authorities. (III) Chinese students upset the authorities in 1989 by demanding an end to corruption and by calling for political reforms. (IV) There have been none of the political rows in Macao that marked the last five years of British rule in Hong Kong. (V) And unlike Britain's policy towards Hong Kong, 100,000 people of Macao are classed as Portuguese citizens and so have the freedom of movement throughout Europe.
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V |
Soru 5 |
(I) Certain types of anti-aircraft missiles are radar-guided to their target. (II) Radar has numerous nonmilitary applications as well, especially in navigation. (III) This is an automatic system with two radar beams, one beam to track the target and the other to track the missile. (IV) Information from the reflected beams is fed into a computer. (V) The resulting calculation sets the missile on a deliberate collision course with the target.
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V |
Soru 6 |
(I) Buddhism is a Western word, and in the East, this religion is known as the Buddha-Dharma, or the teachings of the Buddha, (II) Shinto is one of the major religions of Japan. (III) The word means 'way of the gods', and the basic Shinto belief is that the gods were ancestors of the Japanese people. (IV) At one time, this led to the cult of ancestor worship among individual families, and to a belief in the divinity of the emperor. (V) This latter aspect of the religion was abandoned in 1946.
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Soru 7 |
(I) In the 1960s, the Beatles and other young rock groups brought the culture of Britain to the notice of the world. (II) For young British talent, the 1990s have been explosive. (III) British style and attitudes now permeate Parisian couture, global advertising, even American pop radio. (IV) From rave culture to the pages of youth magazines, British creativity has been a power-house for the decade. (V) Where all this energy came from, and why it's happening now remain unanswered.
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Soru 8 |
(I) Mathematics is pervasive throughout modern life, for even baking a cake or building a house involves the use of numbers, geometry, measures and space. (II) Algebra is a branch of mathematics by which unknown quantities are deduced from known quantities. (III) The general method of algebra is to present known and unknown quantities as parts of an equation. (IV) The latter may be defined as a mathematical statement of balance or equality. (V) The unknown quantities are then isolated by mathematical procedures which will reveal their value.
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Soru 9 |
(I) Queen Elizabeth I of England was completely bald. (II) She lost her hair after suffering from smallpox at the age of 29. (III) This terrible disease was the cause öf much loss of life in England, until a vaccine was invented in 1796. (IV) To disguise her loss, she always wore a wig. (V) Thus a vogue for wigs was created in Europe, which lasted several hundred years.
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V |
Soru 10 |
(I) Wind velocity is measured on an "anemometer, (II) The most common kind is the three-cup anemometer. (III) The wind is caught in the hollows of the cups, causing them to rotate. (IV) The Beaufort symbol is the symbol used on weather maps to indicate wind direction and velocity. (V) The speed of the rotation, measured in miles per hour, is the speed of the wind.
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IV | |
V |
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