İlgisiz Cümle Testleri 13
Soru 1 |
(I) Charles Dickens was an English novelist who lived from 1812 to 1870. (II) His novel Oliver Twist portrays a poor orphan by the same name. (III) As a boy, he lived close to the poverty line, but later became rich and famous. (IV) However, during his childhood, he had developed a sense of social justice that lived on in his novels. (V) In these novels, he created some of the most famous characters in English literature.
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V |
Soru 2 |
(I) The first census in England, although not called by that name, was William the Conqueror's survey of the country's people and their property in 1085. (II) The information which was gathered was entered in the Domesday Book. (III) William's object seems to have been chiefly to ascertain how much tax he could levy, and for this reason the survey was greatly resented. (IV) Nevertheless, this book provides the historian with a unique record of social conditions in llth century England. (V) As expected, since then, the British tax system has been changed many times.
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V |
Soru 3 |
(I) Remedies for stomach aches have a long history, (II) A first-century A.D. Roman advised people with colds to kiss the hairy nose of a mouse, (III) Sixteen hundred years later American colonists fought off colds by stuffing dirty socks with salted pork and onion, then wrapping them around their necks. (IV) Though today's remedies smell better, they are no more successful at curing the common cold. (V) However, they are an improvement over the old methods and can relieve some of the symptoms.
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V |
Soru 4 |
(I) Radar is a system involving the transmission and reflection of radio waves. (II) It was developed by a team of British scientists led by Robert WatsonWatt before World War II. (III) In 1940, the German Luftwaffe attempted to destroy the Royal Air Force and to bomb England in what is known as the Battle of Britain. (IV) The system was first used during the Battle of Britain to locate the approach of enemy aircraft. (V) Today it has been adapted for navigational use by aircraft and ships, and can also give warning of approaching storms
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V |
Soru 5 |
(I) The House of Lords is one of the two houses of the British Parliament. (II) About half of the Lords earned their titles for services to their country or their party, (III) But the other half are there because they inherited their titles. (IV) The House of Lords has little real power, but it can slow down the work of the House of Commons. (V) Parliament annually approves allowances for members of thf royal family as well.
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V |
Soru 6 |
(I) According to the well-known sciencefiction writer Isaac Asimov, slavery and serfdom have been natural stages of mankind's history, (II) He feels that the abolition of slavery came not so much from idealists and reformers, but from scientists, (III) Throughout the nineteenth century, the anti-slavery movement in Britain gradually changed the public's attitude to slavery. (IV) It was science that gave us steam power, electricity, and radio beams to do the work that previously been done only by human muscle. (V) Without these advances, he argues, wealth and prosperity would still be limited to the few, while the many would be chained to lives of animal-like labour.
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V |
Soru 7 |
(I) A river starts as a tiny trickle, or rill, on a slope. (II) Rainfall, snowfall, a spring or the melting of glacial ice may be its source. (III) As it flows downhill, it is joined by other trickles to make a brook, and other brooks add their waters to form a stream, which broadens into a creek. (IV) To get the greatest benefit from a river, however, people alter its course through engineering projects. (V) As the water continues its downward journey, it gains in volume and finally becomes a river.
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V |
Soru 8 |
(I) A person's dialects depend on where he lives, what groups he moves with, his education, and so on. (II) A Tokyo engineer from Kyoto, for instance, might use his own Kyoto dialect at home, but the standard dialect of Tokyo at work. (III) His speech would differ in some ways from that of his wife and that of his teenage son. (IV) With other engineers he would use a kind of engineering shop talk. (V) Thus, in a society, different styles of speech are used to show degrees of politeness.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 9 |
(I) Contrary to what many people think, exercise actually gives you more rather than less energy, (II) Regular conditioning exercises such as jogging, cycling or swimming, help you to resist fatigue. (III) It does this by increasing your body's ability to handle more of a work load. (IV) Eating a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables also increases your energy level. (V) You get tired less quickly because your capability is greater.
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V |
Soru 10 |
(I) Many people have an almost irrational fear of cockroaches, (II) True, these insects are unusually ugly. (III) A character in a well-known Japanese novel keeps cockroaches as pets in a matchbox. (IV) Large, dark brown, with long black feelers sticking out from its head, always moving and twitching, a cockroach has a disgusting look about it. (V) And because they come out at night, they reinforce our natural fear of the dark.
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IV | |
V |
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