İlgisiz Cümle Testleri 5
Soru 1 |
(I) There are lot of natural solutions to environmental problems. (II) High-tech methods are always the best. (III) For example, a farmer can grow rape seed in his fields and then make his own fuel by extracting the oil with a cheap press. (IV) After this extraction, the waste stalks and husks can be piled up, and microbes can be used to do the clean-up work, an old practice in Germany and other countries. (V) This process, known as composting, can convert organic wastes into fertilizer.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 2 |
(I) Electric cars are often thought to be a new development, but there were battery-powered cars as early as 1898. (II) By the early 1900s, there were hundreds of electric cars and trucks on the roads of New York, Paris and London. (III) Though a solar-powered car has crossed Australia, it is not yet big or powerful enough to be practical. (IV) However, no electric car of the day could compete with the petrol engine for speed, acceleration, and most important of all, range. (V) The best of the electric vehicles could manage little more than 96 kilometres before its battery had to be recharged, and its top speed was no more than 48 kph.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 3 |
(I) Radical change in Japan's modern history has come about only twice. (II) The first was in 1853, when Commodore Matthew Perry sailed his "Black Ships" into Tokyo Harbour and forced the country to abandon 250 years of isolation. (III) The second upheaval came about with the country's defeat in World War II. (IV) The policy of Isolation followed by the Chinese government led to similar sudden and traumatic changes. (V) In both cases, Japan would have been far better off, had it been able to change before being compelled to do so.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 4 |
(I) Most people today think of Nike as a brand of sportswear. (II) However, the original Nike was known as the Greek goddess of victory. (III) Another Greek goddess, Iris, represented the rainbow. (IV) In legend, Nike was the daughter of Pallas and Styx, and she was generally portrayed as a winged goddess, (V) There is a sculpture representing her as such in the Louvre, in Paris.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 5 |
(I) Man's first true flight was achieved in a hot-air balloon, (II) The balloon was built in 1783 by two Frenchmen. (III) The first flight by a motor-driven aircraft was by Orville Wright in 1904. (IV) Recently, balloons have begun to fascinate people again. (V) In March, 1999, a British pilot named Brian Jones, and a Swiss doctor named Bertrand Piccard completed the first round-the-world trip in a balloon.
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V |
Soru 6 |
(I) Airways are bands of airspace 16 kilometres wide, along which commercial aircraft are separated from each other by air traffic controllers on the ground. (II) In the 1980s, American air traffic controllers attempted a strike, which resulted in the strikers losing their jobs. (III) On busy airways, such as those in western Europe, this separation is achieved using radar, which gives the controller a picture of all the aircraft in his area. (IV) With newer systems, the flight number and altitude of the aircraft are also displayed. (V) The controller is also in communication with his military counterpart to arrange clearance for military aircraft to cross the civilian airways clear of other craft.
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V |
Soru 7 |
(I) The Wampanoag are a tribe of Indians who originally inhabited 30 villages around Narragansett Bay. (II) Their chief at the time, Massasoit, welcomed the British and remained at peace with them until his death in 1661. (III) Because of the tribe's suffering, including epidemics of disease, however, his son waged a war against the settlers, which resulted in the virtual extermination of his tribe. (IV) Nevertheless, one village has retained its identity until the present day. (V) Similarly, the Picunche of South America are now extinct as an ethnic population, having been absorbed into Spanish colonial society.
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V |
Soru 8 |
(I) The man credited with developing the first vaccine to fight against the crippling disease polio is the American doctor Jonas Salk. (II) He and his co-workers first tested a polio vaccine against an inactive polio virus in 1952. (III) In 1954, field tests were conducted . on a large scale. (IV) Consequently, a number of once deadly diseases have been conquered since the introduction of vaccination. (V) In the end, Salk's vaccine proved the best, and was used without further problems.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 9 |
(I) A frog which lives deep in the Amazon rain forest secretes a mucus used by Indians, who believe that it makes them better hunters. (II) Early findings illustrate that hunting is one of the oldest and most traditional activities known to man. (III) When a hunter wishes to use this "frog magic", another man burns the hunter's skin with a hot twig, mixes saliva with the mucus, and applies it to the burn. (IV) After this, the hunter becomes violently ill, then falls into an agitated sleep, only to wake up the next day eager to hunt. (V) Scientists are interested in this ancient custom as they believe that the mucus may contain a substance able to help treat some brain diseases.
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IV | |
V |
Soru 10 |
(I) The Earth, together with its satellite, the Moon, moves around the Sun at the rate of one complete circuit every 365 1 /4 days. (II) It is because this period of rotation is not exactly 365 days that every four years we need to have a leap year of 366 days. (III) The Muslim world uses a lunar calendar for its religious festivals, which means they come about ten days earlier each year. (IV) The Earth also spins around on its axis, making one complete revolution every 24 hours. (V) This spinning causes our days and nights: half the Earth faces the Sun and receives daylight while the other half faces away and is in darkness.
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III | |
IV | |
V |
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