İlgisiz Cümle Testleri 9
Soru 1 |
(I) The first forms of life on the Earth grew in the sea, and, although today many plants and animals are able to live on land, they still need water. (II) The single most important substance in the human body and about two-thirds of the weight of it is water. (III) The other half is composed of a large variety of metals and other minerals. (IV) Thus, if you weigh 75 kilos, then about 50 kilos of your weight is the water in your body. (V) It is essential for life and you could not live for more than three or four days without it.
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Soru 2 |
(I) The prehistoric monument known as Stonehenge is situated on Salisbury Plain, north of Salisbury, England, and dates from the late Stone Age. (II) The monument itself consists of four concentric ranges of stones. (III) Grouped around the main structure are a number of barrows, some of which contain chips of a blue stone similar to that found in the concentric ranges. (IV) The purpose of this structure was a mystery for ages until an American astronomer determined that it could have been used to predict the positions of the sun and the moon, and thus serve as a sort of calendar. (V) The early Romans also used a calendar that was based on the moon, but the year in this calendar was 355 days long.
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Soru 3 |
(I) Porcelain is a form of pottery which is arguably the best, and definitely the most expensive chinaware available. (II) It is translucent, which means a strong light shining near the plate can be seen through it. (III) The techniques for making porcelain were developed in China, where it was first made 3000 years ago. (IV) Consequently, the world's most famous porcelain factories are Spode and Wedgewood in England, Limoges in France, and Meissen in Germany. (V) By AD 700, this art had reached perfection there, although the techniques did not reach Europe until about AD 1500.
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Soru 4 |
(I) One of the most useful materials in the world today is cement. (II) Portland cement, the kind which is used for making concrete, is manufactured from limestone, (III) First of all, the limestone is quarried and ground to a fine powder. (IV) In some places, farmers try to reduce the acidity of the soil by applying limestone to their fields. (V) After that, it is mixed with powdered clay, baked in a huge oven, then ground into the powder we are familiar with.
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Soru 5 |
(I) The world's biggest land animal, the elephant, evolved from the mammoth, which appeared millions of years ago. (II) The only survivor of a more primitive species, they once roamed in great herds over the whole of the northern hemisphere. (III) Aiding this research, well preserved fossils have been found in Alaska and Siberia. (IV) They were as large as most dinosaurs: CV) The mammoth became extinct at the end of the Ice Age, and its only descendants, modern elephants, settled in Africa and Asia.
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Soru 6 |
(I) William Wordsworth was an English poet and a leading figure of the English Romantic movement in literature. (II) This movement was characterised by an emphasis on the individual, his emotions and imagination, and on the natural world. (III) Keats and Shelley are two other important English poets of the Romantic era. (IV) Following this style closely, Wordsworth himself took the unspoilt beauty of nature as his principal theme and inspiration. (V) Yet, one of his best-known poems is the sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, the bridge being situated in very unnatural surroundings, the centre of London.
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Soru 7 |
(I) As long ago as the sixteenth century, it was known that light had a peculiar action on silver chloride. (II) It was also known that a small hole pierced in the darkened window of a room would admit rays of light to reproduce on a screen the views outside. (III) There are two main types of colour photography. (IV) The camera is a combination of these two principles. (V) W.H. Fox Talbot, Louis Daguerre and Joseph Niepce were three men who played an important part in its development during the nineteenth century.
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Soru 8 |
(I) Though Rasmus Rask was born to an uneducated peasant family in Denmark, he became a well-known scholar. II) They owned a very small piece of land on which they grew mainly potatoes. (III) His talent lay in languages as he mastered several languages, including Icelandic, before he finished middle school. (IV) Upon finishing middle school, he travelled widely and gained firsthand experience of the more than 30 languages he spoke fluently. (V) One of the three most important linguists of his age, Rask wrote grammars of Icelandic, Anglo-Saxon, Frisian, Danish and Old Norse
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Soru 9 |
(I) Though the Spaniards subdued and pacified the Indians from North America to Peru, the Araucanians continued to resist for three centuries, (II) It was not until after Chile achieved independence that they surrendered to the government. (III) Today, in the southern districts, there remain only about 50,000 Araucanians. (IV) People of pure Spanish descent total about 25 percent, while 66 percent are mestizo, a mixture of Spanish and native Indian. (V) Most of them are now Christian, but they are strongly attached to their old traditions.
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Soru 10 |
(I) The name Alexei Pyeshkov probably wouldn't mean much to most people. (II) However, this was the real name of the famous Russian writer, Maxirn Gorky. (III) From 1932 until 1990 the city of Nizhny Novgorod was called Gorky, after the writer Maksim Gorky, who was born there. (IV) His assumed name means most bitter, which seems somehow suitable for the man who wrote with such realism about the extreme hardships of his early life. (V) Despite his harsh subject matter, (here is always a faith in man and his future evident in Gorky's work.
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