YDS İngilizce Çıkmış YDS İlgisiz Cümle Testleri Soruları Çöz
Soru 1 |
(I) In the past century US life-expectancy climbed from forty-seven to seventy-seven. (II) Similar rises happened in almost every country. (III) And this process shows no sign of stopping. (IV) Such a pill could give us an extra twenty years of life. (V) According to the United Nations, by 2050 global life expectancy will have increased by another ten years
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Soru 2 |
(I) The most popular talk show on Arab TV is The Opposite Direction. (II) The show is hosted by Faisal al-Kasim, a forty-two-year-old with glasses. (III) The chance to take part in the region’s first experiment with free journalism was one that could not be missed. (IV) Al-Kasim moderates while two guests debate a topic of his choosing; viewers join in by telephone, fax and e-mail. (V) No other Arab television personality is as controversial, as despised or as revered as al-Kasim
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V |
Soru 3 |
(I) The governments of the EU, the US, China, India, Japan, Russia and Korea initialled a treaty to build the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), the world’s largest fusion machine, in Provence, France. (II) It will take a decade to build and will then run for two further decades, performing tens of thousands of fusion experiments. (III) At the end of that time, say its backers, the world will know once and for all if nuclear fusion is technically viable. (IV) Once this point has been settled, the costs can be taken into consideration. (V) As well as being the largest, the fusion reactor known as JET in Culham, Britain, is, by common consent, the world’s most successful.
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Soru 4 |
(I) Patriarchy does not simply mean that men rule. (II) Otherwise, through a process of cultural evolution, societies that adopted this particular social system maximized their population. (III) Indeed, it is a particular value system that not only requires men to marry but to marry a woman of proper station. (IV) It competes with many other male visions of good life, and for that reason alone is prone to come in cycles. (V) Yet before it degenerates, it is a cultural regime that serves to keep birth-rates high among the affluent while also maximizing parents’ investments in their children.
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V | |
Soru 5 |
(I) The eruption of Nevada del Ruiz in Columbia in 1985 illustrates how a lack of monitoring and poor evacuation can lead to loss of life. (II) The eruption itself was a small one and didn’t kill anyone. (III) Disaster came later when molten rock melted the ice cap. (IV) This caused mudflows which wiped out 230,000 people. (V) Sometimes there are early signs that an eruption is imminent.
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Soru 6 |
(I) The road map of South America constantly needs updating. (II) Furthermore, we can expect that it will adversely affect international trade. (III) Hundreds of new bridges, roads and rail lines are turning formerly isolated areas into infrastructure corridors that will accelerate the continent’s economic integration. (IV) This vast undertaking, which has largely escaped media attention, is certain to bring unprecedented economic progress within the continent. (V) But it also poses major risks for some of South America’s most valuable natural areas.
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Soru 7 |
(I) It used to be argued that, once there were just two major companies involved in civil-aircraft manufacturing, aircraft prices would rise. (II) There are few engineering tricks left that could give one or other a technological edge. (III) That theory has been thoroughly discredited. (IV) The best indicator of new-aircraft prices – the average price per seat on flights – has been declining for several years. (V) This is due, of course, to the brutal competition between the two rivals
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Soru 8 |
(I) In a small firm the manager may perform the role of cost accountant, salesman, personnel officer, stock controller etc. (II) However, as a firm increases in size it can take advantage of specialization of labour. (III) Each managerial role can be allocated to a specialist in that field. (IV) Many firms spend a lot of money on research and development. (V) Furthermore, bigger firms can buy inmanagement services and afford large in-house salaries to entice and retain the best management.
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Soru 9 |
(I) Many historians were sceptical that King Arthur was a historical figure. (II) The mystique of Camelot, Arthur’s Palace, endures, from Disney films to Broadway musicals to the Kennedy White House. (III) Then, in 1998, scientists unearthed a broken stone at Tintagel Castle on Britain’s Cornish coast, long said to be Arthur’s stronghold. (IV) The stone bore the Latin inscription Pater Coliavificit Artognou, which translates as “Artognou, father of a descendant of Coll, has had this built”. (V) Artognou is pronounced “Arthnou”, lending credence to theories that the legendary king was real.
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Soru 10 |
(I) Administrative law first came into use in Turkey with the introduction of continental European legal thinking in the 19th century. (II) The most influential model was that of French administrative law. (III) This model developed in the 1890s as a result of the growing influence of Western academic institutions, namely the Law and Political Science Schools in Istanbul. (IV) The model was further developed when a system of administrative courts, modelled on a French pattern, was established by the Republic in 1927. (V) Unlike the German and French Constitutions, the Turkish Constitution does not merely characterize the Republic as a social state.
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Soru 11 |
(I) Beginning about age 5, the child develops a sense of obligation to follow rules. (II) Indeed, young children change the rules frequently and arbitrarily. (III) He treats them as absolute moral imperatives handed down by some powerful authority. (IV) For him, rules are permanent, sacred and not subject to modification. (V) Obeying them to the letter is more important than any human reason for changing them.
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I |
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