Tebrikler - YDS İnglilizce Cümle Tamamlama Testi 24 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%YDS İnglilizce Cümle Tamamlama Testi 24
Secure drinking water is requisite for human beings
and other life forms - - - -.
The city of ruins is about a millennia old but - - - -.
The whales’ exposure to danger has increased since
2011, - - - -.
Star Wars Composer John Williams has the record for
more Oscar nominations than anybody living, - - - -.
- - - -, usually together with physical exercise, to
reduce body weight.
- - - -, they can change the course of the global
low-carbon pathway.
Be sceptical of ads declaring you can improve the
performance of your brain - - - -.
The first explanations pointed that nearly a hundred
people had been killed in the earthquake, - - - -.
Palaeontologists and evolutionary biologists have
long thought that the original mammals were
nocturnal - - - -.
Although the word “tourism” means travel for
enjoyment, - - - -.
Schizophrenia is marked by a range of distinct
symptoms, - - - -.
Recent reports reveal that large firms are at the
greatest risk from cybercrime, - - - -.
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YDS İnglilizce Cümle Tamamlama Testi 24 – English sentence completion tests
Tebrikler - YDS İnglilizce Cümle Tamamlama Testi 24 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
YDS İnglilizce Cümle Tamamlama Testi 24
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