YDS Yakın Anlam Testleri 4
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Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
It's possible that getting the two sides to agree will not as easy as you think.
It's quite possible that you will have
difficulty in getting the two sides to agree
on the case. | |
What made you think that the two sides
might easily reach an agreement? | |
To persuade the two sides for an
agreement may not be so easy as you
imagine. | |
It won't be so difficult as you think to
convince the two sides to reach an
agreement. | |
There might have been trouble making
the two sides agree on the case. |
Soru 2 |
Those in favour of capital punishment are motivated only by desire for revenge.
The sentence of death is many people’s
favourite way of taking revenge. | |
Some people find capital punishment
acceptable, regarding it as a good way
of getting revenge. | |
People who wish to take revenge seek
the death sentence | |
The death penalty is the only desirable
punishment for getting one’s own back. | |
People who support the death penalty do
so solely on the basis of their wanting
revenge. |
Soru 3 |
It is impossible that you finished writing such a long composition in just an hour.
It can't have taken you just an hour to
write this long composition. | |
The longer the composition, the more
time it takes. | |
You should have taken more time to
write this composition. | |
It is not possible to write a long
composition like this in less than two
hours. | |
You can't possibly finish writing a long
composition in only an hour. |
Soru 4 |
Setting up one’s own business requires a good many factors to be considered.
A person has to bear in mind plenty of
factors before starting his work. | |
There are too many factors to consider in
establishing one’s own business. | |
When you set up your own business, you
realise how many factors need attention. | |
Launching one’s own business means
thinking about more factors than in other
cases. | |
One must weigh up lots of factors when
running one’s own business. |
Soru 5 |
The atmosphere does not come to an end at the level where balloons will rise no further.
When a balloon can travel no more, it is
because there isn’t enough atmosphere
to carry. | |
A balloon is stopped from going further
by the end of the atmosphere. | |
Balloons can rise as far as the point
where the atmosphere finishes. | |
Beyond the highest point that balloons
reach there is still atmosphere. | |
A balloon can not float any higher than
the level at which the atmosphere stops. |
Soru 6 |
Try to avoid confusing the students by making too complicated explanations.
The complexity of your explanations
usually causes confusion among the
students. | |
In order not to cause confusion among
the students, your explanations should
be fairly simple. | |
The more complicated the explanations,
the more confused the students get. | |
The students got confused because your
explanations were rather complex. | |
Most of the students get easily confused
if the explanations are not clear enough |
Soru 7 |
In some parts of Turkey, farming is still carried out with primitive tools despite many advances in technology.
In many parts of Turkey the use of
simple tools has become obsolete as a
result of technological advances. | |
In spite of the primitive tools used in
farming, Turkey is a leading country from
the point of agriculture. | |
Modern agricultural tools should have
been introduced to the farmers in Turkey
by now. | |
As regards agricultural methods, Turkey
has made little progress | |
Although technology has advanced a
great deal, there are some places in
Turkey where farmers still use out-ofdate
tools. |
Soru 8 |
It is not the cost of a gift but its appropriateness that matters.
Not caring about the price ensures that
the right present is bought. | |
It doesn’t matter that the gift is
unsuitable, because the price was low. | |
The important thing is the suitability of a
gift, not how much is paid for it. | |
A present that isn’t fitting isn’t worth the
money. | |
It doesn’t matter that the present is
appropriate because the cost isn’t. |
Soru 9 |
If the people of a country is made up of several races, racial harmony isn't always easy to achieve.
To achieve harmony between the races
of a country isn't at all possible. | |
It has always been difficult to keep
harmonious relations between its
individuals. | |
In a country whose people is composed
of a number of races, it can sometimes
be difficult to establish harmony. | |
There being different races in a country
usually leads to conflict between its
individuals. | |
Racial harmony between the races that
compose the people of a country is
sometimes possible. |
Soru 10 |
We have to postpone going on holiday until mother completely gets over her illness.
We are considering going on holiday if
mother feels well enough soon. | |
For a thorough recovery, mother has to
put off going on holiday until later. | |
As mother was ill, we couldn't leave on
holiday and had to wait until she
recovered. | |
I don't think it's a good idea to go on
holiday before mother gets over her
illness completely. | |
We can't go on holiday before mother
has fully recovered her health. |
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