YDS Yakın Anlam Testleri 7

YDS Yakın Anlam Testleri 7

Soru 1

Though he knows I’m determined to make Marsden the new manager, he’s constantly seeking to bring him down in my estimation.

His opinion of Marsden will surely change once he sees what a capable manager he really is.
Once Mersden takes on the job of manager all this unfair criticism of him is sure to stop.
Even if Marsden weren’t likely to prove a good manager that man has no right to criticise him to me in such a manner.
Since I’m fully determined to make Marsden manager I absolutely refuse to listen to all this criticism of him.
Though he is fully aware of the fact that I’m set on making Marsden the new manager, he still persists in trying to influence me against him.
Soru 2

We got caught in a traffic jam so we’re among the last to arrive.

The late arrivers all put the blame on the heavy traffic.
The traffic was so heavy that nearly everyone arrived late.
Most people got there before us as we are held up by the traffic.
There was such a congestion on the roads that I thought we never would get there.
The roads were so congested that it’s a wonder anyone got there on time.
Soru 3

It is not for me to say whether or not the lecture was a good one as it was way outside my field and I hardly understood any of it.

Since I couldn’t follow the lecture as I knew nothing about the subject matter, I really can’t give an opinion on it.
I might have followed the lecture better if I had been familiar with the field.
The subject of his lecture promised to be interesting, but his treatment of it seemed to me to lack of something.
I can’t understand why he felt the need to limit the scope of his lecture in such a way.
I don’t feel qualified to comment on his treatment of the subject as his approach is so different from mine.
Soru 4

If it hadn’t been for the wind, the fire would never have spread so fast.

It was the wind that caused the fire to spread at such a speed.
Had there been a wind, the fire would have spread even faster.
Even without the wind, the fire would have spread just as fast.
Unless the wind develops, the fire is hardly likely to spread fast.
The force of the wind affected the way the fire spread.
Soru 5

My father has agreed to pay this month’s instalment but warned me that he wouldn’t make a practice of doing so.

It’s only with this month’s instalment that I need help from my father, I won’t need it again.
This month the instalment will be met by my father, but he more or less said he wouldn’t do it again.
My father has agreed to pay the instalment this month, but I won’t ask him to do so again.
If my father doesn’t pay the instalment this month, I don’t know what I’m going to do.
So long as my father pays this month’s instalment I shall have no problem paying the others.
Soru 6

He really doesn’t mind who he works for, but the pay has to be good.

He’s the sort who will do anything for money.
With him, it’s the money that matters, not the type of work.
It’s the money that interests him, not the type of work or his employer.
He’ll work for just about anyone so long as they pay him well.
To his way of thinking, the job should be better paid.
Soru 7

We will never be able to get all these exhibits dated and labelled for the opening of the museum unless we get a lot of assistance.

Once the museum is open we can easily get plenty of help in the dating and labelling of the exhibits.
The opening of the museum does not depend on whether or not we can get all these exhibits dated and labelled.
With just a little extra assistance we shall be able to get all these exhibits dated and labelled before the museum is opened.
It would help us to finish the dating and labelling of the exhibits if the museum is not opened for a while.
We’re going to need an awful lot of help if we’re to date and label these exhibits in time for the opening of the museum.
Soru 8

There’s no point in learning several languages if you are not going to have the opportunity to use them.

People used to learn several languages even though they had little opportunity to use them.
Certain languages which few people know are actually well worth learning.
Unless you are going to be in a position to use them, learning several languages would just be a waste of time.
You shouldn’t try to learn many languages except the ones which are spoken internationally.
There are several languages that are everywhere in use and these are the ones to learn
Soru 9

It’s not fair to put all the blame on him; he is not the only one at fault.

Only the ones who were involved should be punished.
He deserves to be punished, but the others don’t.
It wouldn’t be right to punish those who, like him, weren’t involved.
He doesn’t deserve to be blamed for everything; there were others involved.
The fault is his only; so let him take the blame.
Soru 10

They were fully within their rights when they dismissed him, but now they wish they hadn’t done so.

Their dismissal of him was perfectly legal but now they regret their action.
They had the right to dismiss him and don’t deserve this unpleasant turn of events.
If they hadn’t dismissed him they would be in a better position now.
What they did may have been legal, but it was still unfair to dismiss him in that way.
Though their dismissal of him was barely legal the outcome has been fortunate.
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