YÖKDİL Fen Testleri 2
Soru 1 |
Bats may ----- the most sophisticated wings in the animal kingdom which allow them to fly fast and pursue insects during flight.
diminish | |
occur | |
possess | |
implement | |
provide |
Soru 2 |
In order to curb the effects of global warming, the increase ---- Earth's temperature needs to be stabilized ---- no more than 3.6 degrees F.
of / to | |
in / at | |
on / at | |
against / on | |
from / for |
Soru 3 |
The story of humanity ---- with our earliest ancestors, who ---- in Africa around 7 million years ago
began / appeared | |
begins / appears | |
will begin / appear | |
would begin / will appear | |
has begun / had appeared |
Soru 4 |
What are we going to do when our vital supplies ---- fish dry up?
without | |
as regards | |
such as | |
but for | |
due to |
Soru 5 |
Young children ----- have been exposed to a second language have an advantage when they learn the sounds of that language later in life.
who | |
whethe | |
which | |
what | |
when |
Soru 6 |
-------, as it has a high resistance to oxidation and therefore a long shelf life.
Coconut oil turns to liquid when heated to
certain temperatures | |
Coconut oil is highly preferred in foods and
beverages as source of cheap oil | |
Many people still have doubts and hesitate to
use coconut oil and palm oil | |
Semi-solid at room temperature, palm oil and
coconut oil are among the world’s most
versatile raw materials | |
Coconut oil is rarely exploited as an
ingredient in the cosmetics industry |
Soru 7 |
Cancer injections are not designed to prevent cancer from starting, ----.
instead, they provide patients’ immune
system with intellegence on what the cancer
cell looks like | |
thus, earlier cancer vaccine efforts may have
failed | |
yet human cells are covered in so-called
self-proteins that serve as markers for the
immune system | |
in that cancerous cells do not look different
enough from normal cells | |
so cancer-specific proteins spark a strong
response from immune molecules |
Soru 8 |
----, new genetic and archaeological data of the region indicate that this event may have taken place much earlier
Because the Tibetan Plateau is a cold and
arid place with half the oxygen present at
sea leve | |
Once the modern part of the Tibetan
genome reflects a mixed genetic heritage | |
Just as the word organic is historical, dating
to the 1st century | |
Though scientists had long thought no one
set foot on the Tibetan plateau until 15,000
years ago | |
While it's the most significant wave of
migration that shaped the modern Tibetan
gene pool |
Soru 9 |
One of the main scientific goals of the Mars Science Laboratory is to study the climate and geology of Mars
Mars'ın iklimini ve jeolojisini etüt ederek
Mars'ta hayat olup olmadığını ortaya çıkarmak
Mars Bilim Laboratuvarı'nın temel
hedeflerinden biridir | |
Mars Bilim Laboratuvarının hedeflerinden birisi
Mars'ın iklimini incelemek, diğeri ise jeolojisini
etüt etmektir. | |
Mars Bilim Laboratuvarının hedefleri arasında
Mars'ın iklimi ile jeolojisini etüt etmek de
bulunmaktadır. | |
Mars'ın iklim ve jeolojisini incelemek, Mars
Bilim Laboratuvarının en temel görevlerinden
birisidir. | |
Mars Bilim Laboratuvarının temel bilimsel
hedeflerinden biri Mars'ın iklimi ve jeolojisini
incelemektir. |
Soru 10 |
Dünya’ nın geleceği, doğal kaynaklarımızı bugün ne kadar verimli kullandığımıza bağlıdır.
For the future of the world, we must use our
natural resources in an efficient manner. | |
In future we will have to make a better use of
our natural resources than we do today. | |
An efficient conservation of our natural
resources today will assure a better future. | |
We mustn’t ignore the the fact that the future of
our world relies on the way we use our natural
resources today | |
The future of the world relies on how efficiently
we use our natural resources today. |
Soru 11 |
Bir canlının gelişme sürecinde en dikkate değer yönlerden biri, organizmanın her bir parçasının, büyürken, bir yandan da işlevini sürdürmesidir
The fact that any part of an organism can
function throughout the normal development
process of a living being is truly amazing. | |
One of the really fantastic aspects in the
development process of living beings is the
ability of parts of the organism to continue
functioning in the normal way | |
The very fact that each part of an organism
continues to function as it grows is surely the
most fascinating aspect of the development
process of a living being. | |
Surprisingly enough, each part of an organism
continues to function even throughout the
development process itself. | |
One of the most remarkable aspects in the
development process of a living being is that
each part of the organism continues to function
as it grows. |
Soru 12 |
According to the research by Edinburgh University, birds have begun to reach their summer breeding grounds on average about one day earlier per degree of increasing global temperatures. It is likely to benefit scientists in terms of predicting how different species may respond to future environmental change, and the study looks at hundreds of species across five continents. Reaching their summer breeding grounds at the wrong time - even by a few days - may cause birds to miss out on maximum availability of vital resources such as food and nesting places. Late arrival to breeding grounds may, in turn, affect the timing of offspring hatching and their chances of survival. Besides, long-distance migrants, which are shown to be less responsive to rising temperatures, may suffer most as other birds gain advantage by arriving at breeding grounds ahead of them. Concisely, the study examines how various species, which take flight in response to cues such as changing seasonal temperatures and food availability, have altered their behaviour over time and with increasing temperatures.
According to the text, the study regarding the birds ----.
shows the profound influence which the
unstable global temperatures have on the
migrating birds | |
holds clues pertaining to the habits of bird
species in their summer breeding grounds | |
deals only with the ways one species reacts
to the possible environmental chance | |
presents the exact reasons why they migrate
across the specific locations in five continents | |
reveals their breeding, feeding, and nesting
habits in the course of migration between
continents |
Soru 13 |
According to the research by Edinburgh University, birds have begun to reach their summer breeding grounds on average about one day earlier per degree of increasing global temperatures. It is likely to benefit scientists in terms of predicting how different species may respond to future environmental change, and the study looks at hundreds of species across five continents. Reaching their summer breeding grounds at the wrong time - even by a few days - may cause birds to miss out on maximum availability of vital resources such as food and nesting places. Late arrival to breeding grounds may, in turn, affect the timing of offspring hatching and their chances of survival. Besides, long-distance migrants, which are shown to be less responsive to rising temperatures, may suffer most as other birds gain advantage by arriving at breeding grounds ahead of them. Concisely, the study examines how various species, which take flight in response to cues such as changing seasonal temperatures and food availability, have altered their behaviour over time and with increasing temperatures.
It can be inferred from the text that ----.
birds are able to reach the breeding grounds
in a single day despite the increasing
temperatures | |
the changing temperatures might serve to the
interest of most migrant birds to a great extent | |
the timing of the arrival to the breeding
ground is of vital importance to their survival | |
long-distance migrating birds have advantage
over the short-distance migrating birds | |
the adaptation of various migrating birds to
the changing conditions varies significantly |
Soru 14 |
According to the research by Edinburgh University, birds have begun to reach their summer breeding grounds on average about one day earlier per degree of increasing global temperatures. It is likely to benefit scientists in terms of predicting how different species may respond to future environmental change, and the study looks at hundreds of species across five continents. Reaching their summer breeding grounds at the wrong time - even by a few days - may cause birds to miss out on maximum availability of vital resources such as food and nesting places. Late arrival to breeding grounds may, in turn, affect the timing of offspring hatching and their chances of survival. Besides, long-distance migrants, which are shown to be less responsive to rising temperatures, may suffer most as other birds gain advantage by arriving at breeding grounds ahead of them. Concisely, the study examines how various species, which take flight in response to cues such as changing seasonal temperatures and food availability, have altered their behaviour over time and with increasing temperatures.
The text is mainly about ----.
what the specific motives behind the
migration of the birds are | |
when the birds in question opt for the exact
migration season | |
what the study offers to the would-be
researchers in the field | |
in what way the migrant birds have tendency
to shift their habits in time | |
how the behaviours of migrant birds are
affected at certain times of the year |
Soru 15 |
Developing a brand new rocket, aerospace Rocket Lab has finally transported a finished vehicle to New Zealand launch pad where it will take first flight. ---- Compared to other major missiles like the Falcon 9 or the Atlas V, it is pretty small and light because it was designed specifically to launch small satellites. That’s a relatively light lift contrasted with the others. But Rocket Lab isn’t interested in competing with major players like SpaceX or the United Launch Alliance. The company wants to capitalize solely on what is called the small satellite revolution, a trend of making space probes as tiny as possible.
But technology has advanced in recent years,
so companies have come up with ways to
miniaturize their satellites. | |
In contrast, the government did not support the
projec | |
Typically, manufacturers spend years and
millions of dollars developing a satellite that’s
roughly the size of a bus. | |
Since they are so compact, multiple probes can
be launched on a single rocket | |
The rocket, called the Electron, has been tested
on the ground over the last year but has never
been flown to space before. |
Soru 16 |
(I) A new space probe has recently been launched to observe the unknown dark planet Pluto. (II) The expenditure of these project was covered by International Space Association. (III) Though the probe will travel faster than a bullet, it will take about six years to reach Pluto. (IV) Then we will have the first pictures of the planet and extensive information about its atmosphere. (V) It will remain in the orbit for about three years and continue sending information about the structure of the planet’s atmosphere.
I | |
III | |
IV | |
V | |
II |
Soru 17 |
(I) People are very interested in the future because they are sure that it will be very different from the past. (II) However, nobody knows how the world will look like in the future. (III) Some say that the progress in science and technology will make life more comfortable and machines will do the hard work for human beings. (IV) There might have been special robots for everybody and people would program them according to their needs. (V) Others speculate that the earth will be very crowded and people from our planet will have to live in space
II | |
I | |
III | |
IV | |
V |
Soru 18 |
A Yale University study suggests there are more trees in the world than previously estimated. Billions of trees are being cut down every year - estimated three trillion trees left on Earth. Although it’s more than the previous estimate of 400 billion trees worldwide, it’s trillions less than there used to be. A researcher team used tree density information from forests around the world along with satellite imagery and super-computer technology to map tree populations worldwide at the squarekilometer level. The results were much higher than expected. According to the research, the highest densities of trees are found in the boreal forests in the sub-arctic regions of Russia, Scandinavia and North America, but the largest forest areas are in the tropics, which are home to about 43 percent of the world's trees population. The information on the population of trees will help scientists to better understand the effects of climate change, the distribution of animal and plant species in the world and how trees shape their environments
According to the passage, besides tree density information, ----.
shaping the environments of trees is
detrimental to animal and plant diversity | |
understanding the impact of climate change
depends on just strict regulations | |
the number of trees is decreasing worldwide
due to excessive chopping down | |
boreal forests are found around the dominant
countries along with the air pollution | |
the team used imageries and advanced
progress aiming at mapping the tree
population |
Soru 19 |
A Yale University study suggests there are more trees in the world than previously estimated. Billions of trees are being cut down every year - estimated three trillion trees left on Earth. Although it’s more than the previous estimate of 400 billion trees worldwide, it’s trillions less than there used to be. A researcher team used tree density information from forests around the world along with satellite imagery and super-computer technology to map tree populations worldwide at the squarekilometer level. The results were much higher than expected. According to the research, the highest densities of trees are found in the boreal forests in the sub-arctic regions of Russia, Scandinavia and North America, but the largest forest areas are in the tropics, which are home to about 43 percent of the world's trees population. The information on the population of trees will help scientists to better understand the effects of climate change, the distribution of animal and plant species in the world and how trees shape their environments
It is stressed in the passage that ----.
The findings of mapping tree populations are
quite surprising | |
previously estimated number of tree remains
the same | |
the research mainly focuses on ascending the
tree population in sub-arctic regions | |
the tropics are hosting most of the tree
population of the world | |
the only aim at mapping tree population
precisely is to understand the effects of the
climate change |
Soru 20 |
A Yale University study suggests there are more trees in the world than previously estimated. Billions of trees are being cut down every year - estimated three trillion trees left on Earth. Although it’s more than the previous estimate of 400 billion trees worldwide, it’s trillions less than there used to be. A researcher team used tree density information from forests around the world along with satellite imagery and super-computer technology to map tree populations worldwide at the squarekilometer level. The results were much higher than expected. According to the research, the highest densities of trees are found in the boreal forests in the sub-arctic regions of Russia, Scandinavia and North America, but the largest forest areas are in the tropics, which are home to about 43 percent of the world's trees population. The information on the population of trees will help scientists to better understand the effects of climate change, the distribution of animal and plant species in the world and how trees shape their environments
We can understand from the passage that even the largest forest areas ----.
consist of numerous trees beyond
expectations | |
are estimated to be 400 acres before the
current study | |
can be measured by satellite imageries and
advanced technologies | |
cannot make up for human induced damage | |
cover less than half of the tree population
worldwide |
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