YÖKDİL Fen Bilimleri Testleri 4

YÖKDİL Fen Testleri 4

Soru 1

The ice in the Arctic sea has shown a ---- steady decline, whereas the one in the south changed dramatically

Soru 2

Scientists say the amount of ---- in the Pacific Ocean is on the rise just like heavily polluted Chinese rivers.

Soru 3

Earth’s gravity ---- life possible by enabling vital human activities, yet a weaker or a stronger one ------ much lower chances of survival

had made / may mean
will have made / is meaning
can make / had meant
is making / meant
makes / would mean
Soru 4

---- reptiles generally prey on smaller animals, few reptiles such as the iguana are planteaters

Soru 5

Scientists estimate ants first evolved about 120 million years ago ---- the ants at that time weren't as prevalent as they are today

so tha
as though
Soru 6

While the ceratopsian pattern found in Northern Mexico is currently rare and mostly fragmented, ----.

every new species helps outline this grand evolutionary pattern
there is an evident potential to discover more and better preserved specimens in the near future
North America saw a decrease in horned dinosaur species
it’s one of several mysterious species uncovered across northern Mexico
isolation is key to this kind of evolutionary divergence
Soru 7

Venus with its dense atmosphere that traps solar radiation is extremely hot, ----.

while Venus is boiling hot due to incoming solar radiation absorbed by the oceans, the land and the atmosphere
whereas, the moon, having no atmosphere, is about minus 50 degrees celcius on its dark side
for the Earth is habitable thanks to the equilibrium of incoming and outgoing radiation
also, UV radiation has a shorter wavelength and a higher energy level than visible light
so the oceans, land and atmosphere release heat in the form of IR thermal radiation
Soru 8

When surfaces in contact move relatively to each other, the friction between the two surfaces converts kinetic energy into thermal energy.

Temas halindeki yüzeyler sayesinde kinetik enerji termal enerjiye kolayca dönüştürülür.
Temas halinde olan yüzeyler birbirine göreceli hareket ettiği için iki yüzey arasındaki sürtünme kinetik enerjiyi termal enerjiye çevirir
Temas halinde olan yüzeyler birbirine göreceli olarak hareket ettiğinde, iki yüzey arasındaki sürtünme kinetik enerjiyi termal enerjiye çevirir
İki yüzey arasındaki sürtünme kinetik enerjiyi termal enerjisine dönüştürerek yüzeylerin hareket etmesini sağlar
Kinetik enerjiyi termal enerjiye dönüştürmek için yüzeyler birbirine temas etmelidirler.
Soru 9

Bakanlık hayvancılığı desteklemediği takdirde, ciddi bir et sıkıntısının olması kaçınılmazdır.

Despite the Ministry’s decision to subsidize cattle farming, meat is still in short supply
The cattle farming subsidies decided on by the Ministry have not tackle the meat shortage
Although the Ministry decides to subsidize cattle farming a meat shortage cannot be avoided
Unless the Ministry subsidizes cattle farming, a serious meat shortage is inevitable
A shortage of meat will inevitable force the Ministry to subsidies cattle farming.
Soru 10

Matematik çalışmalarının belirli bir düzeye ulaşmasıyla, bu alan astronomi çalışmalarına destek olmaya başlamıştır.

Mathematical studies began supporting astronomy when it reached a certain level.
Mathematical studies used to assist astronomy at a certain level
When mathematical studies reached a certain level, this discipline began assisting astronomy
When mathematical studies reached a certain level, astronomy began supporting it.
With mathematical studies reaching a certain level, this discipline began supporting astronomical studies.
Soru 11

A recently released UNICEF report titled "Clear the Air for Children” states that some 300 million children are exposed to heavily toxic air, while two billion live in areas where pollution exceeds minimum air quality guidelines set by the World Health Organization. South Asia has the largest number of children living in such areas, around 620 million, followed by Africa and then East Asia and Pacific region. According to this report, among these children around 600,000 under the age of five die globally due to air pollution. Besides being a major factor contributing in the deaths of these children, air pollution also threatens the future of millions more every day. Pollutants don't only harm children's developing lungs but they can actually cross the blood-brain barrier and permanently damage their developing brains and, thus, their futures. While the air is poisoned by vehicle emissions, fossil fuels, dust, burning waste and other airborne pollutants, indoor air pollution, typically caused by burning coal and wood for cooking and heating also impair children's health. The UNICEF report urged all governments worldwide to adapt measures such as cutting back on fossil fuel combustion as well as investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

  • According to the UNICEF report, ----.

almost 620 million children die each year because of being subjected to extremely toxic air
household air pollution cannot be ignored as it endangers mortality rates in children
vehicle emissions, fossil fuels and other toxic gasses might restrain air pollution worldwide
air pollutants cause temporary but severe deterioration of children's brain cells while damaging their lungs
few children around the world are at risk and live in minimum air quality
Soru 12

A recently released UNICEF report titled "Clear the Air for Children” states that some 300 million children are exposed to heavily toxic air, while two billion live in areas where pollution exceeds minimum air quality guidelines set by the World Health Organization. South Asia has the largest number of children living in such areas, around 620 million, followed by Africa and then East Asia and Pacific region. According to this report, among these children around 600,000 under the age of five die globally due to air pollution. Besides being a major factor contributing in the deaths of these children, air pollution also threatens the future of millions more every day. Pollutants don't only harm children's developing lungs but they can actually cross the blood-brain barrier and permanently damage their developing brains and, thus, their futures. While the air is poisoned by vehicle emissions, fossil fuels, dust, burning waste and other airborne pollutants, indoor air pollution, typically caused by burning coal and wood for cooking and heating also impair children's health. The UNICEF report urged all governments worldwide to adapt measures such as cutting back on fossil fuel combustion as well as investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

  • It is implied in the passage that air pollution ----.

is triggered by numerous contributors among which the most detrimental is toxic outdoor air
requires long-term measures taken merely by the governments of South Asian countries
is at tolerable rates according to the strict standards of World Health Organization
is supposed to be regarded as more life threatening in Africa, the East Asia and Pacific Region than in the other regions
claims not only children's lives but also their overall wellbeing and future quality of life
Soru 13

A recently released UNICEF report titled "Clear the Air for Children” states that some 300 million children are exposed to heavily toxic air, while two billion live in areas where pollution exceeds minimum air quality guidelines set by the World Health Organization. South Asia has the largest number of children living in such areas, around 620 million, followed by Africa and then East Asia and Pacific region. According to this report, among these children around 600,000 under the age of five die globally due to air pollution. Besides being a major factor contributing in the deaths of these children, air pollution also threatens the future of millions more every day. Pollutants don't only harm children's developing lungs but they can actually cross the blood-brain barrier and permanently damage their developing brains and, thus, their futures. While the air is poisoned by vehicle emissions, fossil fuels, dust, burning waste and other airborne pollutants, indoor air pollution, typically caused by burning coal and wood for cooking and heating also impair children's health. The UNICEF report urged all governments worldwide to adapt measures such as cutting back on fossil fuel combustion as well as investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

  • One of the strategies to prevent mortality in children is to ----.

switch to alternative energy sources that are environmentally-friendly
implement educational programmes supervised by the World Health Organization
encourage fossil fuel consumption to offset the effects of air pollution
restructure residential areas particularly in South Asia, East Asia and Pacific region
elevate the quality of air and minimize the toxic effects of burning coal by means of employing indoor filtering units
Soru 14

The Department of Justice has issued official guidelines for the manufacture of smart guns - weapons that have technology to allow only the owners to use them. Ordered by President Obama, the guidelines aim to “shape the future of gun safety technology”. In order to prevent thousands of deaths from misuse of guns, guns could be equipped with technology, such as fingerprint scanners, enabling only the owner to use them. However, although Obama’s initiative is undoubtedly with good intention, institutions like The National Rifle Association – which had previously boycotted Smith & Wesson’s pledge to explore smart gun technology – have sneered that Obama’s aim is to claim a win before his days in office end. Likewise, the Congress had also refused to fight the gun deaths among the nation. The technology is available. A shotgun that blocked firing by anyone without the shooter’s radio-frequency identity ring was already developed in 2000. Yet, what is not available is emancipation from the politics and threats of the gun lobby who, apparently, do not want to lose their share of the market that is more lucrative without the standards that the guidelines mean to bring.

  •  According to the passage, the guidelines for the production of smart guns ----.

are rejoiced by the entire country in that they will start a new era of gun safety technology
are meant to set the standards for gun production with aim to decrease deaths by gun misuse
are welcomed by the gun lobby for they bear the potential to create new income channels
have been proposed upon the Congress’s call for a way of dealing with gun-related deaths
do not seem to be very promising since the required technology is still at its infancy
Soru 15

The Department of Justice has issued official guidelines for the manufacture of smart guns - weapons that have technology to allow only the owners to use them. Ordered by President Obama, the guidelines aim to “shape the future of gun safety technology”. In order to prevent thousands of deaths from misuse of guns, guns could be equipped with technology, such as fingerprint scanners, enabling only the owner to use them. However, although Obama’s initiative is undoubtedly with good intention, institutions like The National Rifle Association – which had previously boycotted Smith & Wesson’s pledge to explore smart gun technology – have sneered that Obama’s aim is to claim a win before his days in office end. Likewise, the Congress had also refused to fight the gun deaths among the nation. The technology is available. A shotgun that blocked firing by anyone without the shooter’s radio-frequency identity ring was already developed in 2000. Yet, what is not available is emancipation from the politics and threats of the gun lobby who, apparently, do not want to lose their share of the market that is more lucrative without the standards that the guidelines mean to bring.

  • One can understand from the passage that ----.

guns can be rendered safer, however, the related technology is yet to be developed
President Obama desires to set the guidelines since he wants to do a final good deed
producing guns is a fruitful sector for manufacturers, and the new guidelines will enhance this
gun deaths can be reduced by using technology to prevent unauthorized people from using guns
both the government and manufacturers address the gun use vigorously
Soru 16

The Department of Justice has issued official guidelines for the manufacture of smart guns - weapons that have technology to allow only the owners to use them. Ordered by President Obama, the guidelines aim to “shape the future of gun safety technology”. In order to prevent thousands of deaths from misuse of guns, guns could be equipped with technology, such as fingerprint scanners, enabling only the owner to use them. However, although Obama’s initiative is undoubtedly with good intention, institutions like The National Rifle Association – which had previously boycotted Smith & Wesson’s pledge to explore smart gun technology – have sneered that Obama’s aim is to claim a win before his days in office end. Likewise, the Congress had also refused to fight the gun deaths among the nation. The technology is available. A shotgun that blocked firing by anyone without the shooter’s radio-frequency identity ring was already developed in 2000. Yet, what is not available is emancipation from the politics and threats of the gun lobby who, apparently, do not want to lose their share of the market that is more lucrative without the standards that the guidelines mean to bring.

  • The best title for this passage could be ----.

Why can’t we stop deaths caused by guns?
Guns production and gun lobbying
Developing gun safety technology
Why not smart guns in this high-tech era?
Guidelines for effective guns safety
Soru 17

The number of people who die in traffic accidents is so high that measures need to be taken urgently. Actually, deaths can be minimized by several very simple measures. ----. Though this is a very simple safety measure, few people care about it.

For instance, wearing the seatbelts can save thousands of lives
People with serious eye defects are not given driving licences in Norway
Cars should be serviced at least once a year to avoid major expenditure
Statistics indicate all drivers wear their seatbelts in short distance travel in Sweden
Speed limit is the fastest speed at which you can travel safely
Soru 18

Experts questioned 85 professional female models over the age of 18. They discovered that 81% of them were underweight. Many of the models led a very unhealthy lifestyle to stay underweight so that they could get work from their agencies. ----. They kept their “commercially slim and elegant look” in this way. This is mainly because the models said their agency told them they would not get jobs unless they lost more weight

In fact, the study was published in the ‘International Journal of Eating Disorders
In doing so, they skipped meals, stopped eating for days, and used diet pills
In contrast, these foreign models had been suffering from diseases
However, the court decided it was wrong to put them under pressure
Therefore, it is made up of five jury members
Soru 19

(I) The odor of a flower can range from sweet like vanilla to fresh. (II) It doesn’t smell good to please humans but rather to attract “a specific pollinator” that is, an insect or bird that will carry pollen from one flower to another for reproduction. (III) Different pollinators like different smells. (IV) The actual odor is produced by volatile oils on the hairy stems in the middle of the flower called “osmophores”. (V) For example, bats like fruity odors while butterflies prefer the plants smeeling like rotten meat

Soru 20

(I) Earthquakes are a kind of catastrophes occurring all over the world. (II) At any time you may hear news about them with a lot of energy and power or with small tremors that are seldom felt. (III) Besides they are not just seen on land; huge waves in the ocean can be caused by a kind of underwater earthquake. (IV) In deep waters it is sometimes hard to see enormous waves due to earthquakes but when they reach the coast they grow into large walls of water. (V) Most big cities including Istanbul are not ready for a sudden earthquake, though.

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