YDS İngilizce Çıkmış Anlam Bütünlüğünü Sağlayan Sorular Çöz
Soru 1 |
Ice climbing and rock climbing share some important features. Both use ropes, harnesses, and other specialized equipment for ascending steep granite or blue ice. ----. A rock climber follows the natural cracks or weaknesses in the rock whereas, with ice tools in each hand, an ice climber has more freedom to blaze a path up and is limited only by the ice conditions and the technology of the tools
However, climbing itself has always been
considered to be very dangerous | |
But once you find your footing, ice climbing can
become addictive | |
Most ice climbing trips require an arduous trek
into the mountains and possibly several nights
out in the cold | |
However, climbing itself has always been
considered to be very dangerous | |
But, the method of climbing in each case is
different |
Soru 2 |
Well into the 1860s the American West remained divided from the East by the harsh nature of the country’s interior. ----. Their aim was to build a railroad across the formidable mountainous lands of the Sierra Nevada. They were ridiculed on all sides, but the ambitious enterprise eventually succeeded.
Top engineers had agreed that the Sierra
Nevada could not be crossed by road or rail | |
Their high-flying goal comes with similarly steep
challenges | |
Then four merchants began raising money to
fund a seemingly impossible project | |
The high peaks of the Sierra Nevada were
acknowledged as being impassable | |
Naturally, politicians were not in favour of uniting
East and West |
Soru 3 |
In the annals of computing, nothing has caused as much disappointment as putting ideas on paper. ----. However, with the coming of the inkjet printer it was soon possible to print really highquality images.
The first inkjet printers were slow, messy
machines, but they gradually got better and
better | |
For decades, printing computer files was a
thankless task for users seeking to reproduce
precisely what they saw on their screens | |
For all its originality the idea behind the inkjet is
far from new | |
To start with, thermal inkjets were no match for
the costlier laser printers that had just been
introduced | |
Designers of printers grew more ambitious and
they started to want colour, speed and low costs |
Soru 4 |
Mollusks can be found in virtually every habitat on Earth and range in size from microscopic to more than 10 m long. ----. But others, the octopus for instance, are considered to be delicacies.
Some, like the snails in our gardens, are
regarded as pests | |
Not all of them, however, are encased in a shell | |
They are indeed an extremely fascinating group
of creatures
| |
The octopus even has problem-solving abilities | |
All the mollusks are invertebrate animals |
Soru 5 |
----. Traditionally, one of the most important tools used to study cell structures has been the microscope. In fact, cells were not described until 1665, when Robert Hooke examined the cell walls of dead cork cells using a microscope he had made. Hooke used the term “cell” because the tissue reminded him of the small rooms that monks lived in during that period.
Most of the methods used to prepare and stain
cells for observation also kill them in the process | |
Lenses in the electron microscopes are actually
magnets that bend the beam of electrons | |
A light microscope can be used to view stained
or living cells, but at relatively low resolution | |
Because cells are so small, scientists have had
to be extremely clever in devising methods for
studying them | |
Early biologists thought that the cell consisted of
a homogeneous jelly, which they called
protoplasm |
Soru 6 |
Most Western industrialized nations have an individualistic orientation, which values independence and self-assertiveness. ----. They stress the interdependence of people within the community.
This is why Americans tend to use psychological
traits to describe themselves | |
There is no internal evidence to suggest this | |
Individuals in collectivist Asian cultures are even
less likely to commit such errors | |
In contrast, many non-Western cultures have a
more collectivist orientation | |
Actually, situational factors also play quite an
important role |
Soru 7 |
In recent years, the amount of aid for developing countries has increased, and the price of many drugs has fallen. So why does one third of the world’s population still lack access to proper healthcare? ----. Many charge high tariffs on lifesaving medicines and equipment, sometimes even taxing products that are donated for free.
Thus, even in places where tariffs are waived,
other barriers remain | |
These regulatory constraints are imposed on a
wide variety of medical equipment as well as
drugs | |
If these tariffs were lowered, it would
dramatically increase access to pharmaceuticals | |
To a large extent, the fault lies with the poor
countries themselves | |
Naturally, it is the right of any nation to raise
income as it sees fit |
Soru 8 |
----. What he really seeks, however, are the most meaningful ones, and these vary from one context to another. His words may be grandiose or humble, fanciful or matter of fact, romantic or realistic, archaic or modern, technical or everyday, monosyllabic or polysyllabic.
It is not unusual for a poet also to be a musician | |
Language has many levels and varieties, and
poets may choose from them all | |
In the poem “Winter” Shakespeare is attempting
to communicate the quality of winter life around
a sixteenth century English country house | |
A poet creates new experiences for the reader in
which the reader can participate | |
A frequent misconception of poetic language is
that the poet seeks always the most beautiful or
noble-sounding words |
Soru 9 |
Norwegians, like the Danes and Swedes, are of Teutonic origin. The Norsemen, also known as Vikings, ravaged the coasts of northwest Europe from the 8th to the 11th century and were ruled by local chieftains. ----. After 1442, the country was ruled by Danish kings until 1814, when it was united with Sweden in an uneasy partnership.
In the late 20th century, the Labor Party and the
Conservative Party seesawed for control, each
sometimes having to lead minority governments | |
Despite severe losses in the World War II, it
recovered quickly as its economy expanded | |
Norway became the second largest net oil
exporter after Saudi Arabia in 1995 | |
Olaf II Haraldsson became the first effective king
of all Norway in 1015 and began converting the
Norwegians to Christianity | |
When the World War I broke out, Norway joined
with Sweden and Denmark in a decision to
cooperate in the joint interest of the three
countries |
Soru 10 |
Archaeologists have a duty, both to colleagues and to the general public, to explain what they are doing and why. ----. Further, their work can also be enjoyed by the wider public which, after all, has usually paid the bill for the work, however indirectly.
Unfortunately, some archaeologists hoard their
finds and prevent colleagues from gaining
access to them | |
Basically, this means publishing the discoveries
so that the results are available to other scholars | |
Many projects depend upon the willing hands of
amateur enthusiasts | |
Archaeologists often prefer to dig new sites
rather than devote time to laborious postexcavation
analysis | |
Up to 60 per cent of modern excavations
apparently remain unpublished |
Soru 11 |
No description of embarrassment would be complete without considering the blush. For many of us, it is the hallmark display of embarrassment. ----. Although the physiology of the blush is not fully understood, we are getting nearer to a better understanding of it.
Although smiling occurs during embarrassment,
it has a different appearance from that of
amusement | |
Generally speaking, heart rate and blood
pressure tend to rise and fall in many emotional
states such as anger, fear and happiness | |
Their results showed that blushing begins with a
sharp increase of blood flow, which is then
followed by a slower rise in facial temperature | |
On the other hand, in embarrassment, the lips
turn up but without the accompanying action of
the crinkling of the eyes | |
Actually, however, blushing does not necessarily
accompany embarrassment, and facial
reddening can occur during other physical and
emotional states as well |
Soru 12 |
How common are other civilizations in the universe? This question has fascinated humanity for centuries, but so far no definitive answer has been found. ----. Chief among these is the confirmation, after a long wait and several false starts, that planets exist outside our solar system.
In spite of all this activity, researchers have
made no positive detections of extraterrestrial
signals | |
A number of recent developments have brought
the question once again to the fore | |
Most surprising of all is the speed with which life
was established on this planet | |
The lack of success to date cannot be used to
infer that Earth is the only planet with life | |
So far, astronomers have found no Earth-like
planets, but we can be fairly confident that they
will do so |
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