YDS İngilizce Kelime Denemeleri 26
Soru 1 |
Every year, the amount of trees cut down could cover a city the size of Birmingham, England, with a(n) ---- of wood, ten-storey high.
attitude | |
file | |
addition | |
enlargement | |
pile |
Soru 2 |
Saturn is the second biggest planet in the Solar System and it is 95 times heavier than Earth. The ---- of Saturn is 744 times that of Earth.
elevation | |
volume | |
contradiction | |
abduction | |
notification |
Soru 3 |
Your mouth produces a litre of ---- in a day and about 10,000 gallons in a lifetime.
membrane | |
poison | |
lump | |
saliva | |
marrow |
Soru 4 |
Zoanthropy is a form of mental ---- in which the patient imagines himself to be a beast.
disdain | |
compartment | |
dent | |
disorder | |
ornament |
Soru 5 |
The body’s daily ---- of vitamins and minerals is less than a thimbleful.
recession | |
requirement | |
obsession | |
enthusiasm | |
compulsion |
Soru 6 |
The average digestive ---- of an adult is 30 feet in length.
territory | |
lane | |
tract | |
avenue | |
road |
Soru 7 |
A number of governments in the ---- economies of East Asia were able to successfully emulate the Japanese experience.
fluctuation | |
friction | |
obstacle | |
miracle | |
objection |
Soru 8 |
The human tongue tastes bitter things with the taste buds toward the back. Salty and pungent flavours are detected at the middle of the tongue, sweet flavours at the ----.
tip | |
pot | |
pit | |
tap | |
pat |
Soru 9 |
Newton’s system was based on the concepts of mass, force, and ----.
abduction | |
inhibition | |
acceleration | |
infection | |
deduction |
Soru 10 |
The Northern Lights are constantly in motion because of the changing ---- between the solar wind and the earth’s magnetic field.
deduction | |
interaction | |
satisfaction | |
notification | |
illumination |
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