Yökdil Paragraf Sorusu Çöz 2

Yökdil Sosyal Bilimleri 2018 Çıkmış Sorular Çöz (Part 7)- Yökdil Paragraf Sorusu Çöz 2

Tebrikler - Yökdil Sosyal Bilimleri 2018 Çıkmış Sorular Çöz (Part 7)- Yökdil Paragraf Sorusu Çöz 2 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
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Soru 1

Multiculturalism has become the official policy in many Western states and represents a liberal democratic attempt to promote ethnic and racial equality. It is based on the idea of displaying tolerance towards a range of cultural practices within the contexts of the nation-state. As a policy approach, it has been influential in educational and cultural spheres where it has underpinned attempts to introduce people to a range of different beliefs, values, customs and cultural practices. For example, the teaching of multi-faith religious education, the performance of rituals and the promotion of ethnic food became facets of educational policy. While multiculturalism as a strategy has much to offer, some critics argue that the process of relativizing cultures can, in the context of institutionally racist social orders, overlook the dimension of power. That is, the day-to-day experiences of racism in relation to housing, employment and physical violence may slip from view. Thus, critics of multiculturalism argue that we would be better served by an anti-racist approach that highlights the operations of power and challenges the ideological and structural practices that constitute racist societies.

We can understand from the text that multiculturalism -------.

aims for greater acceptance of different cultures
is against free religious education
cannot work without the support of political parties
causes great damage to the political structure of nation-states
is solely related to educational institutions
Soru 2

Multiculturalism has become the official policy in many Western states and represents a liberal democratic attempt to promote ethnic and racial equality. It is based on the idea of displaying tolerance towards a range of cultural practices within the contexts of the nation-state. As a policy approach, it has been influential in educational and cultural spheres where it has underpinned attempts to introduce people to a range of different beliefs, values, customs and cultural practices. For example, the teaching of multi-faith religious education, the performance of rituals and the promotion of ethnic food became facets of educational policy. While multiculturalism as a strategy has much to offer, some critics argue that the process of relativizing cultures can, in the context of institutionally racist social orders, overlook the dimension of power. That is, the day-to-day experiences of racism in relation to housing, employment and physical violence may slip from view. Thus, critics of multiculturalism argue that we would be better served by an anti-racist approach that highlights the operations of power and challenges the ideological and structural practices that constitute racist societies.

It is clear form the text that multiculturalism ..................

is only supported by ethnic multiculturalism.
has long been neglected in education
started as a reaction against the liberal democratic approach
advocates gender equality above everything else
encourages respect for and celebrates differences
Soru 3

Multiculturalism has become the official policy in many Western states and represents a liberal democratic attempt to promote ethnic and racial equality. It is based on the idea of displaying tolerance towards a range of cultural practices within the contexts of the nation-state. As a policy approach, it has been influential in educational and cultural spheres where it has underpinned attempts to introduce people to a range of different beliefs, values, customs and cultural practices. For example, the teaching of multi-faith religious education, the performance of rituals and the promotion of ethnic food became facets of educational policy. While multiculturalism as a strategy has much to offer, some critics argue that the process of relativizing cultures can, in the context of institutionally racist social orders, overlook the dimension of power. That is, the day-to-day experiences of racism in relation to housing, employment and physical violence may slip from view. Thus, critics of multiculturalism argue that we would be better served by an anti-racist approach that highlights the operations of power and challenges the ideological and structural practices that constitute racist societies.

Critics of multiculturalism believe that -------.

it allows ethnic minorities to use physical violence under certain circumstances
it may interfere with the cultural practices of ethnic minorities
it highlights the operations of power and challenges ideological practices
it may fail to address daily problems caused by racial intolerance
it ignores the rights of certain ethnic minorities living in the world
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