Tebrikler - YDS Paragraf Soruları 6 adlı sınavı başarıyla tamamladınız. Sizin aldığınız skor %%SCORE%% en yüksek skor %%TOTAL%%. Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
YDS Paragraf Soruları 6
Pain is a signal that protects us from harmful
stimuli.An excess of any type of stimulus such as
pressure, heat, cold, excessive mechanical
stretch, and specific chemical compounds
stimulates pain receptors. In the human body,
pain receptors are the tips of certain sensory
neurons found in almost every tissue. However,
most internal organs are poorly supplied with
pain receptors. For this reason, pain from
internal structures is often difficult to locate. In
fact, pain is often not projected back to the
organ that is stimulated. Instead, it is referred to
an area just under the skin that may be some
distance from the organ involved. The area to
which the pain is referred is connected to nerve
fibres from the same level of the spinal cord as
the organ involved.
According to the passage, although most
of ourbody is thoroughly equipped with
pain receptors, ----..
Pain is a signal that protects us from harmful
stimuli.An excess of any type of stimulus such as
pressure, heat, cold, excessive mechanical
stretch, and specific chemical compounds
stimulates pain receptors. In the human body,
pain receptors are the tips of certain sensory
neurons found in almost every tissue. However,
most internal organs are poorly supplied with
pain receptors. For this reason, pain from
internal structures is often difficult to locate. In
fact, pain is often not projected back to the
organ that is stimulated. Instead, it is referred to
an area just under the skin that may be some
distance from the organ involved. The area to
which the pain is referred is connected to nerve
fibres from the same level of the spinal cord as
the organ involved.
It is pointed out in the passage that,
through pain, ----..
Pain is a signal that protects us from harmful
stimuli.An excess of any type of stimulus such as
pressure, heat, cold, excessive mechanical
stretch, and specific chemical compounds
stimulates pain receptors. In the human body,
pain receptors are the tips of certain sensory
neurons found in almost every tissue. However,
most internal organs are poorly supplied with
pain receptors. For this reason, pain from
internal structures is often difficult to locate. In
fact, pain is often not projected back to the
organ that is stimulated. Instead, it is referred to
an area just under the skin that may be some
distance from the organ involved. The area to
which the pain is referred is connected to nerve
fibres from the same level of the spinal cord as
the organ involved.
As can be understood from the passage,
the stimulation of pain receptors ----..
Pain is a signal that protects us from harmful
stimuli.An excess of any type of stimulus such as
pressure, heat, cold, excessive mechanical
stretch, and specific chemical compounds
stimulates pain receptors. In the human body,
pain receptors are the tips of certain sensory
neurons found in almost every tissue. However,
most internal organs are poorly supplied with
pain receptors. For this reason, pain from
internal structures is often difficult to locate. In
fact, pain is often not projected back to the
organ that is stimulated. Instead, it is referred to
an area just under the skin that may be some
distance from the organ involved. The area to
which the pain is referred is connected to nerve
fibres from the same level of the spinal cord as
the organ involved.
It is explained in the passage that when
a pain occurs in an internal organ, ----..
YDS sınavında çıkan paragraf sorularının zorluk derecesi nedir?
5 adet paragraf metni vardır. Bunların zorluk seviyesini 1’den 5’e kadar sıralayabiliriz.
1.Seviye paragraf sorusu; anlaşılması kolay günlük hayatta karşılaşabileceğimiz bir konu olmaktadır. Bu paragraf sorularından kesinlikle fire vermemeniz gerekir.
2.Seviye paragraf sorusu; biraz daha zor bir konudan gelebilmektedir. Ancak YDS gibi önemli bir sınava hazırlananlar için kolaylıkla çözülmesi kolay olan soru tarzları mevcuttur. Soruları iyi odaklanıldığı takdirde rahatlıkla çözülebilir.
3.Seviye paragraf sorusu; Orta seviyede biraz daha bilimsel konulardan sorulabilen bir metin sorusu olabilmektedir. Bilinmeyen kelime grupları karşınıza çıkabilmektedir.
4.Seviye paragraf sorusu; Bir tarih olayı, bir araştırma metni v.b. konulardan gelebilir. Tarihsel olaylar akışı , özel kelime grupları karşımıza çıkabilmektedir. Metnin vermek istediği mesaja yağunlaşmakta fayda vardır.
5.Seviye paragraf sorusu; Tıp alanında yapılan çalışmalar, buluşlar, hastalıklar v.b. bir soru tarzı olabilir. Özel bir kelime (hastalık, ilaç, semptom v.b.) kelime üzerinden konu devam edebilir. Üst seviye kelime bilgisine ihtiyaç duyulabilir. Sıkı çalışma gerektirir.YDS paragraf soruları çözme teknikleri nelerdir?
Sınavlarda karşılaştığım tecrübeleri sizinle paylaşıyorum. Kesinlikle böyle çözülür siye bir yöntem yoktur.
*Metnin vermiş olduğu genel konuyu kavramaya çalışın. Bu size metni anlama konusunda büyük fayda sağlayacaktır.
*Metnin zamanı geçmiş mi? , gelecek mi? , şimdiki zaman mı? Hangi zaman dilimden bahsediyor? Zaman size konuyu kavrama konusunda yardımcı olacaktır.
*Metnin ilk cümlesi genelde paragarafın ana konusu olmaktadır. İlk cümle genel bir ifadeyle başlar ve devamında o genel ifade etrafında döner. Açıklamalar bu konu etrafında dönmektedir.
*Cümle içerisindeki bağlaçlara dikkat ediniz. Zıtlık veya paralellik gösteren bağlaçlardan soru sorulmaktadır.
*Bilmediğiniz kelimelere takılıp kalmayınız. Bilmediğiniz kelimelere ‘x’ deyip geçiniz. Çünkü kelimeye takıldığınızda anlam bütünlüğünden uzaklaşırsınız.
*Paragrafın başlığı nedir? Sorusunun cevabı ya ilk cümlede yada cümlenin genelini kapsayan bir başlık olarak aranmalıdırRecent post title
YDS İngilizce Paragraf Soruları 6
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1
it is in the internal organs that they
function most efficiently
they are mostly located in the tissues of
some internal organs
the pain caused by heat and cold is much
stronger than other kinds of pain
this is not true for all the internal organs
some of them are far more sensitive than
Soru 2
the area in an internal organ which is most
affected by a harmful stimulus can be
identified right away
the relationship between the spinal cord
and an internal organ becomes extremely
the function of the organs in the body is
seriously reduced
we become aware of those stimuli in the
body that can have an adverse effect
it is extremely easy to determine the
excess of a harmful stimulus in an internal
Soru 3
depends a great deal on the kind of
chemical compounds found in the body
occurs when any tissue in the body is
takes place only if the stimulus endangers
the organs
is much stronger in an internal organ than
in any other area of the body
clearly indicates the somatic importance
of the spinal cord
Soru 4
it is usually felt in an area under the skin,
which may not be close to the organ itself
pain receptors throughout the body begin
to work efficiently
it is obvious that the organ cannot cope
with a wide range of harmful stimuli
the connection between the organ and the
spinal cord is seriously disrupted
it can be located immediately through the
work of certain sensory neurons
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